
Customer Information Things You Need To Know

service affected by the interruption, for such time as the interruption continues. No other liability shall be attached to the Telephone Company for such service interruptions. Business And Residence Service Determination as to whether a customer service should be classified as BUSINESS or RESIDENCE will be based upon the charac- ter of use, regardless of the type of premises. Business Where use is primarily or substantially of a business, professional, institutional or otherwise occupational nature. Residence Where use is primarily of a social or domestic nature. Regulations, Rules And Tariffs Copies of our rules, regulations and rates are available for public inspection at the A complaint or dispute regarding service or billing which cannot be satisfactorily resolved within a reasonable amount of time may be submitted by the complainant to the General Manager. The Utility may require that the complaint be submitted in written form. All written complaints shall be sent to the General Manager of the Telephone Company. If the complainant is still not satisfied with the disposition of his complaint, he may then (per 3 A.A.C. 48.120, Alaska Administrative Code) file the complaint with the Regulatory Commission of Alaska. Telephone Numbers The customer has no proprietary right to an assigned telephone number. Your local Telephone Company may make changes with the telephone number or central office designation as the requirements of the service demands. Telephone Company office. Customer Complaints And Disputes

Interior Telephone Company, Inc. Cold Bay – Cooper Landing – Ft. Yukon Galena – Iliamna – King Cove – Moose Pass – Port Lions – Sand Point – Seward Unalaska/Dutch Harbor Mukluk Telephone Company, Inc. Brevig Mission – Elim – Golovin – Koyuk Little Diomede – Nome – St. Michael Shaktoolik – Shishmaref – Stebbins Teller – Wales – White Mountain OTZ Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Kobuk – Kotzebue – Ambler – Buckland Deering – Kiana – Kivalina – Noatak Noorvik – Selawik – Shungnak Arctic Slope Cooperative, Inc. Anaktuvuk Pass – Atqasuk – Deadhorse/ Prudhoe Bay – Kaktovik – Nuiqsut Point Hope – Point Lay – Utqia ġ vik Wainwright Your Rights And Responsibilities Be careful who you let use your phone. If telephone service is in your name, you are responsible for all calls made from your phone including long distance calls, regardless of who places the call. Your telephone may be used for legal purposes only and may not be used in any way that interferes with the telephone service of others. Equipment connected to the Telephone Company’s lines must be in compliance with our tariffs and Federal Communications Commission regulations. Interruption To Service When requested by the customer, if service is interrupted for more than twenty-four (24) hours, and for causes other than the negligence or willful act of the customer, an allowance shall be made for the minimum rate of the telephone facilities and class of


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