General Information
Service Applications, Changes And Discontinuances Application for new service, changes, additions and discontinuances of service should be handled with our business office. A telephone call will enable you, in almost every case, to transact business promptly and satisfactorily. Service Policy Our policy is to render a service that will be satis- factory to all our customers. We realize that diffi- culties may sometimes occur, notwithstanding all our efforts to avoid them, and shall appreciate your comments and suggestions for the betterment of the service of our relations with the public at any time. Bills And Payments Bills are rendered monthly and upon presentation are payable by mail, in person or on-line. The bill may cover local access charges, long distance charges and broadband charges for a one-month period. Prompt payment of bills is requested. If bills become delinquent, service may be denied. When service is denied because of non-payment, a $10.00 charge for telephone service and $15.00 charge for internet service is applicable for restoration of service. No Charge To Disconnect Service There is no charge to disconnect service. Call your service representative to disconnect your phone. Service Interruption The telephone company does not guarantee the uninterrupted working of lines or instruments. No adjustments will be made for interruption unless it has continued for more than 24 hours and notice is given in the form of a trouble report. It is the custom- er’s responsibility to report trouble on their service. Errors In This Directory No liability shall attach to or be assumed by the Company for any errors or omissions in the compiling, printing or distribution of its directories. In order that the directory record may contain correct listings at all times, notification of changes or errors should be given at once to the Business Office of the Company. Property Rights The customer has no property right in the telephone number assigned. The telephone number remains the property of the Telephone Company, and we reserve the right to make such telephone number changes as may be necessary in the conduct of
our business. Telephone directories furnished to subscribers are and remain the property of the Company and shall be surrendered upon request or destroyed upon delivery of each later issue. Every precaution is taken to prevent errors and omission of directory listings but they may occur and the Telephone Company will assume no liability for damages caused to a subscriber because of such errors or omissions. Please notify us of any errors or omissions. No binder, holder or auxiliary cover of an advertising nature shall be used in connection with this tele- phone directory. “Beep” Tone A short high “beep” tone heard on the telephone line about every 15 seconds means that the person with whom you are talking is recording your conver- sation. This signal is provided for your protection. If you do not want a record made of what you are saying, ask the person with whom you are talking with to disconnect the recording machine. The signal stops when the recorder is disconnected. Use of a recorder without this signal is unlawful. Tariff Provisions The communication services furnished by Chickasaw Telephone Company are public utility services which are offered by the Company subject to the rules, regulations and charges set forth in its tariffs. The Company’s tariffs are subject to change and are made available for inspection at Company business offices during office hours. A Deposit May Be Required A deposit may be required if you have no source of income, if you have no established credit, or if your past payment record indicates the need for a depos- it. The amount of the deposit is based on two months of service and one month of long distance charges. Deposits Earn Interest The Company shall pay interest on deposits accord- ing to an annual rate established by the Corporation Commission. The Company shall not pay interest on deposits held for less than thirty days or after discontinuance of service.
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