Sulphur, OK-2015 Sulphur
Including Listings for: ARDMORE AIR PARK DOUGHERTY GENE AUTRY LONE GROVE PAOLI ROSEDALE SPRINGER SULPHUR WOODFORD The publisher cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy of the information appearing in this directory or the complete absence of errors or omissions. Please note that advertisers under certain headings (e.g., electrical contractors, lawyers, physicians, plumbers) may be subject to licensing requirements, and the publisher does not and cannot guarantee that each advertiser has complied with those requirements. For more information, contact the advertiser or the appropriate trade organization or regulatory agency. The publisher does not assume any liability for inaccurate information appearing in advertisements, errors or omissions, or the failure of an advertiser to comply with applicable licensing requirements.
Copyright 2015 by Directory Publishing Solutions, Inc., Printed in U.S.A.
Murray County Abstract & Title, Inc.
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Kris Brinson 622-5294 Est. 1935
1020 W 2nd, Sulphur (Across from the Post Office) Abstracting, Closing & Escrow
Abstracters MURRAY COUNTY ABSTRACT AND TITLE Main Line 1020 W 2nd Sulphur............................. 622–5294 See Our Display Ad This Page Continued Next Listing Page If candlewax gets on carpet, use a warm iron placed on double-thick paper towels and iron it off. The paper towels
Make a paste out of white corn meal and white vinegar. Coat the tarnished brass with this paste and leave on for five minutes. Wipe off with a soft clean cloth and tarnish will be gone. Buff with a soft clean cloth.
will absorb the melted wax. Keep repeating until the wax is gone.
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