
Customer Information Things You Need To Know

Customer Complaints And Disputes

A complaint or dispute regarding service or billing which cannot be satisfactorily resolved within a reasonable amount of time may be submitted by the complainant to the CEO. The Utility may require that the complaint be submitted in written form. All written complaints shall be sent to the CEO of the Telephone Company. If the complainant is still not satisfied with the disposition of his complaint, he may then (per 3 A.A.C. 48. 120, Alaska Administrative Code) file the complaint with the Alaska Public Utilities Commission.

Statement Of Billing Error Rights For 900 Pay-Per-Call Service Charges This statement sets out your billing error rights with respect to telephone-billed purchases made using interstate 900 pay- per-call services that are billed to you through your local Telephone Company. The rights and obligations of you, the con- sumer, and of your local Telephone Company and your long distance carriers, who are billing entities, listed below, are provided under the Federal Telephone Disclosure and Dispute Resolution Act. This is the procedure that you must follow to notify your local Telephone Company of a billing error and the steps that must be taken in response to your notice:

Telephone Numbers The customer has no proprietary right to an assigned telephone number. Your local Telephone Company may make changes with the telephone number or central office designation as the requirements of the service demands.


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