Prairie Grove, AR-2020
Loughridge Amanda 10481 N Wedington Blktp........................... 846-0073 Louis' Garage 15822 S Hwy 45............... 824-3601 Louks Tom 114 W Douglas....................... 846-4907 Love Mike & Edie ................................. 824-5990 Love S G 297 Wedgeview Dr.................... 267-0007 Lovejoy Bennett W 21679 S Hwy 59.... 848-3155 Lovejoy Gary 21901 N Hwy 59................ 848-3371 Lovejoy Myrl E 22127 S Hwy 59............. 848-3452 Lowery Paul L 11397 Orr WC67............. 846-3901 Loy Thomas 10170 Daisy Ln.................... 846-6545 Loya Mary 2016 S Mitchell Av.................. 824-1237 Luce Bill 11291 E Applehill WC288........... 846-3040 Luck Misty 105 E Thurman...................... 846-5253 LUGINBUEL FUNERAL HOME 115 N Neal.......................................... 846-2141 Or....................................................... 267-2700 Luginbuel Loyd Wayne 220 Eastwood Dr........................................ 846-2144 Luginbuel Stacy 1510 W Parks............. 846-5233 Lundstrum Richard 13925 Bush Valley WC11............................ 824-4417 Lunsford Charles R & Diane 19298 Latta WC10...................................... 848-0545 Luond Louie & Mary 311 W Bean....... 824-2629 Luper Larry W 8 N Holland Dr................ 267-3114 Luther Henry B 14690 N Jackson Hwy WC669.................... 824-5417 Lyddon Diane 13056 N Billingsley WC210......................... 267-6150 Lyddon Diane 13056 N Billingsley WC210......................... 846-5803 Lyle Pat 801-1 Herron St........................... 846-4818 Lynch Donald 20443 Eureka WC3412.... 848-3409 M MC Electric 183 W Main St..................... 267-1677 MDM Mechanical 15768 W Hwy 62..... 846-6600 Macdonald Fred & Sally 11718 Giles Rd........................................... 267-4348 Mace Kimberly 316 W Kelli Av.............. 267-2128 Mack Lyle 20781 Burgess Ln................... 824-0112 Mackie Donna 14505 S Hwy 45............. 824-1233 Maddan Greg 1161 Musket St................ 846-0848 Maddan Neal 11366 Viney Grove WC37........................... 846-3845 Madden L M 11618 Greasy Valley WC8.......................... 846-3389 Maddox Steve 16416 Hale Mountain WC3......................... 848-3635 Madewell Larry W & Janet 12503 Bethel Blacktop WC62..................... 267-3974 Madewell Mike &Victoria 20976 Gem WC837.................................... 824-4050 Madewell Rosie 314 W Kelli Av............ 267-3002 Madewell Tom & Janet 13139 Green Earth Rd................................ 846-4066 Magee Farms 16800 Parks Corner Rd.... 846-1000 Magee Paul 16800 Parks Corner Rd....... 846-4195 Magee Paul 16802 Parks Corner WC287....................... 846-6952 Maggard Charlotte D 11058 W Hwy 156...................................... 846-3509
Legend Realty Inc 998 E Heritage Pkwy.................................. 846-4476 Legend Realty Inc 998 E Heritage Pkwy.................................. 846-6999 Leimer Barbara 14944 Kelly Mountain Rd............................ 846-1870 Leming Ashley 12128 Swope WC4439............................... 824-0936 Leming Willie E 11888 S Hwy 59.......... 824-3678 Leming Willie & Son Excavating 1749 E North St.......................................... 824-4147 Leming Willie & Son Wrecker Service 1749 E North St......................... 824-4147 Lenz Thomas 16054 Echo WC3252......... 761-3421 Leser Robert 810-2 Hindman Dr............. 846-1762 Lester Billy R 172 E Glen........................ 267-2255 Lewis Betty 14693 Kelly Mtn................... 846-0230 Lewis Charlene 18942 Hale Mountain WC3......................... 848-1222 Lewis Charles M 609 Lincoln Av........... 824-3335 Lewis James & Diana 12678 S Hwy 45......................................... 824-2475 Lewis Karen 1006 E Adams WC436......... 824-3306 Lewis Richard & Sandra 13225 N Hwy 59......................................... 824-1324 Lewis Ricky J 11012 N Appleby Rd WC253....................... 267-0272 Lewis Sharon K 902 Dogwood Ln.......... 846-4078 Lewis Tim M 10999 Giles Rd................... 846-3792 Lewis Tommy & Ginny 17493 Mateer WC610................................ 846-2326 Liberty Baptist Church 22361 Dutch Mills WC418......................... 848-3472 Parsonage................................................ 848-3228 Lichty Paul E 15765 Hubbard WC214..... 761-3201 Life Family Chiropractic 123 E Main St............................................. 267-3030 Life Ministries 12204 W Hwy 62............ 267-5434 Life Ministries 881 E Stills Rd................ 846-5433 Lillie Tony & Kathy 22029 Dobbs Mountain WC1...................... 848-3609 Lincoln Area Realty 303 E Pridemore Dr.................................... 267-3060 Lincoln Area Realty 303 E Pridemore Dr.................................... 824-2020 Lincoln Auto Auction 1300 E Pridemore Dr.................................. 824-3253 Lincoln City Of Animal Control.......................................... 530-1661 City Hall.................................................... 824-4274 District Court............................................ 824-3386 Fire Department....................................... 824-3425 Library...................................................... 824-3294 Police Department.................................... 824-4274 Public Works............................................ 824-4521 Water Department.................................... 824-3453 Lincoln Gardens 133 Chestnut Cir........ 824-1424 Lincoln Masonic Lodge #615 108 Arthur Ave........................................... 824-4830 Lincoln Public Library 107 W Bean... 824-3294 Lincoln Public Schools 810 E P Rothrock Dr................................... 824-7310 Lincoln Senior Center 116 E Park..... 824-3861 Lincoln Terrace Apartments 803 E Pridemore Dr.................................... 824-5004 Lincoln Veterinary Clinic Inc 2157 E Pridemore Dr.................................. 824-3299
Lindley Vickie 1651 Colonel Bartow....... 400-6176 Lindsey & Associates Inc 3900 N Front St.......................................... 267-6611 Linn Robin & Nina 15775 Sims WC297.................................... 824-3396 Little Elm Baptist Church 12221 Little Elm WC19............................... 267-3463 Little Robert Earl 11201 Cannon WC634................................ 824-3398 Littrell Michelle 20366 W Hwy 62......... 824-4613 Lloyd Angie C 11215 S Old Cincinnati WC9....................... 824-4300 Local Sign Shop The 2670 E Pridemore Dr.................................. 824-2000 Local's The 128 E Buchanan..................... 846-6416 Lockhart Charlie F 12339 Lockhart WC4282............................ 761-3401 Lockhart Karen 12688 Lockhart WC4282............................ 761-3371 Lockhart Larry 22607 Calumet WC3401............................. 824-5118 Lockhart Tom L 12755 Little WC15........ 824-5760 Loerts Martin & Darlene 808 Spruce................................................. 846-5801 Loftin Arvel 18638 Latta WC10............... 848-3305 Loftin Dale 19098 N Skylight Mountain WC4................. 848-3344 Loftin Johnny D 19233 N Skylight Mountain WC4................. 848-3471 Loftin Kelley EA Tax Preparation & Bookkeeping 1009 E Pridemore Dr................................ 824-5611 Fax Line.................................................... 824-5705 Loftin Maurice 16481 Dutch Mills Rd South WC464............ 848-3347 Lofton Billy & Ann 421 Becca.............. 846-3313 Logsdon David & Gina 10823 Brady Rd.......................................... 846-2772 Logsdon Edwin L 12237 Zinnamon Church WC220................. 761-3361 Logsdon Willie 816 Grant Ave............... 846-3145 Lo L 10768 Elms WC456............................. 824-2027 Lombard Delmar 113 N Main............... 824-1422 Long Dustin & Tiffany 17188 Four Corner WC284......................... 848-0161 Long Greg & Lesa ................................ 846-4781 Long Motor Company 135 W Main.... 267-2600 Long Rickey L 15747 Kelly Mountain WC18....................... 846-3384 Long Steve & Marnie 16358 Greasy Valley WC8.......................... 848-3845 Longstaff Barbara 1440 Viney Grove... 846-8870 Longwith Lester 515 Catlett................. 846-1322 Longwith Matt 12676 S Hwy 45............. 824-5905 Longwith Nick D 11263 Bond WC4635.................................. 846-2723 Lonon Miriam 729 E Parks St................ 846-6982 Looney Michael 11465 Jordon WC206................................. 846-6701 Lopez Maria Guadalupe 16796 Ditmars WC98................................. 846-1423 Lopez Nicolas 12662 Hogeye Rd............ 846-8050 Lor Neng 14385 Rennic WC6.................... 824-5353 Lor Tong Chao 15140 Rennic WC6......... 824-4439 Lorenz Michael J 10950 Lorenz WC3216............................... 846-2516
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