Prairie Grove, AR-2020
McReynolds Brenda 13711 Bethel Blacktop WC62..................... 267-5156 McReynolds Dale R 16236 Dutch Mills Rd North WC419............ 848-3505 McVey Eldon 203 W Parks..................... 846-3730 McVey Georgia 203 W Parks................. 846-3730 Medlin Gary 510 E School....................... 824-2527 Meeker Marvin & Millie 13851 S Hwy 59......................................... 824-4949 Mels Diner 109 W Buchanan St............... 846-3663 Melson Leroy H 13005 Rocky Hill WC403............................ 846-2715 Melton Bud 12391 Petal WC3404........... 824-2175 Melton Jackie 21306 W Hwy 62............ 824-5650 Mendenhall Gary 303 W Thurman........ 846-3640 Mendenhall Pauline 303 W Thurman......................................... 846-3640 Mendenhall Tim 14075 Blue Mountain WC299..................... 846-5184 Mendoza Rubi Jose 24001 John Bolin....................................... 824-1760 Merryman Earl 465 S Grandview Ct....... 267-3495 Mertz James & Stephanie 280 Hearthstone Cir................................... 846-1712 Mertz T 23582 Salem Springs North WC452............ 848-3805 Metallo Cheryl Kay 13010 Jimmy Devault WC627..................... 267-3852 Metcalf Jackie Lynn 15160 Prairie Grove Lake WC259............... 846-6320 Methodist Church See Prairie Grove First United Methodist Church Meuleners Dorothy 12469 Greasy Valley WC8.......................... 846-3994 Meyer Carol D 12485 Little Elm WC19... 267-4241 Meyer Gerda 19207 Dobbs Mountain Cutoff WC409........ 848-3377 Meyer Larry J 20929 Hale Mountain WC3......................... 848-3504 Meyer Orvil Jr 22692 Dobbs Mountain WC1...................... 848-3722 Meyer Pam 15176 Cove Creek North WC21.................. 761-3482 Mid-South Brokers 2829 E Heritage Parkway........................... 846-1860 Middlebrook Kristin 923-1 E Stills Rd......................................... 846-3546 Middlebrook R A 12161 S Hwy 265...... 846-3809 Miedema Larry 16801 S Hwy 59............ 848-3646 Miles Dennis 16088 S Hwy 59................ 848-3060 Miller Carl R 11095 Royal Oaks WC3279......................... 846-3354 Miller Carol Lynn 21989 Summers Mountain WC676.............. 824-2295 Miller Charlotte 123 N West Ave.......... 824-1352 Miller Gordon & Sharon 293 Sundown Dr......................................... 267-5530 Miller Greg & Helen A 11808 Club House Pkwy............................. 267-6919 Miller James L & Ruth Ann 121 Hearthstone Cir................................... 846-3369 Miller John 13720 Amber WC602........... 267-2515 Miller Joyce ........................................... 824-5241 Miller Larry D 16740 Malico Mountain WC29.................... 761-3580 18 MCREYNOLDS—MORROW
Moore Harrell & Caroline 903 Sedgewick Dr...................................... 846-2888 Moore Josh & Kendra 13559 Lincoln -Cane Hill WC13................... 824-5665 Moore Julie 12941 Meacham WC262..... 846-0461 Moore Julie 13077 Cove Creek North WC21.................. 846-2208 Moore Michael & Kim 19959 Rheas Community WC68.................. 824-4078 Moore Rager & Gigi 11788 Doc Hall WC630............................... 846-2018 Moore Ralph W 12399 S Hwy 45........... 824-3758 Moore Richard L (Jack) 1389 N West Av......................................... 824-5560 Moore Rita Gail 13011 Rocky Hill WC403............................ 846-6755 Moore Ron 11440 Orr WC67................... 846-1070 Moore Ronald 14395 Greasy Valley WC8.......................... 824-4094 Moore Russell 10989 Ocean WC3619.... 824-3334 MOORE SALES N W Corner Square........................... 824-4363 Or Call.................................................... 824-4834 Moore Sid 23534 Keith Baer WC807........ 824-4537 Moore Valley Farms 2694 E Pridemore Dr.................................. 824-0198 MOORE'S FUNERAL CHAPEL 206 W Center..................................... 442-7314 Moorman Jason 12704 Franchisci WC4829.......................... 824-3536 Moorman Roy 1009 Sugar Hill Rd.......... 824-5277 Morano John 20992 Strickler WC217.... 761-3636 Morelock Bobby & Carol .................. 267-3748 Morelock Bobby & Carol 13077 Peppermint WC3291........................ 846-3215 Morelock E T 151 Hearthstone Cir.......... 846-3346 Morelock Kirk 11560 Centerpoint Church WC23................ 846-5617 Moreton Charles W 10724 Wolf Track WC17............................. 824-5226 Moreton Dax & Christina 10797 Wolf Track WC17............................. 824-2200 Morgan Richard & Wanda 11283 E Applehill WC288........................... 846-2055 Morris Larry & Peggy 13140 Hogeye WC28.................................. 846-0292 Morrison Christine L 15839 W Hwy 62........................................ 846-0298 Morrison Danial 13665 Little Elm WC19............................... 267-5886 Morrow City Of Fire Dept............................................................... 911 Non-Emergency Number........................... 848-3600 MORROW HEAT & AIR LLC 2391 E Heritage Pkwy........................ 846-5500 Fax Line.................................................. 846-4822 Morrow Plumbing Inc 17152 Hale Mountain WC3......................... 848-3407 Morrow Ronald & Linda 13438 Little Elm WC19............................... 267-5489 Morrow Ronald & Linda 13438 Little Elm WC19............................... 267-5751 MorrowThurston O 17879 Stonewall WC64.............................. 267-3025 MorrowThurston O 17879 Stonewall WC64.............................. 846-3121
Miller Miranda 47 N Hawkins................ 267-3717 Miller Ronnie Wayne 12632 N Billingsley WC210......................... 846-2092 Miller Sharlene 18022 S Skylight Mtn... 848-0072 Miller Wayne 11709 Little Elm WC19...... 846-7646 Mills Tommy C 11662 Little Elm WC19............................... 267-2971 Mills Tommy C 11662 Little Elm WC19............................... 846-3451 Mills Trent & Julia 12782 Jimmy Devault WC627..................... 267-7029 Milmon William (Bill) 607 Aspen Pl.............................................. 846-0118 Miner Anita & Phillip 11777 S Wedington Blacktop WC33............ 824-4936 Miner Michael 12656 W Ervan Beeks Rd........................... 267-0089 Mirror Mirror Salon & Boutique 95-3 Southwinds Rd................................... 267-6505 Mitchel William R 18862 N Creek WC671............................... 824-2881 Mitchell Billy & Terri 17565 Krie WC611..................................... 846-5079 Mitchell Cecil & Jan 15328 Kelly Mountain WC18....................... 846-5989 Mitchell Charles 20893 Paramount WC3643......................... 824-2309 Mitchell James 1461 General McCrae Dr............................ 846-9130 Mitchell James 11092 N Garland McKee Rd........................ 846-9187 Mitchell Jeremy 11777 N Wedington Blacktop..................... 846-6046 Mitchell Jimmy Jr 182 Rob St............. 267-0559 Mitchell John D 89 E Main................... 267-3981 Mitchell John Tate 14109 College WC4762.............................. 824-3476 Mitchell Rhonda K 12496 S Hwy 265....................................... 846-6051 Mitchell Ronald 17896 N Skylight Mountain WC4................. 848-3824 Mitro Donna 130 E Wilson...................... 267-2894 Mixon Mary Alice 22610 Eversoll WC420............................... 848-3935 Mize Keith 12762 N Hwy 59..................... 824-1642 Mobley Bill & Jan 19752 N Skylight Mountain WC4................. 848-3033 Mobley Rodney 120 Angus Dr............... 846-3232 Mobley Shane 14033 N Wedington Blacktop..................... 846-2323 Molina Isabell 15076 S Hwy 59.............. 848-0013 Molz Juanita Sue 19384 Buckhorn Camp WC286................... 848-3539 Moncrief Rhonda 311 Wayne Villines Rd................................ 846-4040 Mooney Chris A 12461 S Hwy 265........ 846-6470 Moore Bill & Berthalene 36 Ridge Dr................................................ 267-3938 MOORE BROTHERS SEPTIC SYSTEMS INC ...................... 824-2272 Or Call.................................................... 521-4496 Moore Dennis 15473 S Applehill WC288........................... 846-4376 Moore Dennis W 10750 N Garland McKee WC257................. 846-4930 Moore Doug 1374 N West Av................. 824-5814
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