

telephone directory, but the Telephone Company does not guarantee listings therein and shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in or omissions from the directory except as provided for in its filed regulations and tariffs.

Attachments to Telephones

In the interest of provid- ing dependable, efficient, and modern telephone service, the Telephone Company sets specifica- tions for equipment which may be connected to its facilities. These specifica- tions are required to ensure that each part of the system is

Annoying, Obscene, and Threatening Calls If you get an annoying, obscene, or threatening call, hang up immediately. Threatening calls should be reported immediately to the police. When You Hear A “Beep” Tone A short “beep” tone heard on your telephone line about

designed and maintained to work with every other part of the complex telephone network. Rules and regula- tions regarding the connection of customer-provided equipment to Telephone Company facilities are on file with the Minnesota Public Service Commission. Copies are available for review at the business office. Automatic Answering Set Certain telephones are equipped with an automatic device, known as an automatic answering set, which answers the telephone mechanically or digitally. It then makes a recorded announcement. If your call is ans- wered by an automated answering set, listen carefully for the announcement, which will be self-explanatory. Some sets will also record a message from the caller. Rates and Regulations Regulations and rules governing the furnishing of services by the Telephone Company are on file in our business offices. A representative will be glad to assist you in obtaining information from them. Consumer Information If you are dissatisfied with your service, a Telephone Company Representative will work with you to solve any problems you have. If your local telephone company does not resolve your complaint, you may request assis- tance from the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. To reach the commission, call or write:

every 15 seconds means that the person with whom you are talking is recording your conver- sation. Use of a recorder without recorder-connector equipment containing a tone-warning de- vice is contrary to the company’s tariffs and is not permitted. If you do not want a record made of what you are saying, ask the person

with whom you are talking to disconnect the recording machine. When it is disconnected, you will no longer hear the “beep” tone. Calling Card A convenient way of making long distance calls when away from home. To use a call- ing card, place your call with the operator and give your calling card number. The call is charged to your home or office phone. To get a calling card, call your business office or long distance carrier. Telephone Directories The directory is an important aid in providing good and prompt telephone service. If your directory is no longer ser- viceable, please call the business office. Every reasonable precaution is taken to avoid errors in and omissions from the

Minnesota Public Utilities Commission 121 7th Place E., Ste. 350 St. Paul, MN 55101-2147 1-800-657-3782


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