REPAIR Before you make a trouble call to our office, we ask that you try the following steps: • Unplug all phones, answering machines, Caller ID boxes, comput- ers, modems, cable boxes, satellites, etc. • Plug in one item at a time and check for a dial tone. If a dial tone is present, don’t call for repair. Continue checking your equipment until you find the item responsible for your trouble. Remember to check any extensions in a garage or other location on the premises.
• If you find one location without a dial tone, take a standard phone you have predetermined is working and plug it into that jack. If that phone does not work, then the trouble may be in the wiring. • If you have tried the above steps and cannot determine your trouble, call for repair service.
INSIDE WIRING MAINTENANCE You can save on repair charges if you subscribe to the WK&T maintenance plan!
We reserve the right to reject repair on any wiring. When wiring a new structure or adding on an addition to your home, you need to use CAT-5 wire. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service depa ment.
• For just $0.50 a month, we will maintain existing inside wiring. • If you subscribe to our maintenance plan a er your existing telephone has been installed, there is a six-month waiting period before the plan goes into effect.
A charge may be applied to your bill if your equipment has caused trouble.
WK&T’s customer care plan covers all of your services, including broadband, voice and video.
With the customer care plan, you get: • Priority technical suppo • Wiring repair/replacement • Wi-Fi troubleshooting • Internet pe ormance optimization • Bandwidth evaluation/recommendations
Voice $0.50 Voice + Broadband $4.95 Voice + Broadband + Video $7.95 Broadband only $4.95 Voice + Video $7.95
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