
TELEPHONE SAFETY/ LONG DISTANCE Telephone Safety Warning Please be aware of the following possible hazards that exist while using the telephone. Near Water: Do not use the telephone while in the bathtub, shower or pool. Immersion of the telephone or handset in water could cause an electrical shock. During an Electrical Storm: Avoid using a telephone during an electrical storm. Calls of an urgent nature should be brief. Although companies use protective measures to limit abnormal electrical surges from entering your home, absolute protection is impossible. There is a remote risk of dan- gerous electrical shock from lightning when using the telephone during an electrical storm. To Report a Gas Leak: If you think you’ve found a gas leak, do not use the telephone in the vicinity of the leak until the leak is re- paired. The telephone contains electrical contacts that could generate a tiny spark when you lift the handset and dial. There is a remote risk for this spark to trigger an explosion if the gas concentration is high enough.

Long Distance Calls You can dial station-to-station long distance calls direct to telephone numbers which have seven numerals or two letters and five numerals. To Call Within Your Area Dial “1,” then the area code, followed by the telephone number. For example, to dial St. Cloud 252-6433 from Upsala, dial “1,” then 320 and 252-6433. To Call Outside Your Area Dial “1,” then the area code, followed by the telephone number. For example, to call 799-2345 in Rochester, Dial “1,” then 507 and 799-2345. When placing a long distance call with the operator, please be sure to give them the area code of the place you are calling. Say, for example, “I want area code 507, then 799-2345.” How to Get an Area Code Area Codes for many cities are listed on pages 14-15. If the city you want is not listed, dial the oper- ator, and they will give you the area code. (There is a charge for this service.) Placing a Long Distance Call with the Operator

You are required to call 1-800-252-1166

Telephone Directories Must Be Recycled. IT’S THE LAW!

Minnesota law now requires ALL telephone directories to be recycled. A person may not place a telephone directory in solid waste, a disposal facility or in a resource recovery facility. ONLY A RECYCLING FACILITY.


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