
Rights & Responsibilities

Lifeline Service Lifeline Service is a program designed to make telephone and broadband service available at reduced rates to eligible residential custom- ers. The Federal Program assists low-income persons and the Missouri Universal Service Fund Program assists low-income or disabled persons. Eligible residential customers who apply for Lifeline Service will receive a reduction in their basic monthly service charge. Lifeline Service does not discount installation or service connection charges, long distance services, or calling features (Call Waiting, Call Forwarding, etc.). For information about Federal Lifeline Assistance or any other telephone and broadband assis- tance programs, you may contact our business office at 573-663-2000. Lifeline information can also be found at www.lifelinesupport.org or by calling 800-234-9473. To determine if you qual- ify for assistance, visit www.checklifeline.org . Public Service Commission This telephone company is regulated by the Missouri Public Service Commission, and you can make an informal complaint in writing or by telephone or personal appearance to the Commission without the need of legal assis- tance. The Commission’s office is located at: Governor Office Building, 200 Madison Street, P.O. Box 360, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102, and their toll free number is: 800-392-4211. Also, the Missouri Public Counsel, repre- senting the public before the Public Service Commission, has an office at: Governor Office Building, 200 Madison Street, Suite 650, P.O. Box 7800, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102. The Public Counsel’s telephone number is: 573-751- 4857 or toll free at 1-800-922-2959.

Rights and Responsibilities of Ellington Telephone Company and Our Customers Billing Ellington Telephone Co. will issue a bill not less than every 28 days or more than 31 days (except for number changes), outlining your toll calls, local service charges and federal, state and local taxes. Payment will be due upon receipt and will become delinquent 15 days after mailing. In the event your bill becomes delinquent, a ten-day notice will be sent before disconnecting your service. Basic local service will not be discontinued for non-pay- ment of any charges other than charges for basic local service. A restoral of service charge will be applied if your service is disconnected. Under our billing procedures and subject to rules established by the Missouri Public Service Commission, we may require a deposit or guarantee of payment. In the event your bill becomes delinquent when a member of your family has a medical emergen- cy requiring the continuance of your telephone service, please call the business office and we may continue your telephone service during such emergency for up to 21 days. Our tele- phone number is 663-2000. Arrangements can also be made with our business office to avoid discontinuance during a period of absence from your home. We will make every effort to clarify and resolve all disputes. Our business office is open from 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., Monday thru Friday (except holidays), for handling inquiries by telephone or by personal visit.


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