Prairie Grove, AR-2020
User Guide For Enhanced Communication Custom Calling Services
Caller ID Allows the name and number of an incoming call to be displayed even before you answer the phone. This feature allows you to screen your calls and decide if you want to answer or return the call later. Note: In the event you choose to prevent your number from being provided to Caller ID subscribers, simply press *67 (or dial 1167) before the telephone number you are calling. Telemarketer Call Screening
5. To add a number to your list press # . Follow the voice instructions. You can store up to 31 numbers on your list. 6. To remove a number from your list press * . Follow the voice instructions to remove any or all of those numbers. 7. To hear instructions again dial 0 . 8. When someone calls and your service is turned on, you’ll receive calls only from those on your acceptance list. Callers who are not on your list will simply hear an announcement that you are not accepting calls at this time. Originating Call Management This feature gives customers the ability to allow or block calls to specific numbers and call types. In addition, specific numbers can be identified as “always allow” or “always block”. Selective Call Rejection Blocks unwanted calls from disturbing you. To Use Selective Call Rejection: 1. Pick up your phone and listen for dial tone. 2. Press *60 and listen for an announcement telling you whether the feature is currently on or off. The recorded voice will then tell you how many (if any) numbers are currently stored on your rejection list. 3. Follow the voice instructions and dial 3 to turn the feature on (if it is currently off), or turn the feature off (if it is currently on). 4. To add the last caller to your list press #01# . To hear the phone numbers on your list dial 1 . After the list is read, voice instructions will follow. 5. To add a number to your list press# . Follow the voice instructions you’ll hear. You can store up to 31 phone numbers on your rejection list. 6. To remove a number from your list press * , and follow the voice instructions to remove any or all of those numbers from your rejection list. Rate Schedule Monthly 2+ Features Res. Bus. Res. Bus. Customer Originated Trace $6.00* $6.00* *per line per successful trace Caller ID per line Calling Name & Number $6.50 $8.00 $5.50 $7.00 Calling Number $4.50 $6.00 $3.50 $5.00 All other features $3.00 $4.00 $2.00 $3.00 Installation charge - all features: Residence $5.00 - Business $6.00
Telemarketer Call Screening intercepts calls, announces that you do not accept calls from telemarketers and instructs them to add you to their “Do Not Call” list. It ‘remembers’ accepted callers so they always get through. Next time your phone rings, know it’s someone you want to hear from. Call Trace *57 Call Trace allows you to have obscene or threatening calls traced automatically on most numbers. To Use Call Trace: 1. When you receive an obscene or harassing call, just hang up. 2. Wait 10 seconds, pick up your phone again and listen for a normal dial tone. 3. Press *57 (or dial 1157). Listen for a confirmation announcement that the last call has been traced. Hang up. 4. If the details of the call you are attempting to trace are not available, you will receive an error message instead of a confirmation announcement. 5. The number you traced will be recorded at the telephone company. If you decide to follow up on the matter, we’ll provide the number to the local authorities. Selective Call Acceptance *64 This feature screens incoming calls. When your service is turned on, you only receive calls from those on your acceptance list. To Use Selective Call Acceptance: 1. Pick up your phone and listen for dial tone. 2. Press *64 (or dial 1164) and the recorded announcement will give you specific, easy instructions. Follow these instructions and dial 3 to turn the feature on (if it is currently off), or turn the feature off (if it is currently on). 3. To add the last caller to your acceptance list press #01# . 4. To hear the phone numbers on your list dial 1 . After the list is read, voice instructions will follow.
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