Establishing Or Transferring Phone Service • To establish or to transfer new residential phone service, please call your local service office or sign up for Sma Hub where you have 24/7 access to your account. Visit h ps://wk.sma hub.coop to log in or register. • To establish or to transfer business phone service, call or visit your local service office. To enable us to process your order to establish phone service, we will need to know your complete address and how you want to be listed in the directory. We also need to know about previous tele phone service in your name and other credit information. We will ask for identification and a number where you can be reached either at work or through a friend or relative until your service is established. Installation Rates Installation rates will vary with the needs of your service. There are many steps involved in installing your phone service, but not every customer needs each step. The amount of work needed to install phone service for you will depend on the type of facilities and service you want. Deposit Policy Customers may be asked to pay a deposit to establish telephone service. The amount of your deposit is determined when you apply for service. Deposits are also required when a customer’s payment history warrants. Deposits are based on a two-month billing. This deposit is required when the account is either late six or more times during a one-year period or the account is disconnected. If service has not been maintained for one year, the deposit will be required based on the number of delinquencies which equals to half or more the time the phone service has been installed. SERVICE AND BILLING
Your Telephone Bill — How You Are Billed Payment is due upon receipt. Charges for local service and equip ment are billed one month in advance. Repair charges are billed a er they have been placed. How, When, & Where To Pay Your Bill Customers are responsible for all charges incurred. Payment is due upon receipt of the monthly bill and should be paid no later than 30 days from the date of that bill to avoid a penalty. Your payment due date is at the bo om of your bill. Your payment is considered past due if not paid by that date. You can mail your payment or pay your bill at your local service office. Payment may be made by credit card. You can save time if you use your pay ment po ion of your bill when paying in person. There is a charge for each returned check.
Pay your bill online at h ps://wk.sma hub.coop
Pay your bill by phone at: 1-855-385-9908
You Will Be Billed For Changes In Your Service
All changes, except termination of service and disconnection of ce ain options, require a service charge. The amount you are charged depends on the type of change requested. Consult your service representative for different services.
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