

These pages provide answers to some of the questions asked most frequently about our services and billing procedures. For more detailed information, contact our business offices in Valdez and Glennallen.

What Will the Phone Company Need to Know to Set Up a New Account? To help speed along your service request, please have the following information when you call or visit our business office to apply for service: • Complete street address, including apartment number if applicable. • How you would like your name to appear in the directory. For an additional charge, you may order additional listings for other mem- bers of your household or business. • Letter showing good credit from past utility (telephone or electric), if available. • Employment status. • Social security number, valid driver’s license or state ID. How Long Will it Take to Get My Phone Service Installed? Most appointments for residential services can be scheduled within five business days after an application is completed, as long as facil- ities are available at the requested location. Appointments for business service installations vary in length depending on the complexity of the services being installed. How Am I Billed? The monthly charges for all your services are billed one month in advance. Long distance calls and wireless calls are rated against your calling plan after you make them. Your first bill will be for one full month plus any prorated amount for days in current month. When Will I Receive My Bill? You should receive your bill approximately five days after your bill date.

Can I View My Statement Online? Yes, we have a program referred to as SMARTHUB – that allows you to view your statement online. You will need to call in to your local customer service office in order to activate your account. We highly recommend it! When is My Payment for Services Due? Your payment for billed services is due the last day of the given month and will be considered delinquent if not paid by that date. If your pay- ment will not reach us by that date, call the Valdez or Glennallen business office to discuss payment arrangements with a Customer Service Representative. “Failure to receive mail” will not be recognized as a valid excuse for failure to pay bills when due. If your bill is not paid by the last day of the month it will become delinquent. You will receive a notice of delinquency with a date for tem- porary disconnection if not paid. If payment is not received by the disconnection date your service(s) will be disconnected and you will be required to pay any past due amount plus the reconnect charge before they are reconnected. You may also be required to provide additional security deposits. Will I Be Asked to Pay a Deposit? All residential and business customers are asked to pay a deposit for service based on credit history.

If I Pay a Deposit, When Will It Be Returned?

We want to return your deposit as soon as pos- sible. After you’ve had service with us twelve months, we’ll review your account and if you’ve been making your payments when due, we’ll refund your deposit.


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