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Emergency Numbers


FIRE • POLICE/SHERIFF • RESCUE Blair Police Department (Non-Emergency) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402-426-4747 Washington County Sheriff (Non-Emergency) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402-426-6866 Memorial Community Hospital: Emergency Room Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402-426-1150 Nebraska State Department of Roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402-426-3138 Poison Control Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-222-1222 Children’s Memorial Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-833-3100 Child/Adult-Abuse/Neglect Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-652-1999 Girls and Boys Town National Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-448-3000 Emergency Highway Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-525-5555 Utility Emergency: Telephone Repair Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611 NaturalGas(BlackHills)................................. 1-888-890-5554 Electricity (OPPD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-554-6773 GasandWater(MUD)................................... 1-800-732-5864 Buried Cable Location/Digger’s Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 811 Road Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511 Health and Human Services Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402-471-3121 Crisis Center for Domestic Assault & Sexual Abuse Emergency Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402-533-4411 24-Hour Toll-Free . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-888-721-4340 Dial 911 For Emergency Only


Local Search Made Easy ®

Table of Contents


Emergency Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Nebraska ZIP/Area Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 Time Zone & Area Code Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 International Calling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Online Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Call Before You Dig

Don’t go digging up trouble... g gg g p Before you start to dig on your property, call us. We can tell you if there’s a risk that you’ll hit - and possibly damage - telephone lines. By working together, we can avoid the needless disruption of your telephone service.

It’s a good idea to call your gas and electric companies, too.



Nebraska ZIP/Area Codes


68001 Abie...............402/531 68301 Adams ..........402/531 69210 Ainsworth......402/531 68967 Albany.................. 308 68620 Albion............ 402/531 68810 Alda......................308 68303 Alexandria.....402/531 68710 Allen.............. 402/531 69301 Alliance ................ 308 68920 Alma..................... 308 68879 Almeria................. 308 68304 Alvo............... 402/531 68711 Amelia...........402/531 68621 Ames.............402/531 68812 Amherst ............... 308 68940 Anderson ............. 308 69331 Angora ................. 308 68722 Anoka............402/531 68813 Anselmo............... 308 68814 Ansley .................. 308 69340 Antioch ................308 68922 Arapahoe ............. 308 68815 Arcadia ................308 68816 Archer .................. 308 68002 Arlington .......402/531 68858 Armada ................ 308 69120 Arnold .................. 308 69121 Arthur................... 308 68939 Ash Grove............ 308 69333 Ashby................... 308 68003 Ashland.........402/531 68817 Ashton ................. 308 68955 Assumption...402/531 68713 Atkinson........402/531 68923 Atlanta .................308 68305 Auburn ..........402/531 68818 Aurora ...........402/531 68307 Avoca............402/531 68924 Axtell.................... 308 68925 Ayr ................ 402/531 68004 Bancroft........402/531 68355 Barada ..........402/531 68309 Barneston .....402/531 68622 Bartlett ................. 308 69020 Bartley .................308 68714 Bassett..........402/531 68715 Battle Creek..402/531 69334 Bayard ................. 308 68729 Bazile Mills....402/531 68310 Beatrice ........402/531 68926 Beaver City .......... 308 68313 Beaver Xing ..402/531 68314 Bee ............... 402/531 68716 Beemer .........402/531 68717 Belden ..........402/531 68623 Belgrade .............. 308 68444 Belle Prairie ..402/531 * Bellevue ........402/531 68624 Bellwood.......402/531

68315 Belvidere.......402/531 68316 Benedict .......402/531 69021 Benkelman........... 308 68317 Bennet ..........402/531 68007 Bennington ...402/531 68104 Benson .........402/531 68927 Bertrand............... 308 68814 Berwyn................. 308 68505 Bethany ........402/531 69122 Big Springs.......... 308 69151 Bignell.................. 308 69335 Bingham .............. 308 68979 Bixby............. 402/531 68928 Bladen ..........402/531 68008 Blair............... 402/531 68718 Bloomfield.....402/531 68929 Bloomington ........ 308 68930 Blue Hill ........402/531 68318 Blue Springs .402/531 68820 Boelus.................. 308 68978 Bostwick.......402/531 68010 Boys Town....402/531 68319 Bradshaw .....402/531 69123 Brady ................... 308 68626 Brainard ........402/531 69140 Brandon............... 308 68821 Brewster .............. 308 69336 Bridgeport............ 308 68871 Bristol ..................308 68719 Bristow..........402/531 69125 Broadwater .......... 308 68320 Brock ............402/531 68822 Broken Bow......... 308 69162 Brownson ............ 308 68321 Brownville .....402/531 69127 Brule .................... 308 68322 Bruning .........402/531 68014 Bruno ............402/531 68720 Brunswick.....402/531 68932 Buffalo ..........402/531 68323 Burchard.......402/531 68324 Burr............... 402/531 68354 Burress .........402/531 68823 Burwell................. 308 69128 Bushnell............... 308 68722 Butte ............. 402/531 68325 Byron ............402/531 68978 Cadams ........402/531 68824 Cairo .................... 308 68825 Callaway .............. 308 69022 Cambridge........... 308 68883 Cameron.............. 308 68932 Campbell ......402/531 68123 Capehart.......402/531 68326 Carleton ........402/531 68723 Carroll ........... 402/531 68866 Cedar ................... 308 68015 Cedar Bluffs..402/531 68016 Cedar Creek .402/531

68627 Cedar Rapids.......308 68404 Centerville.....402/531 68826 Central City.......... 308 68017 Ceresco ........402/531 69337 Chadron............... 308 68725 Chambers .....402/531 69023 Champion ............ 308 68827 Chapman ............. 308 69129 Chappell .............. 308 68526 Cheney .........402/531 68869 Cherry Creek .......308 68327 Chester .........402/531 68628 Clarks...................308 68629 Clarkson .......402/531 68328 Clatonia ........402/531 68852 Clay...................... 308 68933 Clay Center...402/531 68726 Clearwater ....402/531 69343 Clinton ................. 308 69211 Cody .............402/531 68727 Coleridge ......402/531 68018 Colon ............402/531 69162 Colton .................. 308 * Columbus .....402/531 68828 Comstock ............ 308 68728 Concord........402/531 68329 Cook .............402/531 68330 Cordova........402/531 68642 Cornlea .........402/531 68331 Cortland........402/531 68959 Cosmo ................. 308 68835 Cotesfield ............308 68930 Cowles..........402/531 69130 Cozad .................. 308 68332 Crab Orchard.402/531 68019 Craig ............. 402/531 69339 Crawford.............. 308 68729 Creighton......402/531 68631 Creston ................ 531 68333 Crete ............. 402/531 68730 Crofton..........402/531 69212 Crookston.....402/531 69024 Culbertson ........... 308 69025 Curtis ................... 308 68873 Cushing ...............308 68825 Custer .................. 308 68731 Dakota City...402/531 69131 Dalton .................. 308 69026 Danbury ............... 308 68831 Dannebrog........... 308 68835 Dannevirke........... 308 69130 Darr...................... 308 68335 Davenport.....402/531 68336 Davey............402/531 68632 David City .....402/531 68815 Davis Creek ......... 308 68337 Dawson.........402/531 68338 Daykin...........402/531 68341 De Witt..........402/531

68020 Decatur .........402/531 68825 Delight .................308 68956 Denman ........402/531 68339 Denton ..........402/531 68950 Denver ..........402/531 68340 Deshler..........402/531 68934 Deweese.......402/531 69132 Dickens................ 308 68342 Diller.............. 402/531 69133 Dix........................308 68732 Dixon ............402/531 69021 Doane .................. 308 68633 Dodge ...........402/531 68832 Doniphan ......402/531 68343 Dorchester....402/531 68344 Douglas.........402/531 68345 Du Bois.........402/531 * Dunbar .......... 402/531 68634 Duncan .........402/531 69348 Dunlap ................. 308 68833 Dunning ............... 308 68635 Dwight ..........402/531 68347 Eagle............. 402/531 68860 East Custer.......... 308 68834 Eddyville .............. 308 68935 Edgar ............402/531 68936 Edison.................. 308 68835 Elba...................... 308 68636 Elgin.............. 402/531 69201 Eli .................. 402/531 68825 Elim...................... 308 68348 Elk Creek ......402/531 68022 Elkhorn..........402/531 69340 Ellsworth .............. 308 68852 Elm....................... 308 68836 Elm Creek ............ 308 68349 Elmwood.......402/531 69134 Elsie ..................... 308 69135 Elsmere................ 308 68937 Elwood................. 308 68837 Elyria .................... 308 68528 Emerald ........402/531 68733 Emerson .......402/531 68734 Emmet ..........402/531 69027 Enders .................308 68350 Endicott ........402/531 68859 Enterprise ............ 308 68637 Ericson................. 308 69028 Eustis ................... 308 68735 Ewing............402/531 68351 Exeter ...........402/531 68352 Fairbury.........402/531 68938 Fairfield ......... 402/531 68354 Fairmont .......402/531 68355 Falls City.......402/531 69029 Farnam.................308 68838 Farwell ................. 308 68357 Filley.............. 402/531 68358 Firth...............402/531


Local Search Made Easy ®

Nebraska ZIP/Area Codes

* Florence ........ 402/531 68044 Fontanelle .....402/531 68736 Fordyce.........402/531 68023 Fort Calhoun.402/531 68765 Foster............402/531 68939 Franklin ................ 308 * Fremont ........402/531 68359 Friend............ 402/531 68638 Fullerton............... 308 68940 Funk..................... 308 68870 Gardner................ 308 68360 Garland .........402/531 68632 Garrison ........402/531 68361 Geneva .........402/531 68640 Genoa ...........402/531 68828 Geranium ............. 308 69341 Gering .................. 308 68840 Gibbon................. 308 68362 Gilead ...........402/531 68841 Giltner ........... 402/531 68352 Gladstone .....402/531 69339 Glen ..................... 308 68310 Glenover .......402/531 68305 Glenrock .......402/531 68941 Glenvil........... 402/531 68364 Goehner........402/531 69343 Gordon.................308 69138 Gothenburg ......... 308 68365 Grafton..........402/531 * Grand Island ........ 308 69140 Grant.................... 308 68763 Grattan..........402/531 68842 Greeley ................ 308 68366 Greenwood...402/531 68367 Gresham .......402/531 68028 Gretna...........402/531 68405 Grover...........402/531 68942 Guide Rock...402/531 69141 Gurley .................. 308 * Hadar ............ 402/531 69357 Haig ..................... 308 69030 Haigler ................. 308 68368 Hallam...........402/531 69142 Halsey.................. 308 69040 Hamlet ................. 308 68843 Hampton.......402/531 68941 Hanover ........402/531 68901 Hansen .........402/531 68943 Hardy ............402/531 69345 Harrisburg............ 308 69346 Harrison ............... 308 68739 Hartington.....402/531 68944 Harvard.........402/531 * Hastings........402/531 68529 Havelock.......402/531 69347 Hay Springs......... 308 69032 Hayes Center....... 308 68955 Hayland.........402/531 68844 Hazard ................. 308

68945 Heartwell.............. 308 68370 Hebron..........402/531 69348 Hemingford.......... 308 68371 Henderson ....402/531 68946 Hendley................308 69358 Henry ................... 308 68029 Herman.........402/531 69143 Hershey ...............308 68372 Hickman .......402/531 68947 Hildreth ................ 308 68948 Holbrook.............. 308 * Holdrege .............. 308 68967 Hollinger ..............308 68310 Holmesville ...402/531 68950 Holstein.........402/531 68030 Homer...........402/531 68031 Hooper..........402/531 68846 Hordville........402/531 68740 Hoskins.........402/531 68641 Howells .........402/531 68741 Hubbard........402/531 68375 Hubbell .........402/531 68376 Humboldt......402/531 68642 Humphrey.....402/531 68971 Huntley ................308 69350 Hyannis................ 308 69033 Imperial ................ 308 68952 Inavale ..........402/531 68859 Independent ........ 308 69034 Indianola .............. 308 68923 Industry................ 308 68901 Ingleside .......402/531 68025 Inglewood.....402/531 68954 Inland ............ 402/531 68742 Inman............402/531 68033 Ithaca............ 402/531 68743 Jackson ........402/531 68377 Jansen ..........402/531 * Johnson ........ 402/531 69214 Johnstown ....402/531 68955 Juniata ..........402/531 * Kearney................ 308 68956 Kenesaw.......402/531 68034 Kennard ........402/531 69144 Keystone.............. 308 68856 Kilfoil .................... 308 69216 Kilgore ..........402/531 69145 Kimball................. 308 68333 Kramer ..........402/531 68854 Kronborg.......402/531 68123 La Platte .......402/531 * La Vista......... 402/531 69351 Lakeside .............. 308 69023 Lamar................... 308 68745 Laurel............ 402/531 68957 Lawrence ......402/531 69036 Lebanon............... 308 68643 Leigh ............. 402/531 69146 Lemoyne.............. 308

68064 Leshara.........402/531 69147 Lewellen............... 308 68380 Lewiston .......402/531 68850 Lexington............. 308 68381 Liberty........... 402/531 * Lincoln ..........402/531 68644 Lindsay .........402/531 68036 Linwood........402/531 69148 Lisco .................... 308 68852 Litchfield .............. 308 69149 Lodgepole............ 308 69217 Long Pine .....402/531 68958 Loomis................. 308 69162 Lorenzo................ 308 * Lorton ...........402/531 68037 Louisville.......402/531 68853 Loup City ............. 308 68840 Lowell .................. 308 68371 Lushton.........402/531 69352 Lyman.................. 308 68746 Lynch ............402/531 68933 Lynn.............. 402/531 68038 Lyons ............402/531 68939 Macon.................. 308 68039 Macy.............402/531 68748 Madison........402/531 69150 Madrid ................. 308 68749 Magnet..........402/531 68402 Malcolm........402/531 68040 Malmo...........402/531 68403 Manley ..........402/531 68854 Marquette .....402/531 68933 Marshall ........402/531 69354 Marsland.............. 308 68404 Martell........... 402/531 68883 Martin...................308 * Martinsburg ..402/531 68751 Maskell .........402/531 68855 Mason City ..........308 69037 Max...................... 308 69151 Maxwell................308 68824 Mayfield ............... 308 69038 Maywood............. 308 69001 McCook ............... 308 68401 McCool Jct ...402/531 69353 McGrew ............... 308 68747 McLean.........402/531 68041 Mead.............402/531 68752 Meadow Grv.402/531 69355 Melbeta................ 308 68042 Memphis.......402/531 68856 Merna...................308 69218 Merriman .............308 68862 Michigan .............. 308 68405 Milford...........402/531 * Millard ........... 402/531 68858 Miller .................... 308 68406 Milligan .........402/531 68753 Mills .............. 402/531

69356 Minatare............... 308 68959 Minden................. 308 69357 Mitchell ................ 308 68647 Monroe .........402/531 69039 Moorefield............ 308 69358 Morrill................... 308 68648 Morse Bluff ...402/531 68957 Mount Clare..402/531 68971 Mullally................. 308 69152 Mullen .................. 308 68407 Murdock .......402/531 68409 Murray ..........402/531 68814 Myrtle................... 308 68755 Naper............402/531 68960 Naponee .............. 308 68410 Nebraska Cty .402/531 68413 Nehawka.......402/531 68756 Neligh............402/531 68961 Nelson...........402/531 68414 Nemaha ........402/531 69219 Nenzel...........402/531 68840 Newark ................308 68757 Newcastle.....402/531 68758 Newman Grv.402/531 68759 Newport........402/531 68044 Nickerson......402/531 68760 Niobrara........402/531 68862 Noble ................... 308 * Norfolk ..........402/531 68959 Norman................ 308 68305 North Auburn.402/531 68649 North Bend ...402/531 68859 North Loup ..........308 * North Platte .........308 69336 Northport ............. 308 68831 Nysted ................. 308 68964 Oak ............... 402/531 68853 Oak Creek............308 68929 Oak Grove ...........308 68761 Oakdale ........402/531 68045 Oakland ........402/531 68757 Obert............. 402/531 68860 Oconto................. 308 68632 Octavia .........402/531 68415 Odell ............. 402/531 68861 Odessa ................ 308 68113 Offutt AFB.....402/531 69153 Ogallala................ 308 68416 Ohiowa .........402/531 * Omaha ..........402/531 68982 Oneida ................. 308 68763 O’Neill ........... 402/531 68452 Ong............... 402/531 68764 Orchard.........402/531 68862 Ord....................... 308 68966 Orleans ................ 308 68651 Osceola.........402/531 69154 Oshkosh ..............308 68765 Osmond........402/531



Nebraska ZIP/Area Codes


68417 Otoe.............. 402/531 68863 Overton................ 308 68967 Oxford.................. 308 68766 Page .............402/531 69040 Palisade ............... 308 68864 Palmer .................308 68418 Palmyra.........402/531 68419 Panama ........402/531 * Papillion ........402/531 69041 Parks.................... 308 68410 Paul............... 402/531 68941 Pauline..........402/531 68420 Pawnee City .402/531 69155 Paxton ................. 308 68047 Pender ..........402/531 69154 Penn ....................308 68421 Peru .............. 402/531 68652 Petersburg....402/531 68865 Phillips .......... 402/531 68422 Pickrell .......... 402/531 68767 Pierce............ 402/531 68768 Pilger............. 402/531 68769 Plainview.......402/531 68653 Platte Center.402/531 68048 Plattsmouth ..402/531 68423 Pleasant Dale.402/531 68343 Pleasanthill ...402/531 68866 Pleasanton........... 308 68424 Plymouth ......402/531 68654 Polk............... 402/531 68770 Ponca ...........402/531 68869 Poole....................308 69156 Potter ................... 308 68352 Powell ...........402/531 68050 Prague ..........402/531 68949 Prairie...................308 68870 Prairie Center....... 308 68920 Prairie Dog........... 308 68527 Prairie Home.402/531 68977 Precept ................ 308 68355 Preston .........402/531 68655 Primrose .............. 308 68404 Princeton ......402/531 68883 Prosser ................ 308 69157 Purdum ................ 308 68969 Ragan .................. 308 * Ralston.......... 402/531 68771 Randolph ......402/531 68869 Ravenna............... 308 68428 Raymond ......402/531 68970 Red Cloud ....402/531 68971 Republican City ... 308 68429 Reynolds.......402/531 68059 Richfield........402/531 68601 Richland........402/531 68658 Rising City ....402/531 68870 Riverdale.............. 308 68310 Riverside.......402/531 68972 Riverton ........402/531

68509 State House..402/531 68440 Steele City ....402/531 69358 Stegall.................. 308 68441 Steinauer ......402/531 68442 Stella............. 402/531 68443 Sterling .........402/531 69042 Stockville ............. 308 68444 Strang ...........402/531 69043 Stratton................ 308 68666 Stromsburg...402/531 68780 Stuart ............ 402/531 68878 Sumner ................ 308 68978 Superior ........402/531 68667 Surprise ........402/531 69333 Survey.................. 308 69165 Sutherland ........... 308 68979 Sutton ...........402/531 68445 Swanton........402/531 68869 Sweetwater.......... 308 68446 Syracuse.......402/531 68447 Table Rock ...402/531 68448 Talmage........402/531 68434 Tamora .........402/531 68642 Tarnov...........402/531 68879 Taylor................... 308 68450 Tecumseh.....402/531 68061 Tekamah.......402/531 69341 Terrytown............. 308 68460 Thayer...........402/531 69166 Thedford .............. 308 68352 Thompson ....402/531 68870 Thornton .............. 308 69155 Thune................... 308 68062 Thurston .......402/531 68781 Tilden ............ 402/531 68453 Tobias...........402/531 69044 Trenton ................ 308 68825 Triumph ...............308 68980 Trumbull........402/531 69167 Tryon.................... 308 68063 Uehling..........402/531 * Ulysses .........402/531 68454 Unadilla.........402/531 68455 Union ............402/531 68981 Upland ..........402/531 68456 Utica ............. 402/531 69201 Valentine .......402/531 68064 Valley ............ 402/531 68065 Valparaiso.....402/531 69168 Venango...............308 68760 Verdel............402/531 68783 Verdigre ........402/531 68457 Verdon ..........402/531 68813 Victoria................. 308 68827 Vieregg.................308 68815 Vinton...................308 68458 Virginia .......... 402/531 68407 Wabash.........402/531 68460 Waco ............402/531

68430 Roca .............402/531 68923 Rock Falls............ 308 68310 Rockford.......402/531 68871 Rockville .............. 308 68659 Rogers ..........402/531 68523 Rokeby .........402/531 68055 Rosalie..........402/531 69153 Roscoe ................308 68714 Rose .............402/531 68973 Roseland.......402/531 68930 Rosemont .....402/531 68773 Royal............. 402/531 68431 Rulo .............. 402/531 69360 Rushville .............. 308 68974 Ruskin...........402/531 68825 Ryno .................... 308 68660 Saint Edward402/531 68774 Saint Helena .402/531 68872 Saint Libory .........308 68873 Saint Paul ............308 68433 Salem............402/531 68430 Saltillo ........... 402/531 69030 Sanborn ............... 308 68874 Sargent ................ 308 68975 Saronville ......402/531 68969 Scandinavia ......... 308 68817 Schaupps ............ 308 68661 Schuyler........402/531 68875 Scotia...................308 * Scottsbluff ...........308 68057 Scribner ........402/531 69161 Seneca................. 308 68434 Seward .........402/531 68662 Shelby...........402/531 68876 Shelton ................308 68949 Sheridan .............. 308 68436 Shickley ........402/531 68763 Shields..........402/531 68437 Shubert .........402/531 * Sidney .................. 308 68663 Silver Creek .........308 68976 Smithfield............. 308 68664 Snyder ..........402/531 68058 South Bend...402/531 68824 South Loup.......... 308 68776 S Sioux City..402/531 68665 Spalding...............308 69220 Sparks ..........402/531 68777 Spencer ........402/531 68438 Sprague ........402/531 68881 Spring Creek........308 68059 Springfield ....402/531 68778 Springview....402/531 68056 St Columbans.402/531 68869 St Michael............ 308 68977 Stamford.............. 308 68779 Stanton .........402/531 68439 Staplehurst ...402/531 69163 Stapleton ............. 308

68066 Wahoo ..........402/531 68784 Wakefield......402/531 69169 Wallace ................ 308 68067 Walthill .......... 402/531 68461 Walton ..........402/531 68956 Wanda ..........402/531 68068 Washington...402/531 68785 Waterbury .....402/531 68069 Waterloo .......402/531 69045 Wauneta ..............308 68786 Wausa...........402/531 68462 Waverly.........402/531 68787 Wayne...........402/531 68853 Webster ............... 308 68463 Weeping Wtr.402/531 68814 Weissert............... 308 69170 Wellfleet ............... 308 68901 West Blue .....402/531 68788 West Point ....402/531 68874 West Union.......... 308 68464 Western ........402/531 68881 Westerville ........... 308 68927 Westmark ............ 308 68070 Weston .........402/531 68927 Westside.............. 308 69365 Whiteclay ............. 308 69366 Whitman ..............308 69367 Whitney................ 308 68465 Wilber............402/531 68982 Wilcox .................. 308 68927 Williamsburg........ 308 69171 Willow Island .......308 68763 Willowdale ....402/531 69046 Wilsonville............ 308 68071 Winnebago ...402/531 68789 Winnetoon ....402/531 68790 Winside.........402/531 68072 Winslow ........402/531 68791 Wisner...........402/531 68882 Wolbach...............308 69221 Wood Lake ...402/531 68883 Wood River.......... 308 68872 Worms ................. 308 68466 Wymore ........402/531 68792 Wynot ...........402/531 68410 Wyoming.......402/531 68815 Yale...................... 308 68467 York .............. 402/531 68073 Yutan ............402/531

* Denotes multiple ZIP codes


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Time Zone & Area Code Map



International Calling


To call the Bahamas, Canada, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Calls to these points can be dialed in the same way as long distance calls within the United States. Simply dial “1” plus the appropriate area code and the local telephone number. Country code for the United States is “1” for use when in a foreign country. To complete a call, refer to the dialing instructions in the country from which you are calling.






Example 1 : To call a number in Berlin, Germany, dial:





Example 2 : To call a number in Singapore (there is no city code), dial:




Indonesia . . . . . . . . . .62 Jakarta.............21 Iran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 Tehran (Teheran) . . . . .21 Ireland............353 Dublin . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Galway.............91 Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . .972 Haifa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Jerusalem . . . . . . . . . . .2 Tel Aviv-Jaffa. . . . . . . . . 3 Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Naples . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Rome...............6 Venice . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Tokyo...............3 Yokohama . . . . . . . . . .45 Kenya . . . . . . . . . . . .254 Nairobi.............20 Kuwait............965 Liberia............231 Luxembourg. . . . . . . 352 Malaysia . . . . . . . . . . .60 Kuala Lampur . . . . . . . .3 Malta.............356 Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Acapulco . . . . . . . . . .744 Cancun . . . . . . . . . . .998 Mexico City . . . . . . . . .55 Monaco. . . . . . . . . . .377 Netherlands . . . . . . . .31 Amsterdam . . . . . . . . .20 Rotterdam . . . . . . . . . .10 TheHague..........70 Utrecht.............30

Suriname . . . . . . . . .597 Sweden............46 Goteborg . . . . . . . . . . .31 Switzerland . . . . . . . .41 Berne..............31 Geneva . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Lucerne . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Zurich . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Syria . . . . . . . . . . . . .963 Damascus . . . . . . . . . .11 Taiwan . . . . . . . . . . .886 Tainan . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Taipei...............2 Thailand . . . . . . . . . . .66 Bangkok . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Turkey.............90 Istanbul . . . . . . .212, 216 Ukraine . . . . . . . . . . .380 Donetsk . . . . . . . . . . . .62 United Kingdom. . . . .44 Bedford (Eng.) . . . . .1234 Birmingham (Eng.). . . 121 Brighton (Eng.). . . . .1273 Cardiff (Wales). . . . . . . 29 Edinburgh (Scot.) . . .131 Gloucester (Eng.). . . 1452 London (Eng.) . . . . . . .20 Manchester (Eng.) . . .161 Nottingham (Eng.) . . .115 Uruguay . . . . . . . . . .598 Mercedes . . . . . .53, 532 Montevideo . . . . . . . . . .2 Vatican . . . . . . . . . . .379 Venezuela. . . . . . . . . .58 Caracas . . . . . . . . . . .212 Valencia. . . . . . . . . . .241

Croatia . . . . . . . . . . . 385 Zagreb..............1 Egypt..............20 Alexandria . . . . . . . . . . .3 Cairo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 El Salvador . . . . . . . . 503 Fiji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .679 Finland . . . . . . . . . . .358 Helsinki . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 France.............33 Paris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 French Polynesia. . . 689 Germany...........49 Berlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Frankfurt (Oder) . . . . . 335 Greece . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Athens . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Guatemala . . . . . . . .502 Jarry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Guyana . . . . . . . . . . .592 Haiti..............509 Comcel . . . . . . . . . . .420 Honduras . . . . . . . . .504 Hong Kong . . . . . . . . 852 Hungary . . . . . . . . . . .36 Budapest............1 Gyor...............96 Miskolc . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Iceland . . . . . . . . . . .354 India . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91 Chennai . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Kolkatta . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Mumbai . . . . . . . . . . . .22 New Delhi . . . . . . . . . .11

New Zealand . . . . . . .64 Auckland . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Wellington . . . . . . . . . . .4 Nicaragua. . . . . . . . .505 Nigeria . . . . . . . . . . .234 Norway . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Oslo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Pakistan . . . . . . . . . . .92 Papua New Guinea .675 Paraguay . . . . . . . . .595 Asuncion . . . . . . . . . . .21 Peru. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Arequipa . . . . . . . . . . .54 Lima................1 Philippines . . . . . . . . .63 Manila . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Poland.............48 Gdansk . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Krakow . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Warsaw . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Portugal . . . . . . . . . .351 Lisbon . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Russia..............7 Moscow...........495 Tula . . . . . . . . . . . . . .487 Saudi Arabia. . . . . . . 966 Riyadh . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Singapore. . . . . . . . . .65 South Africa . . . . . . . .27 Cape Town . . . . . . . . .21 Pretoria . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Spain..............34 Barcelona . . . . . . . . . .93 Madrid . . . . . . . . . . . . .91

American Samoa . . . 684 Argentina . . . . . . . . . . 54 Buenos Aires. . . . . . . .11 Australia . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Central East Region . . .2 Austria . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Vienna . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Bahrain . . . . . . . . . . . 973 Belgium . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Antwerp.............3 Brussels.............2 Belize . . . . . . . . . . . . 501 Belize City . . . . . . . . . . .2 Bolivia . . . . . . . . . . . . 591 Cochabamba. . . . . . . . .4 La Paz . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Santa Cruz. . . . . . . . . . .3 Bosnia and Herzegovina . . . . . . . 387 Sarajevo. . . . . . . . . . . .57 Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Belo Horizonte. . . . . . . 31 Rio de Janeiro . . . . . . . 21 Sao Paulo . . . . . . . . . .11 Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Chile . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 Santiago . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Valparaiso . . . . . . . . . .32 China..............86 Beijing (Peking) . . . . . .10 Shanghai . . . . . . . . . . .21 Colombia . . . . . . . . . . 57 Bogota..............1 Costa Rica . . . . . . . .506


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WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA REGIONAL LISTINGS Arlington • Blair • Fort Calhoun • Kennard • Herman

ANDERSEN Joan 750 N 16th St Blair........................ 402-426-8104 ANDERSEN Keith 21358 Co Rd P10.......................... 402-456-7798 ANDERSEN Kerry 11118 South Blair........................ 402-426-8767 ANDERSEN Paul A & Mariann R 2028 Cauble Creek Cir Blair............................................. 402-533-2509 ANDERSEN Robert & Mary 1570 Betts Cir Fort Calhoun............................................. 402-468-4078 ANDERSEN Sandra A 1035 N 27th Blair................. 402-426-9374 ANDERSEN Scott & Lisa 5749 Co Rd 31 Blair....... 402-426-5414 ANDERSEN Sharon Blair......................................... 402-426-0142 ANDERSEN Stevan A 21948 Co Rd 20 Arlington..... 402-478-4409 ANDERSEN Steven & Carla 9477 Co Rd P35 Blair....................................................... 402-426-3146 ANDERSEN Terry C 1800 Main/Pob 174 Kennard.... 402-427-7262 ANDERSEN Tim C 7093 County Road 29 Blair.......... 402-427-7340 ANDERSEN Todd 7272 County Road 25 Kennard....... 402-427-7325 ANDERSEN Wes & Pam 16377 Co Rd 40 Kennard................................................. 402-427-7389 ANDERSON A & B 9231 Casey Ln Blair.................... 402-533-2573 ANDERSON B & A 6239 Glen Oaks Dr Fort Calhoun...................................... 402-468-4240 ANDERSON C L 207 Arthur Blair............................... 402-426-2863 ANDERSON C S 1130 N 26th Ave Blair...................... 402-426-5664 ANDERSON Charles & Christine 630 N 12th Blair.............................................................. 402-533-2776 ANDERSON Desiree 656 N 24th Blair..................... 402-426-3786 ANDERSON Dolly 2336 Fontenelle Blvd Blair........... 402-426-4419 ANDERSON Eric & Amy 21467 Hwy 30 Arlington.................................................. 402-478-5451 ANDERSON J PO Box 21 Kennard.............................. 402-427-7213 ANDERSON Jay P 10919 Co Rd 25 Blair................... 402-426-1705 ANDERSON Jim 15710 Co Rd P33 Blair.................... 402-426-2986 ANDERSON Layton & Betty 1618 Nebraska Blair........................................................ 402-426-3877 ANDERSON Michael & Dane 2362 Nebraska Blair........................................................ 402-533-8229 ANDERSON Mike & Tammy 11410 Ridge Dr Blair....................................................... 402-426-5612 ANDERSON PAUL D CONSTRUCTION 206 Lords Ct Blair.................................................... 402-426-5810 ANDERSON Robert & Kerrie 16510 County Road P33 Blair.......................................... 402-426-2878 ANDERSON Robert L 102 E 5th Kennard................ 402-427-7213 ANDERSON Robert L 501 N 13th St Fort Calhoun.............................................. 402-468-5198 ANDERSON Ryan & Emily 1176 Highland Dr Blair.................................................... 402-533-2072 ANDERSON Sherry 106 E 5th Kennard.................... 402-427-7365 ANDERSON Terry 309 4th St.................................... 402-456-7891 ANDERSON TERRY CONSTRUCTION 539 S 10th Blair.............................................................. 402-426-5978 ANDERSON TIM & ASHLEY 1121 Nebraska St Blair Tim................................................................................. 402-533-0744 Ashley............................................................................. 402-533-3136 ANDERSON TIM CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION 1121 Nebraska St Blair............................................. 402-533-0744 ANDERSON Tom & Beverly 21267 Co Rd 4.......... 402-456-7472 ANDERSON William 1235 Pinewood Dr Blair.......... 402-426-5522 ANDERSON Wm C 206 W 5th Kennard.................... 402-427-7244 ANDREASEN Brian & Mary 7796 Co Rd 21 Kennard................................................... 402-427-7235

A ATV MOTOR SPORTS 1062 Co Rd P47 Omaha........ 402-455-6471 ABARIOTES Ernest 2222 Jackson Blair................... 402-426-3459 ABBOTT C 2040 Arbor Cir Blair.................................... 402-426-4968 ABBOTT Scott & Cheryl 301 N 8th Arlington......... 402-478-1287 ABE'S PORTABLES PO Box 796 Fort Calhoun.......................................... 402-571-7809 ABE'S TRASH SERVICE INC 8123 Christensen Ln Omaha..................................... 402-468-5434 ABIDING FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 710 N 15th Fort Calhoun.................................................. 402-468-5330 ABLE TRANSPORT 963 N 13th Fort Calhoun............. 402-468-4940 ABRAHAMS Lizz & Brian 1217 Pinewood Dr Blair................................................... 402-533-4447 ACE HARDWARE 238 S 9th Blair.............................. 402-426-9160 ACKER Eric 18922 Co Rd P20 Blair.............................. 402-426-4978 ACME FABRIC & QUILT COMPANY 1716 Washington St Blair................................................ 402-533-1015 ADAMOWCZ Maureen 2242 Wright Blair.............. 402-426-2548 ADAMS B J 530 N 11th Arlington................................ 402-478-4325 ADAMS Jean 501 N 13th Fort Calhoun....................... 402-468-4092 ADAMS Rebecca 315 S 15th Fort Calhoun................ 402-468-5843 ADULT/ELDER & CHILD ABUSE/NEGLECT HOTLINE Toll Free Dial 1 & Then................................ 800-652-1999 AHRENS Keith 11388 Rosemary Ln Blair................... 402-426-5856 ALBERS Don & Ann 8320 County Road 27 Blair...... 402-427-7454 ALBUS Imogene & Dale (Asa) 1524 Oak Dr Blair............................................................ 402-426-4412 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS & ALANON Arlington Blair................................................................. 402-426-3660 ALLEN Danielle 7932 County Road 34 Fort Calhoun.................................. 402-468-4160 ALLEN Gary & Lana 2916 Westridge Dr Blair.......... 402-426-4731 ALLEN Jerry 9865 Co Rd 15 Arlington......................... 402-478-4339 ALLEN Mark & Martha 4472 Co Rd 37 Blair........... 402-426-9725 ALLEN Sharon 1405 Lincoln Blair.............................. 402-426-3511 ALLEN SURVEYING SERVICES LLC 1605 Washington St Blair................................................ 402-478-5367 ALSHOUSE Mark POB 157 Fort Calhoun................... 402-468-4738 ALTER Ronald F 2857 Ravae Ln Blair........................ 402-426-2873 ALTSTADT Steven C 5585 Felix Ln Fort Calhoun...... 402-468-5889 AMAN Craig & Karen 610 Southfork Rd Blair......... 402-426-2222 AMBULANCE-TO SUMMON DIAL Kennard...... 402-427-7311 AMBULANCE-TO SUMMON DIAL Fort Calhoun................................................................... 402-468-5303 AMBULANCE-TO SUMMON DIAL Arlington..... 402-478-4212 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY 9850 Nicholas Ste 200 Omaha Toll Free Dial 1 & Then...................................... 800-642-8116 AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE 1641 Washington Blair.................................................... 402-426-4860 AMERICAN LEGION LOUNGE 103 S 12th Blair.... 402-426-2526 ANDERSEN Clint 2143 Jackson Blair........................ 402-426-3476 ANDERSEN D 501 N 13th Fort Calhoun...................... 402-468-4016 ANDERSEN Glen L 12778 Co Rd 30 Blair................. 402-426-4650 ANDERSEN Jarett & Ashley 7152 County Road 27 Blair.............................................. 402-533-4581 ANDERSEN Jeremy 17331 Hwy 91 Blair................. 402-533-2526




ANDREASEN C J 11056 N Lakeshore Dr Blair........... 402-426-8869 ANDREASEN Daniel T 2352 Lincoln Blair............... 402-426-2477 ANDREASEN Richard 19788 Hwy 91 Blair.............. 402-426-5477 ANDREASEN Ronald 9897 Co Rd 25 Blair............... 402-426-5545 ANDREW Terrance & Jonnie 22708 Co Rd 4...... 402-456-7463 ANEW DEVELOPMENT LLC 13761 US Highway 30 Blair............................................. 402-533-9097 APPEL N & D Fort Calhoun......................................... 402-468-4173 APPEL Steve & Deanna 1227 Kristin Cir Blair....... 402-426-2439 APPERSON Walter Mrs 2064 Washington Blair.... 402-426-4279 ARDIS Raymond J & Linda K 7280 Co Rd P32 Fort Calhoun.......................................... 402-468-5820 ARLINGTON AUDITORIUM 410 W Elm Arlington........................................................ 402-478-4122 ARLINGTON CITY OF Arlington.............................. 402-478-4212 ARLINGTON COMMUNITY CHURCH-UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 355 N 4th Arlington............. 402-478-4447 ARLINGTON FIRE HALL 250 N 3rd Arlington.......... 402-478-4163 ARLINGTON INSURANCE AGENCY 225 W Eagle Arlington.............................................. 402-478-4107 ARLINGTON PET HOSPITAL 225 N 3rd Arlington......................................................... 402-478-4141 ARLINGTON PETROLEUM LLC DBA NP MART 17 610 W Elkhorn St Arlington.............................................. 402-478-4326 ARLINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 410 W Elm Arlington........................................................ 402-478-4545 ARLINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Supt Office Arlington....................................................... 402-478-4171 ARLINGTON SELF-STORAGE 6749 County Road 15 Arlington........................................ 402-478-4917 ARLINGTON SWIMMING POOL 420 W Elm St Arlington................................................... 402-478-4330 ARMSTRONG J 2721 March Hare Ln Omaha............. 402-426-5653 ARNDT Daryl L 305 S 16th Fort Calhoun.................... 402-468-5231 ARNETT Jon & Sherri 2858 County Road 21 Bennington.................................... 402-478-4083 ARNOLD Pastor Charles Blair.............................. 402-426-9713 ARP Allan D 4381 Co Rd 25 Kennard.......................... 402-427-7200 ARP Jason & Jennifer 16512 County Road 36 Kennard....................................... 402-427-7550 ARP Kevin & Pam 5248 Co Rd 21 Kennard............... 402-427-7435 ARPS Kim 245 S 22nd St Apt 152 Blair......................... 402-426-5115 ARPS RED-E-MIX INC 1479 State Blair................. 402-426-3883 ASP Connie 15251 Co Rd 22 Blair............................... 402-426-9317 ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH 10194 US Hwy 75 Blair.................................................... 402-426-4566 ATKINSON Sue 2400 Hollow Rd Blair......................... 402-426-1727 ATZ Dennis And Sharon 3991 Buckthorn Dr Blair.................................................. 402-426-3130 AUSTIN Tom & Ginger 239 Arthur Blair................. 402-426-8521 AUTUMN POINTE 501 N 13th Fort Calhoun.............. 402-468-4700 AUXILIARY CLOSET 238 S 13th Blair....................... 402-426-2030 AXTELL Jason & Molly 11679 Todd Dr Blair.......... 402-533-4428 B B-GREEN LAWN SERVICE 15212 Dorchester St Washington.................................... 402-238-2743 B C CONSTRUCTION Call........................... 402-573-5141 B & D TRUCK PARTS INC 8803 Berry Hill Rd Blair................................................... 402-426-5550 B K PAINTING INC Tekamah.................................... 402-427-5598 BAAS Shawn & Erin 3751 Buckthorn Dr Blair......... 402-426-3788 BABCOCK Philip & Lisa 11223 N Lakeshore Dr Blair............................................. 402-426-3608 BABKEL MECHANICAL LLC 345 S First St Blair.......................................................... 402-533-8047 BABY BASICS 105 E Elkhorn Dr Arlington................... 402-478-4445

BACH Michael & Sara 5400 Moriah Ln Fort Calhoun........................................... 402-468-4302 BACHMAN J Blair....................................................... 402-426-0258 BACK Rebecca 10894 N Lakeshore Dr Blair.............. 402-426-1931 BACKMAN Karen 1142 Colfax Blair.......................... 402-426-2245 BACON Justin 749 N 13th Blair................................. 402-426-8968 BACON Kent & Sue 10997 Arrowhead Dr Blair....... 402-533-2208 BAILEY Andy & Susan 7997 County Road P35 Blair............................................ 402-426-4858 BAIR Robert 1027 James Dr Blair............................... 402-426-5325 BAIT SHOP THE 1250 Lincoln Blair............................ 402-426-3033 BAKER Chris & Holly 1325 Corey Dr Blair.............. 402-426-8805 BAKER Dan 666 S 21st Ave Blair................................. 402-426-4787 BAKER Edward L 6949 Co Rd 34 Fort Calhoun.......... 402-468-5364 BAKER G C 745 W Elm Arlington................................. 402-478-4435 BAKER Patrick & Sara Blair.................................. 402-533-2727 BAKER Rick & Julie 7940 Mill Creek Ln Fort Calhoun...................................... 402-468-5204 BAKER Robert W 735 N 12th Arlington.................... 402-478-4185 BAKERS B & B 2106 Grant Blair................................ 402-426-8909 BALHORN K & M 4962 Allen Hills Dr Blair................ 402-533-2219 BALL Everett 1018 S 13th Ave Blair............................ 402-426-5729 BANKS Larry Fort Calhoun......................................... 402-468-4035 BANKS Larry 1200 Clay St Apt 18 Fort Calhoun.......... 402-468-7030 BANSEN Ted 2930 College Dr Blair............................. 402-426-2935 BARABAS Jerry & Rosalie 312 S 14th Fort Calhoun.................................................. 402-468-5547 BARBER Doug & Tricia 1904 Colfax Blair............... 402-426-7068 BARBER Roger & Phyllis 1056 Westridge Dr Blair.................................................. 402-426-5998 BARB'S HAIR CARE 206 Maple Kennard.................. 402-427-7307 BARK BOUTIQUE PAW SPA 202 S 13th Blair....... 402-426-4442 BARKLEY Bruce H 2008 Northridge Cir Blair........... 402-426-2631 BARNES Braden 801 Madison Fort Calhoun.............. 402-468-4143 BARNES Christi 1304 Clay St Fort Calhoun............... 402-468-4868 BARNES Connie 948 N 24th Ave Blair....................... 402-426-2301 BARNES Jason 4834 Steavenson Loop Blair.............. 402-426-2776 BARNES John & Scotti 1349 Nebraska Blair......... 402-426-4823 BARNES Pat & Andrea 302 N 17th Fort Calhoun.... 402-468-4506 BARNES Tony L 4337 Co Rd 31 Blair.......................... 402-426-3605 BARON Richard L 805 N 14th Blair.......................... 402-426-2067 BARONDEAU Jesse Fort Calhoun............................ 402-533-8248 BART Dean L 840 W Elm Arlington............................. 402-478-4181 BART MOORE'S SUBCONTRACTING 841 N 24th Ave Blair....................................................... 402-426-9246 BARTA GUY A DDS PC 138 S 17th Blair................. 402-426-4176 BARTOSH Jim 21889 Hwy 30 Arlington...................... 402-478-5169 BAUER Kelsey 10362 Oregon Trail Ln Blair................ 402-533-4538 BAUER Roger & Charlotte 1064 South Blair........ 402-426-8136 BAUMBERGER Perry & Janell 25264 Windy Bluff Ln Arlington....................................... 402-478-4494 BAUMBERGER SANDRA MD 812 N 22nd Blair...................................................... 402-426-4611 BAXTER Rick & Tracy 1709 Clay Fort Calhoun........ 402-468-4723 BAXTER Terry & Mari 2894 Tea Party Ln Omaha.... 402-426-3770 BAYER Timothy M 6156 N Ridge Rd Fort Calhoun.... 402-468-4806 BEAL Russell 4969 Co Rd P33 Blair............................ 402-426-8712 BEAMAN Ron & Nancy 1015 N 28th Blair.............. 402-426-5554 BEARD Leon 20364 Co Rd 4....................................... 402-456-7451 BEASLEY Jerry D 926 N 27th Blair........................... 402-533-2703 BECHTEL Mike 251 S Co Rd 28 Fremont.................... 402-478-4983 BECK Al & Cindy 1013 Mary Beth Cir Blair............... 402-533-2171 BECK Hans & Barb Fort Calhoun............................. 402-468-4840 BECK Stuart B 450 N 6th Arlington............................ 402-478-5214 BECKER Amanda 1311 Adams Fort Calhoun............. 402-468-5022 BECKER James 4007 Co Rd P11 Arlington................. 402-478-4894 BECKER Steve & Aggie 205 8th Fort Calhoun....... 402-468-5619

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