Use of Residence Telephones For Business Purposes
Customer Proprietary Network Information Special Notice Regarding Your Account Information Ben Lomand Connect knows how important personal privacy is to its members, so we treat as confidential certain informa- tion we have about you. A recent change in federal law per- taining to telecommunications companies applies to our use and disclosure of that information. To what kind of information are we referring? This information, called “Customer Proprietary Network Information” or “CPNI,” is information we acquire in the course of providing service to you. It includes the calling features, options, and plans to which you subscribe, billing information, and the identity of the long distance carrier you have chosen. You have the right, and we have the duty under federal law, to preserve the confidentiality of this information. We use this information today to market features, options and calling plans relating to the service you currently are receiving from us. It is never released to outside companies. If you con- sent, this information may be shared with our affiliates so they can market their telecommunications services, such as long distance or wireless, to you. What do I need to do to give my consent? No action on your part is necessary unless you wish to restrict Ben Lomand Connect from sharing this information with its affiliated companies. If you wish to deny the use of your CPNI, please dial 611 to reach your local business office or send an email to with your request within 30 days of receipt of this notice. After hours you may call 931.815.0035 or toll free 1.877.294.5036 , 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Your approval or denial will remain valid until you advise us otherwise. How will this affect services I currently am receiving? Whatever you decide will not affect the provision of any ser- vice to which you currently subscribe. However, denying the use of your CPNI may render you unable to receive information from Ben Lomand Connect and its affiliates about new or revised products and services, new technologies, promotions, and service packages that might be of special interest to you. How is this information used now and how might it be used?
Residence telephones are installed with the understanding that they will be used for normal social or domestic purposes. A residence telephone will be changed to be a business ser- vice if used primarily or substantially for business purposes, or, if the residence telephone number is advertised in connec- tion with the sale of products or services. Directory Information
The “Yellow Pages,” as most everyone knows, are the classified sections of tele- phone directories. In them, people quickly find where to buy the things they want. The Yellow Pages bring together the makers of products, the local dealers who sell and ser- vice them, and the customers who want them.
All businesses receive one listing in the Yellow Pages at no charge. All other advertising is at customer expense. Directory Advertising
For information concerning directory advertising please call DPS Media Toll Free at 866-221-4300 or write to 2630 Hwy 109, Wildwood, MO 63040. Listings or Omissions It is desired that all customers be properly listed in the directory.
Errors or omissions should be promptly reported to the service office. The Company assumes no liability whatsoever for dam- age purportedly occurring from such errors. Additional Directories If you need additional copies of this directory please contact the Ben Lomand Connect office in your area. Out-of-Town Directories Directories of other areas may be purchased by calling 1-800-682-4000. If you should have problems, call the Ben Lomand Connect office in your area.
We look forward to being able to serve you more efficiently in the future.
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