
Customer Information Things You Need To Know

How To Block Telephone Solicitations

Types Of Telephone Service Available (Call your local exchange company customer service office for specific details.) • 900 Blocking • Customer Calling Features • Fax Line • Multi-line Services • Calling Cards • Sale of Equipment • Wire Maintenance Plans Directory Listings The Telephone Company cannot and does not assume liability because of errors or omis sions in compiling this directory. Sometimes, despite careful attention, errors will occur. Please check your listing in the directory. If it is incorrect, please call your local telephone customer service department, so that it may be corrected for the next issue. Directory listing options are as follows: • Listed (appears in directory, no monthly charge). • Non-listed (does not appear in directory, is available through directory assis tance, monthly charge). • Non-published (does not appear in the directory or in directory assistance, monthly charge). • Dual name listing (two people may be listed with the same last name, resi dential listing only, no monthly charge). • Additional listing (number appears under two or more different listings, monthly charge). Information For Listing Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907-555-1212 Nationwide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-555-1212

You may go to the National Do Not Call Registry. Registering your phone number with this registry is free. You can register over the Internet at or call 1-888-382-1222, TTY 1-866-290-4236, from the phone number you wish to register. Your number will stay registered for five years, or until the number is disconnected or you remove the listing. Requests For Service To order service or to change your tele phone service, please have the following information ready for us: • The type of service you require. • Whether or not you need jacks or inside wiring installed. • The type of listing you want in the phone book. • Your employment and credit information. • Address and alternative number at which you can be reached. • The telephone number of the previous occupant at your location if applicable. Service For A New Construction Call as soon as possible for service to a new building or a building that has not had previous telephone service installed. Note that telephone facilities may not be available in all locations and some delays to your request for service may occur while telephone facility construction takes place. Your local telephone company will provide service to these areas as quickly as it is able to obtain the necessary easements and perform the construction to do so.


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