
American Broadband

Individual Calling Features

To Use On A Permanent Basis: No codes are necessary. If you have an unpublished or unlisted telephone number, Calling Number Display Blocking is provided at no charge.

To Send A Call If You Have The Caller ID Block Feature: 1. Pick up the handset. 2. Press *82 . 3. Call the telephone number. Your number will display on the called party’s Caller ID unit.

CALLER ID Caller ID lets you know who’s calling before you answer the phone. Caller ID units are available from American Broadband. CALLER ID BLOCK Prevent your number from displaying on a Caller ID Unit. Use Calling Number Display Blocking free-of-charge on a per-call basis, or subscribe to permanent blocking for $2.50 monthly. To Use On A Per-Call Basis: 1. Pick up the handset. 2. Press *67 . 3. Call the telephone number. The called party’s ID unit will display “private caller.” You must Press *67 each time you make a call to reactivate Calling Number Display Blocking.



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