What is Bandwidth?
How Does Bandwidth Work? Analogy #1 - The Freeway
Which Internet Speed is Right For Me?
Minimum Download Speed (in Mbps)
You can think of bandwidth like a freeway. In order to get more cars (your data) to your desired destination (your device), you need a wider freeway (more bandwidth). More bandwidth means that you'll be able to receive more data at the same time.
Internet Activity
8 12
WEB Surfing/Shopping
Social Media
Streaming SD Video Downloading Music Email Downloading Large Files Video Calling
Streaming HD Video
Downloading Movies
Analogy #2 - Water Through a Hose Let's try another analogy. Think of downloading data as water moving through a hose. The hose is your bandwidth. The larger the hose (bandwidth), the more water (data) you can move through it.
Multi-Player Gaming
Streaming 4K Video
Minimum Upload Speed (in Mbps)
Internet Activity
Sharing Small Photos Video Calling Cameras Cloud Services
Work from Home
What's Slowing Down My Internet?
• The number of internet connected devices you have. The average US household has 16-25 devices connected to the internet, all competing for bandwidth.
If you've ever wandered why large files take so long to download, why Netflix has delays, or why you have a "choppy" gaming experience, consider these three factors: • The bandwidth of your internet plan (the connection between your home and Sierra Tel). • How you distribute that internet within your home. Are your devices connected by wires (Ethernet cables), or do you connect wirelessly?
While several factors must be taken into consideration when choosing your internet speed, the charts above are a great plan to start
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