
Error On Your Bill If you have a question about your bill, call your local service representative. Explain the possible error to the representative who will help you. If the error cannot be resolved, please pay the undisputed charges on time so you’ll maintain a good payment record while the problem is being investigated. SERVICE AND BILLING If your payments are not received by the due date, or you do not meet your mutually agreed upon payment arrangements, your telephone service will be disconnected. How To Get Your Service Restored Your account must have a zero balance before your service can be reconnected, and you will be charged a restoration fee. You may be asked to pay a deposit. If there is more than one line on a membership, for example a residence line and a business line or the parent’s line and a teenager’s line, service can be disconnected on both lines for nonpayment in the event one of the bills is not paid. Pay Bills With WK&T’s Sma Hub You can arrange for your monthly bill to be charged against your credit, debit or checking account. You will be sent a bill each month marked as “paid” so you can reconcile your personal financial statements. Paying The Bill On Time So Your Service Will Not Be Disconnected

1. A call is considered disputed effective with the billing date when the customer contacts the telephone company. As stated, the dispute reve s to the date of the most recent billing for the customer which reflects the charge. 2. The customer’s account will not be assessed a penalty nor will the telephone service be disconnected until the end of the 60-day period has passed unless nondisputed charges are not paid in full. 3. The customer is provided with the appropriate telephone number of the company from which they were billed. This telephone number is printed on the top po ion of the customer’s bill. The telephone company does not intervene on behalf of the customer. 4. The customer has 60 days from the original billing date to resolve the situation or make payment. 5. At the end of this 60-day period, if resolution has not been made, the charge is due and payable by the customer. 6. During this time period, the customer will receive (two) 2 le ers from the telephone company. The first le er will be mailed upon notification of the customer of the dispute, and said le er will show the amount disputed and the final date of resolution. The second le er will follow 30 days a er the initial billing, reminding the customer of the resolution date, which will be the next billing. 7. At the end of the 60-day timetable, if resolution has not been made, the charge is owed by the customer and must be paid. If payment is not received, the customer will be assessed a penalty, and if payment is still not received by the time for disconnection, the telephone service can and will be disconnected.

Visit wk.sma hub.coop to log in or register for autopay options. Call the billing depa ment at 877-954-8748 for more information.

Disputes Of Telephone Calls By Alternate Carriers

When a customer disputes a telephone call on their bill, the following steps are to be taken to ensure the customer’s responsibility and the telephone company’s obligation to work with the customer. It is the customer’s obligation to repo the dispute. If not repo ed, all charges are due and payable prior to the next billing.


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