Prairie Grove, AR-2020
Security Control Equipment & Systems
PROTECT YOUR HOME-ADT AUTHORIZED PREMIER PROVIDERS .......................................................... 855–928–2054 See Our Display Ad This Page SECURE AT HOME ................... 855–738–4126 See Our Display Ad This Page Senior Citizens Service Organizations AREA AGENCY ON AGING 4332 N Waterside Ct Fayetteville.............. 442–5194 Senior Center Farmington-340 W Main.................................... 267–5709 Fax Line .......................................................... 267–0386 Lincoln-116 E Park............................................. 824–3861 Prairie Grove-475 Ed Staggs Dr....................... 846–2794 Septic Systems-Designers Herron's Soil Interpretations Farmington............ 267–3991 Septic Tanks & Systems-Installation- Contractors, Dealers & Repair JOHNSON RANDY PLUMBING INC 17703 S Skylight Mountain WC4 Cane Hill...................................................... 824–2500 MASTER PLUMBING ..................................................................... 269–1727 MOORE BROTHERS SEPTIC SYSTEMS INC ..................................................................... 824–2272 Or Call................................................................. 521–4496 MORROW PLUMBING INC 17152 Hale Mountain WC3 Morrow.......... 848–3407 Sewer Cleaners MASTER PLUMBING .......................... 269–1727 Sewer Contractors JOHNSON RANDY PLUMBING INC 17703 S Skylight Mountain WC4 Cane Hill...................................................... 824–2500 Siding Contractors PREMIER SIDING & WINDOWS Call............................................................... 750–7715 Signs Local Sign Shop The 2670 E Pridemore Dr......... 824–2000 Soccer Equipment & Supplies > SeeSportingGoods-Retail
Social Service Organizations Farmington Senior Center 340 W Main............... 267–5709 Lincoln Senior Center 116 E Park ........................ 824–3861 Prairie Grove Senior Center 475 Ed Staggs Dr .. 846–2794 Special Event Planning Flowers-N-Friends PO Box 182 Prairie Grove..... 846–2137 Sporting Goods-Retail David C Rose Gun Shop Inc 12521 W Hwy 62... 267–3965 State Offices > SeeGovernmentOffices-State Steam Fitters > SeeHeatingContractors Steel Distrs & Warehouses OZARK STEEL CO 1700 S School Av Fayetteville.................... 442–7602 Steel Erectors
Stereo, Audio & Video Equipment- Service & Repair Watts Electronics Call ........................................... 846–3012 Stone-Natural Flagstone Heights 11349 Rustling Oaks WC3214........................... 846–3959 Storage-Household & Commercial Over 400 Units Outside Boat & RV Storage Locally Owned & Operated 600 W Pridemore Dr Lincoln ............. 479 824-5588 A-1 MINI STORAGE
Prairie Grove Mini Storage 930-1 E Parks St ..... 846–0707
To remove candle wax from carpeting...after the wax has
Nu Dawn Inc 287 E Main...................................... 267–6500
hardened, scrape up what you can with a dull knife. Place a paper towel or clean white cloth over the affected area. Gently press the cloth with an iron on low (warm). As wax is lifted, move the cloth to a clean area and repeat as often as necessary.
To create extra storage space... hang clear shoe bags on the inside of doors. This is a great way to store cleaning products.
To clean a blender... add a small amount of
halfway with hot tap dishwashing liquid, then fill water and blend. Instantly clean!
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