CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE DIRECTORY JANUARY 2024 The publisher cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy of the information appearing in this directory or the complete absence of errors or omissions. Please note that advertisers under certain headings (e.g., electrical contractors, lawyers, physicians, plumbers) may be subject to licensing requirements, and the publisher does not and cannot guarantee that each advertiser has complied with those requirements. For more information, contact the advertiser or the appropriate trade organization or regulatory agency. The publisher does not assume any liability for inaccurate information appearing in advertisements, errors or omissions, or the failure of an advertiser to comply with applicable licensing requirements.
ATVRepair > SeeAll-Terrain Vehicles-Repainirg & Service
Abuse Information & Treatment Centers > SeeAlcoholismInformation& TreatmenCt enters;Cisris InterventionService;Durg Abuse& Addiction-Ionrfmation& Treatment Accountants NELSON MILLER & WHITE CPA'S 40315 Junction Dr Ste E Oakhurst............... 559–683–4900 To remove candle wax from woodwork...soften the wax with a hair dryer, then wipe up with an absorbent cloth. Finish up by washing the woodwork with a mild vinegar solution to remove any traces of the wax.
Abortion Alternatives Organizations listed at this heading provide assis tance, counseling, and/or information on abortion al ternatives. They DO NOT provide counseling or infor 50089 Rd 427 Oakhurst........................................... 559–642–2229 Business Line ........................................................... 559–641–6800 Helping Hands Pregnancy & Parenting Center Inc 5072 Bullion St Mariposa ........................................ 209–742–5500 The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it. ~Woodrow Wilson~ EAT LOCAL. SAVOR LOCAL FLAVOR. is the place to go when searching for local info, products, and services to help support your local community. mation on the attainment of abortions. Helping Hands Pregnancy & Parenting Center Inc
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Adult Abuse Hotline
Mountain Crisis Services 5075 Hwy 140 Ste C Mariposa ............................... 209–966–2350 Business Line ........................................................... 209–742–5865
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