

Employee ID For your protection, every Shenandoah Telephone Company employee carries an official identification card that includes the employee’s name and photograph. If you have a question or doubt about a person who claims to be representing Shenandoah Telephone Company, ask to see the person’s identification card.

Illegal Telephone Use State and federal laws provide that it is unlaw- ful to use or permit another to use the tele- phone to intentionally annoy another by tele- phoning without intent to converse. They also provide that it is unlawful to make obscene calls or to maliciously make false statements, by telephone, of the health of another. These laws have penalties of imprisonment and/or a fine. If you receive a threatening call, report it immediately to the police. If you receive obscene or harassment calls, follow these suggestions: Hang up at the first obscene word or if the caller doesn’t say anything the second time you say hello. Give no information such as name, address or the fact that you are alone. Advise children to not give information to strangers. If calls persist, there are optional services available, such as Selective Call Rejection, Caller ID or Customer Originated Trace (*57).

Call Tracing The Customer Originated Trace feature (*57) allows a customer to trace the last completed incoming call that was answered.

After you receive an annoyance call, hang up and wait approximately five seconds. Lift the receiver and listen for dial tone. If you have touchtone service, dial *57. If you do not have

touchtone service, dial 1157. A recording will come on the line and prompt you to dial “1” to trace the call. Remain on the line for further instructions and information on charges. Call record information will be released only to the sheriff’s department or other law enforcement agencies.

Recycling Telephone Directory Shenandoah Telephone Company encourag- es its customers to recycle their telephone directories every year. There are recycling bins established throughout Shenandoah County as well as some curbside options in towns and the landfill in Edinburg. Thank you for considering recycling. Shenandoah Telephone Company’s Policy It is Shenandoah Telephone Company’s pol- icy to provide service that will be satisfactory to all of our customers. Should you question a charge on your bill or have a complaint to make, you are urged to discuss the problem with a customer service representative by dialing 540-984-5224 . If you feel you have not solved the problem by speaking with the customer service representative, please call our customer service supervisor at 540-331- 7225 or email us at . The State Corporation Commission regulates the operations, rates and services of all local telephone companies in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The companies’ complaint pro- cedures are on file with the SCC’s Division of Communications. The mailing address for the SCC is PO Box 1197, Richmond, VA 23218. The State Corporation Com- mission can also be contacted by calling 800-552-7945 or by visiting their website at


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