Consumer Information A Useful Guide
Charges For Working On Your Premises
By law, the Telephone Company must pro tect the privacy of your communications and accounting records. Under Federal and State law, unauthorized wiretapping is a crime. However, a court may issue a lawful order authorizing a law enforcement agency to conduct a wiretap or obtain your records without the consent of either party. The Telephone Company will comply with all lawful court orders. Be careful who you let use your phone. If telephone service is in your name, you are responsible for all calls made from your phone including long distance calls, regardless of who places the call. Your telephone may be used for legal purposes only and may not be used in any way that interferes with the telephone service of others. Equipment connected to the Telephone Company’s lines must be in compliance with our tariffs and Federal Communications Commission regulations.
Charges to install, move or change the equip ment or wiring on your premises will vary based on the actual amount of work time required on a call out. Currently the charge for certain installa tions and repairs is $175.00 per hour with a min imum of $87.50 for the first half hour or fraction of an hour. Your Rights And Responsibilities Consistent, high caliber, and reliable service pro vided by the Telephone Company is as important to us as it is to you. Your Telephone Company Customer Experience Specialist is responsible for answering questions and resolving problems you may have with your telephone service. If your questions have not been answered or your prob lems have not been solved to your satisfaction, you may ask to speak with a supervisor. Lifeline Service: Lifeline provides an individual fixed/mobile broadband or voice service, including 911 emergency services, access to operator services, access to long distance service if selected, toll blocking and access to directory assistance for as low as $0 per month. Or the Lifeline benefit can be used for fixed or mobile broadband service meeting the minimum service standards of 25/3Mbps fixed broadband and 4G Service Speed and 4.5GB data usage allowance. Subscribers in the Lifeline program must verify eligibility on an annual basis with Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) to continue to receive the Lifeline benefits. This must be completed before the anniversary of service initiation. • Medicaid • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps or SNAP) • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) • Federal Public House Assistance (Section 8) • Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) General Assistance Enhanced Lifeline Service & Link-Up Assistance
Link-Up Assistance: Offers up to $100 discount on applicable, new, non-recurring service connection charges. Eligibility Requirements: A customer must participate in one of the programs listed below and must provide proof of program participation or income to confirm eligibility. • Tribally administered Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TTANF) • Head Start (income based criteria only) • Veteran Pension and Survivors Benefits • Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations
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