
Straight Talk Customer Information

Deposit Under certain conditions, a deposit may be required from an appli- cant for service to guarantee payment for the service. The amount of the deposit generally will not exceed the average amount of one month’s local service and two month’s long distance service. If a deposit is required, it may be paid in two equal installments, one-half prior to beginning service and one-half over the first billing period. In lieu of a deposit for residential customers, the Telephone Company will accept the written guarantee of a third party customer who meets certain criteria and who is willing to guarantee payment of your deposit. A deposit or increased deposit may be required from an existing customer for the following: 1. The customer did not pay a bill on or before the last day to pay printed on a Shut-Off Notice. 2. The customer had two insufficient checks in the preceding twelve months. 3. The customer failed to pay his bill by the due date 2 months in a row or 3 times in the last twelve months. 4. The customer misrepresented his identity for the purpose of obtaining service during the past 24 months. 5. Thecustomerengaged inunauthorizeduseof serviceor tampering with wires or other Telephone Company equipment during the past 2 years. 6. If there was more service usage than was originally estimated on the deposit. No additional deposit can be requested after 12 months unless the customer moves, expands the business or scope of operation. 7. Under the United States Bankruptcy Code, an additional deposit may be required as assurance of payment before the bankruptcy filing. A deposit will earn interest annually. A deposit will be refunded if the customer paid all bills by the due date for twelve consecutive months or had no checks dishonored for reasons other than bank error. When service is stopped, the deposit with interest will be applied to any amount owed the Telephone Company. Bills And Payments

Shut-Off Notice If your bill is not paid by the DUE DATE a SHUT-OFF NOTICE will be mailed to you. Your service may be suspended if the bill is not paid by the last day to pay printed on the notice. A residential customer may designate a consenting individual or agency as a third party to receive a copy of the SHUT-OFF NOTICE. A residential customer may postpone suspension of service when a certified medical emergency exists or when you have signed a Delayed Payment Agreement. You may also make arrangements with our Business Office to avoid suspension of service during an extended period of absence from your residence. Delayed Payment Agreement A Delayed Payment Agreement is a signed agreement between a qualifying customer and the Telephone Company. A Delayed Payment schedule is agreed on and can have as many as five pay- ments on the total bill amount. In signing a Delayed Payment Agreement, the customer agrees that: 1. Should any of the terms of any agreement be violated, all outstanding charges which have been billed and which are due on the account, immediately become due and payable. 2. Should service on this account be suspended (SHUT-OFF) or completely disconnected as a result of violation of the terms of this agreement, all outstanding charges billed and due, plus appropriate reconnection fees shall be paid prior to the restoration of service. 3. Should any of the terms of an agreement be violated, an appro- priate security deposit may be required before service will be continued. 4. The customer shall be subject to immediate suspension (SHUT- OFF) and/or complete disconnection, without prior written notice, if: A. Future charges on this account are not paid in full on or before the due date of each particular bill, for the term of the agreement, and/or B. Any of the terms of the Delayed Payment Agreement is violated. 5. Prairie Grove Telephone Company does not have to enter into a second Delayed Payment Agreement if the customer currently is bound by a Delayed Payment Agreement. 6. Prairie Grove Telephone Company must receive a reasonable portion of the overdue bill as a down payment by the close of business on the third business day after making arrangements for the Delayed Payment Agreement. (Not more than 1/4 of the overdue bill.) 7. The customer shall be allowed to make equal installment pay- ments for at least 3 months from the date of the down payment. The down payment is not considered an installment payment.

Bills should be paid on or before the DUE DATE shown. Bills are delinquent if not paid on or before the DUE DATE and a penalty will be added. When a service is suspended for non-payment, a charge is appli- cable for restoring service. If you

have a question concerning your bill, contact our Business Office. If your service is temporarily suspended for 7 calendar days, you will be permanently disconnected and you must reapply for service.

• general information •


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