
Oneida Telephone is published annually

A good neighbor since 1905.

+ 315-865-5201 + 1-800-765-6278 +

Providing Voice, Data, and Business Solutions; backed by three generations, 110+ years of expertise and an expanding fiber network.



Holland Patent, NY

Emergency Numbers

Please write in the names and telephone numbers you need in case of emergency.


911 911 911 911

Floyd Fire Dept.

Holland Patent Fire Dept.

Stittville Fire Dept.

Westernville Fire Dept.

or dial “0” (Operator) for assistance...

TTY: Dial 711 where 911 is not available or if 911 is busy or does not answer.

1. Tell the Operator “This is an emergency call”

2. Give the operator the number of the telephone you are calling from and say for example:

LIFE LINE - TTY FOR THE DEAF DIAL “1” & THEN 800-342-4357 (HELP) or 711


“I want to report a fire” “I want a policeman” “I want the State Police”, etc.

state police

MARCY - 315-736-0121


Oneida County Sheriff’s Dept 315-337-3710 315-736-0141

3. If you cannot stay at the telephone, tell the operator the exact location where help is needed.



office home


Other Important Numbers Central New York

Dig Safely New York...................................................... 811 or 1-800-962-7962 Poison Control Center.............................................................. 1-800-222-1222 Federal Bureau of Investigation ......................................... Utica 315-732-2157 If No Answer ............................................................... Albany 518-465-7551 N.Y.S. Child Abuse Reporting Service ............................Albany 800-342-3720 Mobile Crisis Assessment Team (MCAT).................................... 315-732-6228 Telecommunications Service Priority System ...........................1-703-607-4933 U. S. Secret Service.................................................... Syracuse 315-448-0344 Oneida County Health Dept. Environmental Division .................315-798-5064


Holland Patent, NY

Consumer Information

Warning: Emergency Calls on Party Lines

New York State law requires you to hang up a party line telephone immediately when told the line is needed for an emergency call. The law defines an “emergency call” as a call “to a police or fire department, or for medical aid or ambulance service, necessitat ed by a situation in which human life or property is in jeopardy and prompt summoning of aid is essential.” Complaints If you have a complaint or service problem, please call the busi ness office at 315-865-5201. Should the problem require further assistance, ask to speak to a Supervisor. We are here to help. Unresolved Complaints “If the telephone company fails to satisfactorily resolve a service or billing complaint within a reasonable period of time, customers may refer their problems to the Office of Consumer Services of the New York State Public Service Commission by writing to: 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12223 or by calling 1-800-342-3377.”

Annoyance Calls If you receive a malicious or annoying phone call, hang up. Don’t keep talking. That is what the caller wants. If the calls persist, please contact your Telephone Business Office. Our represen tatives are specially trained to help you. In difficult cases, our Annoyance Call Bureau will work closely with you and police offi cials to catch offenders. It is a crime under both Federal and New York law to make a telephone call for annoying or harassing purposes or, in the case of the Federal law, to knowingly permit a telephone under one’s control to be used for such purposes. This includes calls in which the caller remains silent, as well as those in which the offender is threatening or obscene. Other Utilities Unresolved complaints concerning electric, gas and private wa ter companies also can be referred to the Office of Consumer Services of the New York State Public Service Commission by writing to: 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12223 or by calling 1-800-342-3377. For complaints concerning the improper disconnection of or refusal to provide electric or gas service, call toll free 1-800-342-3355.


Holland Patent, NY

Doing Business With Us/ Statement of Nondiscrimination

Your service representative will help you with orders for new or additional service, repairs, billing matters, rates, calling cards, listings in the directory or Yellow Pages service, or other matters about telephone service you may desire. Dial your business office telephone number listed below - no charge.


Location: 9560 Main St. Holland Patent, NY 13354 Phone: 315-865-5201 Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday-Thursday, Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Manager: Your telephone Manager is Heather Kirkland.

REPAIR SERVICE For repairs or buried cable information, dial 315-624-2033 BILL PAYMENTS

BY MAIL: Please mail payments to Oneida County Telephone Company, PO Box 402, Holland Patent, NY 13354. When mailing payments, please return original portion of your bill with the payment and retain the copy for your records. Be sure to write your telephone number on the check to ensure proper application of payment to your account. IN PERSON: Bills may be paid in person at Oneida County Telephone Company, 9560 Main St., Holland Patent. Method of payment is check, cash, MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express. A night depository box is located to the right of the door for after-hours drop offs. OVER PHONE: MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express ONLINE: View and Pay your bill online with our Web Portal. Payments can be made with a Pay Pal account or with a MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express. To sign up, please call customer service. AUTOPAY: Pay your bill automatically the first of each month—without the hassle of check writing, stamp, mailing and due dates— because your exact bill amount is billed automatically to your MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express. Please call customer service for details. Oneida County Telephone Company is the recipient of Federal financial assistance from the Rural Electrification Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and is subject to the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, and the rules and reg ulations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture which provide that no person in the United States on the basis of race, color, national origin, age or handicap shall be excluded from participation, admission or access to, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any of this organization’s programs or activities. The person responsible for coordinating this organization’s nondiscrimination compliance efforts is Theresa Jalowiec, VP of People and Talent. Any individual, or specific class of individuals, who feels that this organization has subjected them to discrimination may obtain further information about the statues and regulations listed above from and/or file a written complaint with this organization; or the Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250; or the Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, Washington, D.C. 20250. Complaints must be filed within 180 days after the alleged discrimination. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible.


Holland Patent, NY

Dialing Instructions

Listen for the dial tone, then dial as follows:

Your local calling area dial _______________________________________________________________ 10-digit number Outside your local calling area ➤ station to station calls: ...................................................................................................................................................................10-digit number outside the 315/680 area .................................................................................................. 1 + area code + local number

➤ person to person, collect and credit card calls: within the 315 area .............................................................................................................................. “0” + local number outside 315 area .............................................................................................................“0” + area code + local number

To find your local calling area — see page 6

General Areas Served By Telephones Listed In This Directory telephones beginning with 315 general areas served 245, 599, 820, 964. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Camden 225, 240, 271, 281, 330, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 356, 371, 533, 571, 617, 795, 832, 838. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rome 231, 280, 361, 363, 366, 367, 440, 491, 606, 615, 693, 886. . Oneida 495 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Munnsville 599 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Osceola 447, 633, 655, 697, 875. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Canastota 223, 235, 266, 269, 272, 275, 292, 316, 327, 351, 368, 404, 507, 520, 525, 526, 527, 534, 542, 570, 580, 601, 624, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 749, 765, 768, 790, 792, 793, 794, 796, 797, 798, 799, 801, 864, 880, 922, 927, 939, 941, 982 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Utica 264, 415, 761, 762, 813, 897. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sylvan Beach 306, 821, 843. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oriskany Falls 204,723,822,855 ...........................WestWinfield 827, 851. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Westernville 794, 817, 829, 843, 953. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vernon 205, 831. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Remsen 259, 822, 839. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clayville 202, 821, 841, 861. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Waterville 843 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Knoxboro 381, 557, 853, 859. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clinton 855 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leonardsville 855,861,899..............................NorthBrookfield 206, 865. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Holland-Patent 896 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Barneveld 855,861,899...................................Brookfield 348, 356, 358, 942, 943. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boonville 599, 625, 964. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Williamstown


Holland Patent, NY

Local Calling

From HOLLAND-PATENT —telephones starting with 315/865

• to telephones in your local calling area ---------------------------------------------------dial local number

709 795 832 838

337 338 339 356 371 533 571 617 570 580 601 624 721 722 723 724 725 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 749

225 240 271 281 330 334 335 336 223 235 266 269 272 275 292 316 327 351 368 404 507 520 525 526 527 534 542







765 768 790 792 793 794 796 797 798 799 801 864 880 922 927 939 941 982















827, 851 206, 865 896

Westernville Holland-Patent Barneveld

from WESTERNVILLE —telephones starting with 315/827

• to telephones in your local calling area ---------------------------------------------------dial local number

832 838

338 339 356 371 533 571 617 709 795

225 240 271 281 330 334 335 336 337




Westernville Holland-Patent


827, 851 206, 865



796 797 798 799 801 864 880 922 927 939 941 982

732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 749 765 768 790 792 793 794

526 527 534 542 570 580 601 624 721 722 723 724 725 728 731

223 235 266 269 272 275 292 316 327 351 368 404 507 520 525










your local calling area - - - - dial local number


Holland Patent, NY

Long Distance


Collect calls You may call collect if the person or firm you are calling agrees to pay the charges. Dial the call and when the Operator answers, say you’re placing a collect call and give your name. The Operator will leave the line when the person you’ve called accepts the charges. Time and charges When placing a long distance call, you can ask the Operator to tell you the length of time you talked and how much it cost. Dial the call, and when the Operator answers, say that you will want time and charges when the call is completed. The Operator will ask you to stay on the line at the end of the conversation. Person-to-person calls This is the most expensive type of long distance call. Call person-to-person when you wish to reach a particular person or extension number. Dial the call and when the Operator answers, give the name of the person you wish to talk to. The Operator will leave the line when the person you’re calling has


How to make a Directory Assistance Call: Within Your Area Code, dial: 315-555-1212 Outside Your Area Code, dial: 1 + Area Code + 555-1212 There is a fee to make directory assistance calls. Call for details 315-865-5201

answered the telephone. “900” number blocking

If you are concerned about the possibility of some one in your home or office placing “900” number calls, the telephone company can help block such calls from being completed over your tele phone line. At no charge to you, a company representative will activate a blocking service that will stop calls beginning with the 900 code. No block is guaranteed since new sites are frequently added. Mobile calls-air-land-marine


There is no charge to you when you call “800” telephone numbers.

You can make local and long distance calls to automobiles, trucks, aircraft, boats and ships. Ask the “Operator” for the Mobile or Marine Operator.

To call an “800” number, dial: 1 + 800 + 7-digit number

All calls to “800” telephone numbers are station-to-station calls. Area Codes Area Codes for some cities are listed on page 9. For other cities not shown on this page, dial “0” (Operator). This will connect you to a Verizon operator.


To place collect, time and charges or person-to-person calls: To place an Operator-assisted call:

within the 315 area, dial: 0 + 7-digit number

outside the 315 area, dial: 0 + Area Code + 7-digit number


Holland Patent, NY










General Consumer Information



Oneida County Telephone Company reserves the right to refuse a listing that does not conform to directory specifications or which does not constitute a legally authorized or adopted name. This includes any listing, which is likely to mislead or deceive calling parties as to the identity of the listed party, in tended for advertising to secure a more preferential position in the directory, or is more elaborate than is reasonably necessary to identify the listed party. Oneida County Telephone Company may, upon notification to the customer, discontinue any listing found to be in violation of the foregoing regulations. Pursuant to FCC requirements, if you have chosen Non-Listed or Non-Pub lished service, your billing name and address will be shared with your long distance providers for billing purposes, unless you elect to withhold this information. To request a block on the provision of this information, please call your local business office. Non-Listed numbers may be displayed on Caller ID display units. To prevent display of your name and telephone number, press *67 (1167 for rotary), then the telephone number of the person you are calling. In some states, permanent blocking is also available by calling your local business office. Please be aware that the FCC has ruled that certain types of calls, including 911, 900, 976, and toll free numbers (800, 888, 877, etc.), are exempt from Caller ID blocking. Non-Published and Non-Listed numbers will be forward ed on calls to these service providers, even if per call or per line blocking is activated.


As a protection, you can call your Oneida County Telephone service rep resentative and request that no changes are made to your long distance unless you contact us directly by phone or in writing. SPEECH-TO-SPEECH New Yorkers with speech disabilities can now talk with anyone, anywhere they want via the telephone. This means people living with cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s disease, those living with the aftermath of a stroke or traumatic brain injury, those who stutter or who have had a laryngectomy can now all use the telephone to speak with one another. Speech-to-Speech (STS) Relay is available in your area! To make a STS call, dial 1-877-662-4234 or 711 where you will reach an opera tor specially trained to understand a wide variety of speech disabilities. The operator restates, to the person called, verbatim what the caller has said. At no time does the operator participate in the conversation. STS calls are billed the same as if you dialed your party directly; there is no extra fee for using the Relay Center. If you would like more information on Speech-to-Speech Relay or any other NY Relay offering, contact our business office at 315-865-5201 or The New York Relay Service Customer Service Center at: 1-800-676-3777 (TTY/VOICE), 711, via the internet at, or The NY Relay Inquiry Line at 1-800 664-6349 (VOICE) or 1-800-835-5515 (TTY).


Holland Patent, NY


To ensure a continuing supply of telephone numbers, the new 680 area code was added to the area served by 315. The new 680 area code serves the same geographic area currently served by the existing 315 area code which covers the west-central portion of New York, serving communities such as Syracuse, Utica, and Watertown. This is known as an area code overlay. What is an area code overlay? An overlay is the addition of another area code (680) to the same geographic region as an existing area code (315). An overlay does not require customers to change their existing area code. How does this affect telephone directory publishers? Telephone Directories covering the 315 area code region must add the new 680 area code information and alert customers in the 315 area code about the new 10-digit local dialing procedure. What will be the new dialing procedure?

To complete local calls, the new dialing procedure requires callers to dial the area code + telephone number. This means that all calls in the 315 area code that were dialed with seven digits are now dialed using ten digits (area code + telephone number). The same dialing procedure will apply to telephone numbers assigned to the new 680 area code. When will the change begin? Effective March 12, 2016, callers began using the new dialing procedure (area code + telephone number) whenever local calls are placed from the 315 area code.

Beginning February 11, 2017, callers used the new dialing procedure, as described above, for all local calls. After this date, if callers did not use the new dialing procedures, the call would not be completed and a recording would instruct the caller to hang up and dial again.

Beginning March 11, 2017, new telephone lines or services could be assigned numbers using the new 680 area code.

What will remain the same?

• Your customer’s telephone number, including current area code, did not change. • The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services did not change due to the overlay. • What is a local call now remained a local call regardless of the number of digits dialed. • Callers continued to dial 1 + area code + telephone number for all calls to other area codes (outside of 315 and 680). • Callers can still dial just three digits to reach 911. • If 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 or 811 are currently available in the caller’s community, these codes can still be dialed with just three digits.

Customers with questions about the dialing procedure, please call Oneida County Telephone at 315-865-5201, or they can visit the New York Public Ser vice Commission’s website


Holland Patent, NY










Custom Calling Features





If you have an incoming call while you’re already on the line, the Call Waiting feature will alert you. You may then put the first party on hold while you catch your second call. It will greatly reduce missed calls due to a busy phone! Here’s How Your Call Waiting Feature Alerts You • A beep tone tells you another call is waiting. Only you hear this tone. • Another reminder tone will be heard 10 seconds later if the waiting call remains unanswered. • The second caller hears the normal ringing tone only. To Answer the Second Call • Depress the switchhook/plunger or flash button to place your first call on hold. • You will automatically be connected with the second caller. To Alternate Between Calls • By depressing the switchhook/plunger or flash button, you may alternate between calls. • Each conversation is private and cannot be heard by the other caller. To Terminate Either Call • Simply hang up. • Your telephone will then ring. • When you answer it, you’ll be connected with the other caller. This feature lets you turn an everyday two-way phone call into a three-way conversation. It’s easy! To Add A Third Party • First, to hold your existing call, depress the switchhook/ plunger or flash button. • Upon receiving a special dial tone, dial the third number (Speed Calling codes may be used if you also have this feature.) • While waiting for the third party to answer, you may do one of the following: A. You may depress the switchhook or flash button again to return the second party to the line, OR B. Wait until the third party answers so you may talk privately before completing your three-way connection. With your third party on the line, depress the switchhook/plunger for a second to add the holding party. Your Three-Way Call is nowin effect. If for some reason the call to the third party is not completed, depress the switchhook/plunger or flash button twice to get back to your held party. To Disconnect The Third Party • Depress the switchhook/plunger for about a second. You will now have only the original party on the line. To Disconnect Completely • Simply hang up. • If either of the other two parties hangs up, you can continue to talk to the one remaining. THREE-WAY CALLING

This feature means your phone can transfer incoming calls to another number of your choice. Call Forwarding is great for the business person who wants to catch after-hours business calls at home, or for anyone who doesn’t want to miss an important call. To Forward Your Calls • Lift the receiver and listen for the dial tone. • Dial “ 72” (Touch Call Phone) OR “1172” (Rotary Dial Phone). • Listen for the special dial tone. • Now, dial the number where you wish your calls forwarded, (Speed Calling codes may be used if you also have this feature). • When someone answers at the forwarded number, Call Forwarding is put into effect. If there’s no answer, or the line is busy, hang up and repeat the previous steps. If you do this within two minutes, you’ll hear two beeps meaning your Call Forwarding feature is in effect. Once you’ve activated Call Forwarding, the phone will make one short ring each time a call is forwarding. However, you can still make out-going calls from this phone. If you wish to change the number your calls are being transferred to, just dis continue the first (see below), and redirect your calls using the above steps. To Discontinue Call Forwarding • Lift the receiver and listen for the dial tone. • Dial “*73” (Touch Call Phone) OR “1173” (Rotary Dial Phone). • Listen for confirmation tone. Call Forwarding is now discontinued. Now you can call up to 8 (up to 30 for business) of your most frequently dialed numbers just by dialing a one or two-digit code. This includes long distance DDD number. To Establish Your Speed Calling List • Lift the receiver and listen for the dial tone. • Dial “*74” (Touch Call Phone) or “1174” (Rotary Dial Phone). • Listen for the special dial tone. • Dial one of the 8 one-digit access code numbers (2-9) within 4 seconds. (Or one of the 30 two-digit access code numbers (20-49) within 4 seconds). • Then dial the number you wish to Speed Code. (For long distance entries, dial “1” and the area code before the number). • Then depress the # button. (With rotary dial phone, skip this step and allow a 4-second pause). • Listen for a confirmation tone to indicate your Speed Calling number is established and then hang up. At any time you may repeat this process for each number you wish to Speed Code, assigning each a different code number. To Use Your Speed Calling Feature • Lift the receiver and listen for the dial tone. • Dial the appropriate one-digit access number (2-9). (Or, for business, dial the appropriate two-digit access numbers (20-49). • Push the # button. (With a rotary dial phone, skip this step and allow a 4-second pause for your number to be connected). SPEED CALLING


Holland Patent, NY










Additional Calling Features



• From this point you will be guided through the set-up process. At each step, the voicemail system will repeat your entry and give you the opportunity to change or to retain your selection. • Select your personal password. Choose a number with 4 to 6 digits and press the # key. • Record Your Name. Press the # key. Your name acts as a label for your mailbox. • Record Your Personal Greeting. Press the # key. This is the greeting that your callers will hear. Greeting Example- “Hello. You’ve reached _____________. Your call is important to us. Please leave a message after the tone and we will get back to you as soon as possible.” Please call the Business Office for a pamphlet on the Voice Mail Service.


Call Number ID: Enables you to read a display of the telephone number of an incoming call. Calls that have been placed through an operator, calling card or from lines that have blocking options will not be displayed.


This feature is used in conjunction with Caller ID. It allows the subscriber to automatically stop certain calls from ringing their phone. The calls that are stopped are “restricted,” namely they would be displayed as “private” on a subscriber’s caller ID devise. The person who makes such a call would hear, “we’re sorry, the party you have reached is not accepting private calls. To make your call, hang up, dial *82 or 1182 on a rotary phone.”

Turn feature on *77 Turn feature off *87

Call Return

Call Return will automatically dial the number of the party who last called you. All you have to do is dial *69 (1169 from rotary/pulse telephones).


Distinctive Ring enables one telephone line to ring in two distinctly different patterns by assigning an additional telephone number to the existing line. The phone will ring with one ring pattern when one number is dialed and with another ring pattern when the alternate number is dialed.

Repeat Dialing

With repeat dialing you will not have to waste time dialing and redialing a busy number. Simply dial *66 (1166 from rotary/pulse telephones) and your phone will dial the last number you called. If the line is busy, Repeat Dialing continues to dial until it gets through or up to 30 minutes after you tried the number. To cancel you request dial *86 (1186 from rotary/pulse telephones).


To use this feature, lift the handset and listen for the dial tone then dial *70 and listen for a special dial tone. (On a rotary dial phone, dial 1170 and wait a few seconds.) Now dial the number you wish to call. For use with the computer, program the *70 before your local access number for your internet provider.

Call Forward Busy

When your line is busy, your callers can reach someone else. This feature is use in connection with your computer. When you are online and your line is busy the call is forwarded to a call alert number that allows you to know you have a message or caller. You can choose to stay online and reach the caller once you are off the computer.


Voice Mail records your callers’ messages when you are not able to answer your phone. Similar to an answering machine, it stores the messages so that you can play them back at a convenient time or even listen to your mes sages when you are away from your home. Unlike an answering machine, Voice Mail takes messages even when your phone is busy or during a power outage. It records the date and time of every message.

Per Call Block

Per Call Block displays your number to Call ID subscribers, however if you choose to prevent your number from being displayed to a Call ID subscriber, dial *67 (1167 from rotary/pulse telephones), wait for the dial tone, then pro ceed to dial the telephone number.


All Call Block

The first time you use Oneida County Telephone Voice mail Service, you will be asked to set up your mailbox. You will have to create a personal pass word, record your name and your personal greeting. • *99 • Interrupt the system “default” greeting by pressing the * key to begin the set up process. • Enter the “default” password - 0 0 0 0 0 0 • Press the * key

All nonpublished customers have an All Call Block on their line. If you call a subscriber with Call ID and Anonymous Call Rejection to complete the call you need to press *82 (1182 from rotary/pulse telephones), wait for the dial tone, then proceed to dial the telephone number. You can add this feature even if you have a regularly published line.


Holland Patent, NY

General Information

Network Interface Installation Private line residence and business service cus tomers can now take advantage of considerable savings in monthly rates by having Oneida Coun ty Telephone install a Network Interface on the ex terior of their dwelling or office building. After the installation of the Network Interface, customers can provide all their own internal premises wiring and telephones, thus avoiding all monthly wire charges from the telephone company, except for the access line charge (dial tone). This Network Interface has a modular outlet built in for test ing purposes so customers can check their own equipment before calling the telephone company for any “out of service” conditions. This Network Interface can be installed on existing service and/ or new service requests. Contact your local busi ness office representative for details. New York Relay Service This service relays calls between a person using a Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) and any other telephone user within the state. The service also works in reverse, allowing a person with a telephone to call a TDD user. Spe cially trained personnel are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to relay calls. There is no extra charge to use the service. Toll free 800 numbers are available to use the service or obtain additional information. All users dial 711 or If you have a TDD, dial: 1-800-662-1220 If you have a telephone, dial: 1-800-421-1220 Long distance or locally charged calls placed through the New York Relay Service will be billed at AT&T or local telephone company rates. A copy of the tariff for Oneida County Telephone Company is available in the business office for review by the public. New Relay Information All users dial 711 or TTY Users (Hearing and Speech Impaired only)-1-800-662-1220 Voice (Non-TTY) Users - 1-800-421-1220 Voice Carry-Over Users (VCO) - 1-877-826-6977 ASCII Users - 1-800-584-2849 General Inquiries: TTY Users (Hearing and Speech Impaired only) - 1-800-835-5515 Voice (Non-TTY) Users - 1-800-664-6349

Connections of Customer Provided Terminal Equipment and Communications Systems Highlights of Rules for Residence Customers The following is a brief outline of the highlights of the rules relating to the connection by residence customers of customer-owned telephones. 1. Customer provided telephones may be connected through a jack furnished by the subscriber. 2. The customer is responsible for installation, maintenance and repair of his own telephones. If the telephone causes trouble to any telephone users except the customer and people who call the customer, it must be disconnected until the trouble is fixed. 3. If a Telephone Company repairman visits a customer’s premises because of a service difficulty or trouble report, caused by the customer’s equipment, or facilities, there is a maintenance service charge per visit. 4. Before any repair visit to a premises where customer-provided equipment or wiring are connected in accordance with tariff regulations, the customer shall be advised that if trouble is found to be in the customer’s equipment or wiring, the maintenance service charge will apply. 5. If any rules relating to the connection of customer-owned telephones are not observed, telephone service may be suspended or, if necessary to prevent harm to persons or facilities, service may be immediately disconnected. 6. Customers providing their own telephones will continue to pay a monthly charge for access to and use of the telephone network as well as a charge for other facilities related to extension service. 7. Customers with party-line service or those with complex wiring arrangements will not be able to buy their inside wire. Call a Service Representative for details.

Recording Telephone Conversations It is a crime under federal and N.Y. State laws for any person, including a telephone subscrib er on his own phone, to wiretap or mechanically, electronically or otherwise intercept a phone call, unless that person has first obtained consent of one of the parties actually participating in the call. Properly-authorized law enforcement officers can engage in interceptions without consent of either party when proceeding under court orders issued pursuant to applicable provisions of federal or state laws. The penalty for illegal recording can be imprisonment and/or a fine. When you hear a “beep” tone A short “beep” tone heard on your telephone line about every 15 seconds means that the person with whom you are talking is recording your con versation. This signal is required by the telephone company for your protection. Use of a recorder without a recorder-connector containing a tone warning device is contrary to the Company’s tar iffs and not permitted. Telephone safety The telephone is one of the safest appliances in your home or office, but there are a few situations where a telephone user should be cautious. • Do not use the telephone while you are in the bathtub, shower, or swimming pool. Putting the telephone in water could cause a shock. • Avoid using the telephone during electrical storms in your immediate area. Urgent calls should be brief. Oneida County Rural Telephone Co. uses protective measures to limit electrical surges from entering your home, but absolute protection is impossible. • If you suspect a gas leak, report it immediately, but use a telephone away from the area in question. The telephone’s electrical contacts could create a tiny spark when you dial. While unlikely, it is possible that this spark could ignite heavy concentrations of gas.


Holland Patent, NY

Helpful Hints

Note to Oneida County Telephone Customers

To sign up for the National Do Not Call Registry, visit or Call the FTC’s tollfree number at 1-888-382-1222, for TTY users, 866-290-4236. Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) Oneida County Rural Telephone respects our custom ers’ right to privacy. Customers have a right & Oneida County Rural Telephone has a duty, under Federal Law, to protect the confidentiality of CPNI. CPNI is any in formation that relates to the quantity, technical config uration, type, destination, location, and amount of use of a telecommunications service subscribed to by any customer of a telecommunications carrier, and that is made available to the carrier by the customer solely by virtue of the carrie-rcustomer relationship. CPNI also includes information contained in the bills pertaining to the telephone exchange service or telephone toll service received by a customer of a carrier. We may use or share CPNI information with our affiliates, agents, and con tractors solely for the purpose of developing or bringing to your attention any products or services. You have the right to deny our use of your CPNI for these purposes. Denying approval for us to use your CPNI will not affect your current services. Granting approval will enhance our ability to offer you new products and services tai lored to your needs. For more information on CPNI, call your Service Representative at (315) 865-5201. Telephone Sales Call Restrictions You should be aware that the New York State General Business Law, Section 399-p, forbids certain practices relating to telephone sales calls and the use of automat ic dialers. In general, under the law, persons making sales calls to consumers must identity the individual or business on whose behalf the call is being made as well as the pur pose of the call. Automatic dialing devices must provide similar information and, in most cases, the address of the individual or business. The automatic device must disconnect immediately from the line when either the called or calling party hangs up. Further, telephone solicitors must also take steps to pre vent future calls to consumers who specifically ask not to be called again. Telemarketers and most users of automatic dialers may not place calls to emergency telephone lines, to law en forcement agencies, or to certain types of health care facilities (such as hospitals and nursing homes). Lawsuits may be filed by the Attorney General or by any person who receives a call in violation of certain of the restrictions mentioned above.

4. If calls persist, try to listen for any distinguishing background noises, voices, etc. and call your local law enforcement agency and your telephone company business office representative at 315-865- 5201. Our representatives are trained to help you and in severe cases with police officials to catch the offender. It is a crime under New York and Federal laws for anyone to make obscene or harassing phone calls. These laws impose penalties of imprisonment and/or a fine. Lifeline Service Discount You may be eligible for a discount on your monthly tele phone service if you receive assistance from one of the following programs: • Food Stamps • Medicaid • Persons with a non-service related disability and receiving Veterans Disability Pension or Veterans Surviving Spouse Pension • Persons who are eligible to receive benefits from one or more of the programs listed above but are not currently receiving benefits from that program. For more information about this discount or to obtain an application, please call the Business Office at 315 865-5201. You may also visit for more information. About Telephone Sales Calls Many people enjoy receiving telephone calls at home from companies offering them information about prod 2. If you think you may be interested but want to know more, ask the caller to mail information about the offer. 3. If you are not interested, just cut in and say so. 4. If you don’t want to get another call from that company, ask the person to take your name off the company’s list. If you want to reduce the number of your at-home tele phone solicitation calls from national companies, write to: • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) • Federal Public Housing Assistance ucts or services that they may need or want. When you receive a telephone sales call: 1. Find out who is calling.

Included in the preliminary pages of our Holland Patent Di rectory are some services, rates and regulations which do not apply to Oneida County Rural Telephone. Read these carefully, and to avoid confusion, call your Business Office representative to review what applies to our company. Savings On Long Distance There are a number of long distance options available for both Intrastate and Interstate calling. Tele phone your Business Office for more details on how you can save on your monthly phone bill. Look In The Book You can avoid Directory Assistance charges by looking up numbers in the directory. Also, jot down frequently called It costs less when you dial long distance calls yourself to telephone numbers within your Regional Calling Area. Collect, Calling Card and public (coin) phone calls re quire the services of an Operator, as do requests for time and charges and calls billed to another number. Calling person-to-person always costs the most. Selecting a Long Distance Company All customers have Equal Access available to them. Equal Access is a long distance dialing program which allows you to choose a primary long distance company to handle calls placed outside the Syracuse LATA. There is a charge per telephone line to change to a dif ferent primary long distance company. Primary Long Distance Company With Equal Access, your selected long distance compa ny will complete your calls outside the Syracuse LATA. The rates and regulations of this company apply to each of these calls. Information on LATA’s is found elsewhere in this directory. Victims Of Domestic Violence The Oneida County Telephone has a new program de signed for victims of domestic violence that are concerned about their directory listing information. Please call the Oneida County Company if you would like more informa tion concerning directory listing protections we now offer. How To Handle Obscene Or Harassing Calls If you receive any obscene, threatening or harassing calls, follow these suggestions: 1. HANG UP at the first obscene word or if the caller doesn’t say anything after the second time you say “Hello”. Do not slam the receiver hard into the phone cradle as this gives satisfaction to the caller that he has both bothered and distressed you. 2. Do not give your name, address or telephone number to anyone until the caller has been identified. 3. Strongly advise your children and sitters to give no information to strangers. If you are not home, have them simply tell the caller that “Mother/Father cannot come to the phone right now”. numbers and keep them handy. Dial Direct And Save

Telephone Preference Service Direct Marketing Association P.O. Box 9014 Farmingdale, N.Y. 11735 Contact ‘Do Not Call’ Registry

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), in conjunction with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), has established a national do-not-call registry for con sumers who wish to avoid receiving telemarketing calls. The national Do-Not-Call registry will not prevent all un wanted calls. It will not prevent calls from organizations with which the consumer has established a business re lationship; calls for which the consumer has given prior written consent; calls which are not commercial or do not include unsolicited advertisements; and calls by or on behalf of tax-exempt non-profit organizations.


Holland Patent, NY

Rights & Responsibilities

Basic Local Service - Your basic Local Service is the group of services that are necessary to provide you with dial tone, and all taxes and surcharges that apply to these services. Charges for unpublished numbers, construc tion, and touch-tone are included in this group. Non-Basic Local Service - This group includes the optional services that you choose to enhance your telephone service. Custom Calling Features, Inside Wire Maintenance, Directory Assistance are non-basic services. IntraLATA Toll Service - Per minute charges for calls placed to points that are within your LATA but out of your local calling area are separated from all other types of long distance charges. Other Services - Our telephone company bills for some other companies that provide long distance service, operator services, recorded information services or group conversation programs. Payments Your payments should reach us by the due date shown on the cover page of your bill. This will give us time to process and credit your payment. If we do not receive your payment by the time your next month’s bill is prepared, unpaid charges will appear on your next month’s bill and they will be added to your next month’s charges. Late Payment Charge - Residence customers whose payment is not re ceived when due will be charged a 1.5% per month late payment charge on the overdue portion of their bill. If you have installment billing, you will not pay a late payment charge on the deferred amount. If you have a deferred payment plan, all amounts covered by the plan will be exempt from a late payment charge. Any amounts not covered by a deferred payment plan will be subject to a late payment charge. The late payment charge does not apply to unpaid balances of charges you are questioning (known as “disputed charges”). However, undisputed amounts on the same bill will be subject to the late payment charge if you do not pay them on time.

As an Oneida County Telephone customer, you have certain rights and re sponsibilities. These rights and responsibilities result from New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) Rules Governing Provision of Telephone Service to Res idential Customers. Questions Or Problems When you have a problem with telephone service, you deserve our best ef forts at solving it. Start by talking with a telephone company representative. If you are not satisfied, you should ask to speak with a supervisor. If you are still not satisfied, you may write to the Public Service Commission (PSC), Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223. Or call the PSC in Albany, (518) 474-5527. All other areas, call toll free 1-800-342-3377. Billing Customers are mailed monthly bills that state several types of charges. Charges for basic service are billed one month in advance. A detailed listing of the items and charges that are included in your service appear on your monthly bill. Charges for installing or changing services usually appear on the first bill after your order is completed. Installation charges may be paid for in up to 12 interest-free installments.

Most customers have four categories of service: Basic Local Service, Non-Basic Local Service, IntraLATA Toll Service, and all other service.


Holland Patent, NY

Rights & Responsibilities

Disputed Charges - If you have a complaint that is related to a charge that is under investigation, you do not have to pay the amount being questioned until the complaint is resolved. However, all other amounts must be paid when they are due. Returned Checks - Should a bank return your check because of insufficient funds, and your check was a late response to a service disconnection no tice, we may turn off your service. However, if we have not received a check for insufficient funds from you within the past 12 months, we will make two attempts to reach you within 24 hours of receiving your check. If we reach you, you will have 24 hours to pay the amount of the returned check. If we cannot reach you, we may turn off your service There is a charge for any returned check. Payment Plans - If you are having problems that make it difficult to pay your bill on time, we will work with you to come up with a payment plan. We will take into account your financial situation and any income limits you have when working out a down payment and payment schedule. When you arrange for a deferred payment plan (DPA), you agree to make monthly payments toward past-due bills and to pay any new charges in full each month. Currently, a deferred payment plan is usually for up to $150 in past-due bills for basic local service and IntraLATA toll. It may be for more in certain special cases. Payment agreements are for a period of not less than 5 months unless you request a shorter period. You may participate in only one payment plan at a time. Quarterly Payment Plans are available. If you are 62 or older and your yearly telephone service costs are $150 or less, you may arrange to pay your bills every three months. Call your service representative to apply.

Partial Payments - If your payment is less than the total amount due, the telephone company will apply your payment to basic local service before we credit the other groups of service. In this way, you will not experience an interruption in your basic service. Your ability to use the other services, such as access to your long distance carrier, will be blocked until you have paid the full amounts owed for these services. (This policy does not apply to 4-party line customers.) Termination Of Service We may mail you a service disconnection notice for your service if we do not receive your payment of telephone charges 25 days from the date of your bill. If you do not contact us to pay your bill or arrange a payment agree ment, we may temporarily disconnect your service 20 days after the notice is mailed. Before turning off your service, we try to notify you at least once outside of normal business hours. We turn off service between 8AM and 4PM, Monday through Thursday. We do not turn off service when our business office is closed, on the day before a holiday, from December 23-26 or December 30 - January 2. If your service has been turned off, we will turn it on within 24 hours if you have paid the amount you owe or made a down payment as part of a de ferred payment plan. You will be charged a fee to restore your service and you may be required to pay a deposit.


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