Prairie Grove, AR-2020
Prairie Grove City Of Cont'd 22 PRAIRIE—REED
Prairie Grove Water & Sewer Dept 975-2 E Douglas........................................ 846-2961 Emergency Pager...................................... 267-1554 After Business Hours Dial......................... 846-3752 Or......................................................... 871-1778 Or......................................................... 846-3401 Or......................................................... 846-5674 Or......................................................... 761-3437 Or......................................................... 871-1697 Wastewater Treatment Plant 10239 Bluemist WC3611........................ 846-3900 Water Treatment Plant 12682 Forest WC3288............................ 846-3980 Prairie Oaks Baptist Church 402 Viney Grove Rd.................................... 846-4318 Prater Butch & Yevon 12155 S Hwy 265....................................... 846-4076 Prater Corey 2005 S Mitchell WC445...... 824-5491 Prater Darrell 11537 Ashley WC1011.... 846-3136 Prater Harley &Verneal 19282 Hall WC230..................................... 761-3315 Prater Mike & Janell 12950 S Hwy 265....................................... 846-5998 Pratt Rick & Becky 10128 S Wedington Blacktop WC33............ 846-3626 Presbyterian Church 20967 Ashburton WC4410.......................... 848-3991 Prewitt Joseph 21909 N Highway 59..... 848-0005 Price Clint 22100 Lafayette Mtn WC4459.................... 824-3673 Price Lance 13787 Sugar Hill Cutoff WC449.................. 824-3878 Price Patti 19737 N Skylight Mountain WC4................. 848-3607 Price Tony & April 15344 Kelly Mountain WC18....................... 846-3916 Pridemore L 11411 Old Pridemore WC3614................... 824-3417 Pridmore Gary & Janet 3030 Hook Lane......................................... 267-9043 Prince Carl 326 W Willow Av.................. 267-3493 Prince Nathan & Paige 13377 Williams WC616.............................. 267-4330 Prince Ralph 18860 Latta WC10............. 848-3339 Prince Robert & Charlotte 11444 Shumate Crossing WC654................ 846-3294 Priority Bank 703 E Douglas St.............. 846-4000 Pro Heating And Cooling 2105 E Pridemore Dr.................................. 500-6150 Proctor Jewell 13028 Fat Nash WC613.............................. 846-3594 Prouty N 14537 S Hwy 45......................... 824-3662 Provence Leon 17202 Jack WC292....... 848-3428 Provence Ronnie & Carrie 18311 Vineyard WC2.................................. 848-2932 Pryor Teddy 122 N Mitchell Ave............... 824-1625 Purcell Charles 13722 Blue Mountain WC299..................... 846-1517 Purdy Lisa 15900 Greasy Valley WC8...... 848-1277 Q QC Supply LLC 2285 E Pridemore.......... 824-4301 Quality Wood Truss Inc 16322 Blue Mountain WC299.................... 761-3278 Fax Line.................................................... 761-3234 See First Presbyterian Church Presley Eddie & Helen
Quayle Robert 215 Brunk St.................. 846-3823 Quick-A-Way 208 W Pridemore Ave...... 824-3202 Quinton Carl 13892 Cove Creek North WC21.................. 846-1990 Quinton Dale 13498 Zinnamon Church WC220................. 267-2561 Quinton Dale 13498 Zinnamon Church WC220................. 761-3318 Quinton Daryl 19801 Hall WC230.......... 761-3329 Quinton Roger 13494 Cove Creek North WC21.................. 846-2729 R RCAL Products Inc 1 Bitworks Way..... 846-5780 R & M Acoustics Inc 246 Angus Ln..... 267-2724 R & R Truck & Trailer 20456 W Hwy 62........................................ 824-3120 Racey Linda 73 Ozark Tr......................... 267-5952 Rader Kenneth A 122 S Ozark.............. 846-2477 Radford Gayle 106 Meadowbrook Av..... 824-1684 Rainwater Vernon 18291 Rainwater WC3646.......................... 846-3757 Raley Dennis & Wendy 16580 S Hwy 265....................................... 761-0085 Ramay Joel 11237 Pioneer WC3280....... 846-5132 Ramey Brian 17345 Oakhaven Trail........ 846-5941 Ramey Kelly 16030 Malico Mountain WC29.................... 761-0092 Ramsey Jim 11874 Centerpoint Church WC23................ 846-5621 Randolph John 24088 W Cincinnati WC808........................ 824-3483 Randolph Johnathan & Danielle 12948 Cincinnati WC7................................ 824-5092 Rankin Clay & Jordan 20460 Kirklane WC447............................... 824-3074 Rankin Gary H & Kathy 15253 Prairie Grove Lake WC259............... 846-3899 Rankin Mary E 10833 N Hwy 170........... 846-1832 Rankin Philip & Shelly 13880 Meacham WC262............................. 846-5151 Ratchford Travis & Treva 11193 N Hwy 170....................................... 846-0404 Ratcliff William E & Anne 20250 Strickler WC217.............................. 761-0163 Ratliff Zoal 12451 Leam Blvd.................. 267-3260 Ratzlaff L B 35 Ridge Dr.......................... 267-2747 Ray Elizabeth 220 N Summit.................. 846-6777 Ray Freddie & Zona 27 W Northaven......................................... 267-1934 Ray Shirley 19635 Latta WC10................ 848-2134 Razorback Muffler 245 E Main............ 267-2121 Reamer Stephan 12490 Centerpoint Church WC23................ 846-4623 Reaves Jimmy 282 E Wolfdale Rd.......... 267-2306 Reaves Steve 11106 Owl WC3281.......... 846-4653 Reavis R T 10238 Woodlyn WC673........... 824-4523 Reddick Tommy & Molly 14048 Lincoln -Cane Hill WC13................... 824-3824 Redfeather Trading Co 122 E Buchanan......................................... 846-2010 Redfern P A 1265 S Gentle Valley Dr...... 267-8013 Redi-Lube Garage LLC 26 W Main.... 267-3660 Reed Alfred Sug 16713 W Munyon Road WC433.................. 848-1332 Reed Archie L 15422 S Hwy 45.............. 824-5413
Or..................................................... 846-5674 Or..................................................... 761-3437 Or..................................................... 871-1697 Wastewater Treatment Plant.................... 846-3900 Water Treatment Plant............................. 846-3980 Prairie Grove First United Methodist Church 1401 E Parks.............................. 846-2232 Prairie Grove Hardware 106 W Buchanan........................................ 846-6800 Prairie Grove Heating & Air LLC 11560 Centerpoint Church WC23................ 846-5617 Prairie Grove Medical Clinic 775 E Douglas............................................ 846-5005 Prairie Grove Mini Storage 930-1 E Parks St........................................ 846-0707 Prairie Grove Nursing & Rehab 621 S Mock St............................................ 846-2169 Prairie Grove Police Dept 955-1 E Douglas......................................... 846-3270 Prairie Grove Schools ....................... 846-4213 Primary Office-801 Viney Grove Rd........... 846-4210 Middle School Office-806 N Mock.............. 846-4221 High School Office-500 Cole Dr................. 846-4212 Superintendent's Office 300 Ed Staggs Dr................................... 846-4213 Prairie Grove Health & Wellness............... 846-8100 Prairie Grove Senior Center 475 Ed Staggs Dr....................................... 846-2794
PRAIRIE GROVE TELEPHONE CO INC For All Business Transactions Including Inquiries Concerning Account Applications Changes In Service Etc Call Business Office
139 N Mock......................................... 846-7200 Or Call............................................ 267-7200 If The Above Numbers Are Long Distance Call............................. 800-235-6565 To Report A Telephone Out Of Order... 846-4161 Or Call.................................................................... 611 For Numbers Not Listed In The Directory Call................................................. 846-7200 Or Call.................................................................... 411 Internet Service.................................. 846-7200 Internet Technical Support.................. 846-9700 PRAIRIE GROVE TIRE & LUBE 940 E Stills Rd...................... 846-4335 Prairie Grove True Value Hardware 106 W Buchanan........................................ 846-6800
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