Calling Card Customers who have telephone calling cards may place calls and charge them to their card number. Calling card rates are less expensive than collect calls. Collect You may call collect if the person or firm you are calling agrees to pay the charges. Dial the call and when the operator comes on the line, say you’re placing a collect call and give your name. The operator will leave the line when the person you’ve called accepts the charges. Collect calls are more expensive than dial direct or calling card calls.
Conference Calls You can talk with several people in different places at the same time. Dial the oper- ator and say you wish to make a “conference” call. A special charge will be made for this type of call.
International Calls You can call practically every telephone in the world from your telephone. See page 18 for information. Person-to-Person Call person-to-person when you wish to reach a particular person or extension number. Dial 0 + number. When the operator comes on the line, say you’re making a person-to-per- son call and give the name of the person you want to talk to. The operator will leave the line when the person you’re calling has answered. Person-to-person calls are more expensive.
Dial Direct If you’re willing to speak with anyone who answers the phone, dial direct. By dialing your own long distance calls, you pay the lowest rate.
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