
How To Handle Telephone Sales Calls Many people enjoy receiving telephone calls at home offering them information about products and services that they may need or want. If you want to reduce the number of at-home solicitation calls that you receive from national companies, write to: CUSTOMER INFORMATION

Additional Business Listings can put your name as well as your business’s name in the White Pages. Alternate Call Listings give another phone number for a er-hours calls or if there is no one to answer at the first phone number. Every effo is made to make the directory as accurate as possible. If an error occurs, please advise the service office so the listing can be corrected in future directories. Adve ising Telephone Numbers Residence telephone numbers are installed with the understanding that they will be used for normal social activities and not in connection with any business. Adve ising residence telephone numbers for business purposes will be considered sufficient cause for the cooperative to charge business rates. Kentucky-Tennessee Dual Pa y Relay Service The Kentucky and Tennessee Relay Centers are a seven days a week, 24 hours a day center for relaying telephone calls — personal or business — to speech/hearing-impaired telephone customers. To use the center in your state, speech- or hearing-impaired callers, using their TDDs, dial as follows:

Telephone Preference Service Direct Marketing Association P.O. Box 9014 • Farmingdale, NY 11735-9014 To call: 1-800-671-7701

KY Do-Not-Call Registry Website: nocall.ky.gov Tennessee Do-Not-Call Registry

Tennessee residential customers can now enroll on the Tennessee Public Utility Commission (TPUC) “Do-Not-Call Registry.” The Registry is a list of the residential telephone subscribers who do not wish to be solicited by telemarketers. To enroll on the Registry online, go to the TPUC’s website at www.tn.gov/tpuc . You may also enroll by calling toll free at 1-877-872-7030 from your home. Business numbers may not be included on the list. Telemarketers are prohibited from calling your telephone number 60 days a er you enroll, unless exempted by law. National Do-Not-Call Registry 1-888-382-1222 or www.donotcall.gov Prosecuting Fraudulent Callers It is illegal for another person to charge long distance calls to your number without your permission. People using unauthorized phone numbers to avoid charges are subject to prosecution and may be imprisoned, fined, or both. Directory Information Looking for more business? Adve ise in the telephone company’s Yellow Pages. Call your local service office for information. Additional local directories may be obtained at your service office. Directory Listings Your name will automatically be added to our White Pages when you have a phone installed unless you ask for an Unlisted Number. You can add other phone numbers if you wish: Additional Residence Listings are for other people in your household with different last names.

Kentucky Dual Pa y Relay Service TDD—Dial 711 Voice—Dial 711 Tennessee Dual Pa y Relay Service TDD—Dial 711 Voice—Dial 711

A relay communications assistant will answer.

Hearing/speech-impaired callers type on their TDDs the name and telephone number of the person to be called. Hearing callers simply tell the assistant the name and telephone number of the hearing/ speech-impaired person they’re calling. The specially trained communications assistant will then relay the call — word-for-word and in strictest confidence. Local calls are relayed free, while long distance calls are billed at regular rates. Each center relays in-state calls only. The Kentucky and Tennessee Relay Centers are a cooperative effo with the Public Service Commission, AT&T and local telephone companies, including WK&T.


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