

Area Code 540

Cable Television Service (Cont'd) SHENANDOAH CABLE TELEVISION COMPANY From Local Calling Area 106 S Main St Ednbrg ...................... 984–5224 Or ............................................. 800–743–6835 See Our Display Ad Page 30 Sky Cable USA Inc 315 E Spotswood Av Elkton ................. 298–0093 Timberville Electronics Inc New Market Rd Tmbrvle ...................... 896–8926 Cafes Seven Blends Nutrition 119 N Main St Wdstck ......................... 459–7775 Woodstock Garden Cafe 1175 Hisey Ave Wdstck........................ 459–8226 Cakes & Cake Decorating Aarika Farris Enterprises LLC 123 N Cameron St Winc ...................... 773–5850 Icing Images 2209 Harrison St Winc..... 323–7902 Icing Images 161 Prosperity Dr Winc ... 868–8309 Icing Images LLC 161 Prosperity Dr Winc........................ 869–5511 Cameras > SeePhotographicEquipmen&t Supplies-Retail Campgrounds & Recreational Vehicle Parks Big Stony Family Campground 264 Dellinger Gap Rd Ednbrg .............. 856–2190 Candy Hill Campground 165 Ward Av Winc................................ 662–8010 Country Waye RV Resort 3402 Kimball Rd Luray ......................... 743–7222 Cove Campgrounds The Rt 50 W Gore .. 858–2882 Creekside Campground 108 Palmyra Rd Ednbrg........................ 984–4299 Endless Horizons 3060 N Valley Pke Hburg..................... 896–9947 Endless Horizons 3586 Horizons Way Hburg ................... 214–2369 Front Royal RV Camp Ground 585 Koa Dr FrntRyl ............................... 622–6967 Or ........................................................... 635–2741 Gooney Creek Campgrounds 7122 Stonewall Jackson Hwy FrntRyl . 635–4066 Outlanders River Camp 4253 US Hwy 211 Luray ...................... 843–0383 Poe's Southfork Campgrounds ................ 636–6192 Shenandoah River Outfitters 6502 S Page Valley Rd Luray .............. 743–4159 Or ........................................................... 843–0405 Shenandoah Valley Campground 168 Industrial Park Rd Mt Jksn .......... 477–3080 Camping Equipment Appalachian Outdoors Adventures 18 E Main St Luray............................... 743–7400 The Gendarme 212 E Cork Winc ............ 667–3224 To remove bathtub mold...try scrubbing with vinegar, rinse well!


Outlanders River Camp 4253 US Hwy 211 W Luray ................. 743–5540 Rustic Retreats 443 Meadow View Ln Ft Vly................ 933–6650 Swift Run Camp Grounds LLC 19540 Spotswood Elkton ...................... 298–8086 Tri-State Christian Service Camp 2757 Coal Mine Rd Strsbrg ................. 465–8203 WPM Inc 765 Pontzer Rd Strsbrg.......... 465–4849 Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resort 2250 US Hwy 211 E Luray................... 743–4002 All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. ~Albert Einstein~


Brethren Woods Camp & Retreat Center 4896 Armentrout Path Kzltwn.............. 269–2741 Camp Overlook 3014 Camp Overlook Ln Kzltwn........... 269–2267 Camp Wamava Inc 1042 Oregon Hollow Rd Linden........... 635–2893 Endless Horizons Camp Horizons 3586 Horizons Way Harrisonburg ......................................... 896–7600 Front Royal RV Camp Ground 585 Koa Dr FrntRyl ............................... 622–2755 Or ........................................................... 631–0027 Opequon Quaker Camp 2710 Brucetown Rd Clr Brk ................. 678–4900

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