
Community Information

Mariposa County Transportation Services Dial-A-Ride public transportation is provided from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday except county holidays. Call 209-966-5315 or email for more information. Y.A.R.T.S. (Yosemite Area Regional Transportation System) Beautiful touring coach-style buses provide transportation from Merced to the valley floor in Yosemite National Park. Several buses daily. Also coordinates with Greyhound and Amtrak. For more information call 1-877-989-2787 or visit Mariposa County Court House State of California Historical Landmark No. 670

The Court House was accepted as a National Historic Landmark because some of the most celebrated and noted civil mining and water cases were held in the Court Room. Much of the subsequent mining law for the development of the rest of the western United States was based on the decisions reached here. Col. John C. Fremont, represented by Biddle Boggs, was engaged in a series of suits with the Merced Mining Company, resulting in gaining clear title to a portion of his historic Mexican Land Grant, Las Mariposas. During the 1854 centennial celebration, the then 100-year-old building was declared to be preserved as a “Shrine to Justice in California.” For more detailed information about the Court House and a schedule of tours, contact the Mariposa County Visitors Center at 209-966-2456 . Mariposa Museum & History Center The Mariposa Museum and History Center was founded in 1957. It is administered by a Board of Directors with the specific and primary purpose of preservation and dissemination of knowledge about Mariposa County and the State of California. The center features a recreated 1850s street that includes a newspaper office, a sheriff’s office, an assay office, a saloon, a drug store, a classroom and an emporium. A historic working stamp mill, which separated gold from quartz, is displayed as well as wagons and carriages. The historic “Cannon Ball” stagecoach, which ran between Raymond & Wawona, is also housed in the museum’s carriage house. An extensive collection of items relating to the Miwok culture can be found both inside and on the grounds. There’s the Count’s House, a Victorian home furnished in that period, and the original Gazette Newspaper Building with working presses. Contact the center for pre-arranged guided tours and gold panning for adults and school groups. Visitors are always welcome, open daily: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm For more information call 209-966-2924 . 5119 Jessie Street, PO Box 606, Mariposa, CA 95338-0606

Located 1 block east of State Highway 140 on Bullion Street between 9th and 10th, in Mariposa, this Court House considered the oldest in the west, was built of hand-sawed timbers for the frame. Each of these timbers were joined together by the use of mortise and tenon and held with wooden pegs. The exterior is covered with local sugar pine

boards. In 1866 an English clock was added to the front roof, which has struck the time in Mariposa since. Now, in a cooperative joint venture with Sierra Telephone, it uses the latest technology with Video Arraignment, saving transportation, security and personnel costs.


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