
Consumer Information A Useful Guide

interruption continues. This must be requested by the subscriber in writing. No other liability shall be attached to the Telephone Company for such service interruptions. Telephone Numbers The subscriber has no property rights to the tele phone number, or any right to the continuance of service through any particular central office. The Telephone Company may change the telephone number or the central office designation, or both, of a subscriber whenever it deems it necessary in the conduct of its business to do so. Telephone Directories (a) Distribution – The Telephone Company dis tributes without charge to subscribers additional directories. (b) Ownership – Directories regularly furnished to subscribers are the property of the Telephone Company and are loaned to subscribers only as an aid to the use of the telephone service. The Telephone Company shall have the right to make a charge for directories lost, destroyed, defaced or mutilated while in the possession of the subscriber.

Ownership And Use Of The Equipment

Equipment, instruments and lines on subscriber’s premises, furnished by the Telephone Company, shall be and remain the property of the Telephone Company, whose agents and employees have the right to enter said premises at any reasonable hour for the purpose of installing, inspecting or repairing the equipment and lines, and for the purpose of making collections from coin boxes and, upon termination of the service, for the purpose of removing such equipment and lines. Such equipment is not to be used for performing any part of the work of transmitting, delivering or collecting any telephone message where any toll or consideration has been or is to be paid to any party other than the Telephone Company without written consent. Emergency Or Disaster Information During an emergency or disaster, limit telephone calls to emergency assistance only. For informa tion, tune your radio to your local emergency sta tion for news, official information and instructions. Interruption To Service If service is interrupted for more than forty-eight (48) hours at locations accessible by a maintained road via 4-wheel drive truck, and as soon as prac ticable at all other locations, and for causes other than the negligence or willful act of the subscriber, an allowance will be made of the minimum rate for the telephone facilities and class of service affected by the interruption, for such time as the


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