Prairie Grove, AR-2020
Prairie Grove, AR is published annually by Prairie Grove Telephone Company
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Table Of Contents
Prairie Grove Telephone Company Prairie Grove, Arkansas Telephone Directory November 2020
List of Titles
• Hometown Magazine • Groups Donate Thousands of Masks . . . 3 Lincoln Rodeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Spring Salute: Stout Always A Tough Out . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cane Hill Kite Festival 2020 . . . . . . . . . . 6 People We Know. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Something For Everyone Local Attractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Join The Fun Annual Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Community At A Glance Numbers To Know . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 PGTELCO History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-14 • General Information • Repair Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Internet/ZING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Long Distance Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18 811 Brings Utility Locators To You. . . . 19 Area Codes & ZIP Codes . . . . . . . . . 20-21 Billing & Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Custom Calling Services. . . . . . . . . . 23-27 Customer Information . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-32 Area Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21 Business Office Information . . . . . . . . . . 2 Custom Calling Services. . . . . . . . . . 23-27 Direct Distance Dialing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Directory Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Directory Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 32 Fraud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Long Distance Calls, Types Of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Long Distance Calls, International. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Payment Of Bills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Postal Information (Also See U.S. Government) . . . . . . . . . 21 Repair Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 15 Rights & Responsibilities. . . . . . . . . . 28-32 Voice Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Alphabet Index
This Directory Contains Listings For The Following Exchanges And Communities
Strickler Cove Creek Onda
Farmington Little Elm Morrow Dutch Mills Evansville Shady Grove
Lincoln Cane Hill Cincinnati Clyde Rock Springs
Prairie Grove Center Point Hogeye Illinois Chapel Prairie View Rheas Mill Viney Grove Walnut Grove
Sugar Hill Summers Wedington
How To Reach Us
Business Office Location Prairie Grove 139 North Mock Street
Repair Service All Exchanges (Answered 24 hours) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dial 846-4161 Or. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611 Internet Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846-9700 Answered 24 Hours Directory Assistance For all directory assistance numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dial 411 Inward WATS . . . . . . . . . . . Dial 1-800-555-1212 . . . . . . . . . 1-800-285-1121 (Voice) . . . . . . . . . 1-800-285-1131 (TDD) Customer Service and Repair (TT/TDD) . . . . . . . . . 1-800-285-7192 Or. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711 TDD Operator Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-855-1155 Time & Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267-TIME TDD Arkansas Relay Service for hearing or speech impaired customers—To place a call through ARS
To Reach Your Business Office Business Office Hours:
8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Monday Thru Friday—Closed Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays If you have questions regarding your monthly statement, long distance calls, directory listings and service and/or equipment, please contact this business office. Prairie Grove, Lincoln, Farmington, Morrow & Strickler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846-7200 Or. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267-7200 If you are calling long distance, you may call . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-235-6565
Internet Address: Visit Prairie Grove Telephone On the Internet
• hometown magazine •
Groups Donate Thousands of Homemade Masks
The Washington County Extension Homemakers Council (EHC), Master Gardeners and 4-H members made and donated more than 5,814 face masks in five weeks to help decrease the spread of COVID-19 virus in Northwest Arkansas. The EHC has a long history of organizing and taking action, especially during times of crisis. They ran soup kitchens during the flu epidemic of 1918 and canned vegetables during the flood of 1927 and throughout the Great Depression. The EHC has been addressing local needs for over a hundred years through community service, education, and leadership development. As the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, the EHC found a new way to serve their communities - sewing cloth face masks that can offer some protection to those who have to be out in the public. Local
health care facilities and public safety staff identified the need and asked for sewn face masks. Council members partnered with other local Cooperative Extension Service volunteers to make the needed sewn masks. These volunteers included Washington County 4-H youth members and Master Gardeners, along with their family members and friends. They teamed together to make a difference in Northwest Arkansas. Donated fabric has helped keep costs down, as sewing continues, making more masks daily. These masks have been donated to more than 45 health care, public safety and service facility personnel connected to Northwest Arkansas.
Article courtesy of NWADG
“WE LOVE OUR COMMUNITY! We just can’t say that enough.” Staff with Washington County Sheriff’s Office show off their masks they received from Washington County Extension Homemakers Council, Master Gardeners and 4-H members.
• hometown magazine •
Lincoln Rodeo Community Happenings
For the past 66 years people from all over Lincoln, Prairie Grove, Westville and the surrounding communities have spent three days out of their summers at the very same place: the Lincoln Rodeo. The Lincoln Rodeo began in 1954 after the founding members of the Lincoln Riding Club decided to build an arena. The riding club had officially formed in 1951 and had been meeting on land it had purchased for weekend barbeques, trail rides, and get-togethers. Building the arena seemed to be the next step, said Anna McCratic, a founding member of the club. McCratic’s husband, Junior, was also an original member and one of the builders of the arena. She said, “Back then all the other towns and cities had a rodeo, but we thought ours could be a better one.” The first rodeos held many of the same events as today’s, McCratic said. They had bull riding, steer roping, calf roping, barrel racing, rib- bon roping, and a royalty pageant. However, there were a few minor differences, she said. “Ours was just an old-timey country rodeo. It was all local people competing. Back then when you went to a rodeo you had a lot of laughs because most people who entered couldn’t ride bulls, but they sure tried.” More recently, the Lincoln Rodeo has grown into a popular area- wide event. Most of the competitors are professionals, and the rodeo draws numbers of up to 2,000 people on its biggest nights. The festivities kick off on Wednesday with dinner, the Little Miss and Mister contests, royalty speeches and a street dance with live music on the
Carol Jetton, a board member of the Lincoln Riding Club, believes that it’s more than just the competition and entertainment that keeps people coming back year after year. She said, “People come because of the tradition and the family atmosphere. And we’re trying to make it more like it was years ago, and just bring back the down- home family fun.” Though the rodeo draws spectators of all ages, Jetton said it’s the kids who benefit the most. She said, “Basically, the money that we raise from the rodeo goes back into the facility to improve it for the kids.” In addition to the rodeo, the Lincoln Riding Club holds several events throughout the year. Many of them have the benefit of the children in mind. Jetton said, “We have play days for kids where they come out on the weekends to compete. It provides a place for the kids to come and to learn to ride, to compete, to have fun, and to grow in a safe family environment.” 2019 LRC Jr Queen Savannah Perkins, Queen Landree Cunningham, and Princess Bailey Sizemore
Main Square in Lincoln. The rodeo is held on the following Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, with special events throughout.
Thursday night is family night, and Saturday includes a parade and the crowning
of the royalty. The royal- ty pageant draws young women from all over the Northwest Arkansas area and requires contestants to model clothes, exhibit their skills in horseman- ship, and give a speech. Younger children can participate in the calf-scram- ble and the junior barrel racing events, and this year the rodeo also featured a Special Kids Rodeo with events designed especially for
Article submitted by Hannah Hall
special-needs children.
• hometown magazine •
Spring Salute: Stout Always A Tough Out
No team was likely more motivated to get back on the field this spring than Farmington, which lost in the state softball finals the last two years. Farmington was stacked, too, led by 10 seniors, including All-State first baseman Kally Stout. But Farmington’s sea- son ended March 10 when the Lady Cardinals won 9-7 at Bentonville West. The Arkansas Activities Association called for a two-week suspension of play on March 12, then extended it again before finally deciding in April to com- pletely end spring sports across the state. Stout batted .439 with 10 home runs as a junior for a team that finished 24-3 over-all. Farmington was on the cusp of a dream season last spring when Pottsville rallied for a 7-4 victory over the Lady Cardinals in the Class 4A state championship game at Bogle Park in Fayetteville. It was the second straight year as state runner-up for Farmington, which was 3-0 this spring when games in all sports were canceled because of concerns about the spread of COVID-19. Stout was off to another strong start, highlighted by a 16-6 win over Bryant when she clubbed two home runs and pro- duced five RBIs. “Kally’s the best I’ve had here in 24 years, and we’ve had a lot of great players,” Farmington coach Randy Osnes said. “She has all the tools. She’s got speed, she’s extremely athletic, and she has one of the smoothest swings of any kid that I’ve seen.” Stout said she was having a great senior year at Farmington when the spring sports were canceled. “You take Kally, and these 10 seniors as a whole, their com- bined grade point average is 3.96,” Osnes said. “Kally is an outstanding young lady with a good head on her shoulders, and she does the right things. She’s going to do the right things at UCA. She’s going to get an education and she’s going to be a success. I’m very proud to coach Kally, her sister Keely, and the other eight seniors.”
Twin sisters, Kally (left) and Keely Stout, pose with a State Runner-Up trophy won as members of the Farmington softball team. Twice during their careers the twins helped the Lady Cardinals bring home State Runner-Up hardware — first from the 5A State tourney as sophomores in 2018 and then from the 4A State tourney as juniors in 2019.
Article and photo courtesy of Mark Humphrey, NWADG
• hometown magazine •
Community Happenings Cane Hill Kite Festival 2020
In the Kite Hospital our skilled specialists, all PHDs (pretty high-flying device experts) will assemble and repair your kite, whether you bought it on site or not. There is also a “Make an Offer” box of kites that have been recovered, repaired, or previously loved and donated. The popular 50 cent raffle (so named because each person may only buy one 50 cent ticket) awards a large nylon kite at 1:00, 2:00 and 3:00. There will be a 12:30 early bird drawing. Small cash prizes are awarded throughout the day for totally tongue-in-cheek categories.
After having to cancel in 2019 due to weather issues, the Cane Hill Kite Festival came roaring back with a record crowd of 969 happy folks. The weather could not have been more perfect. Attendees enjoyed an enlarged hospitality tent and a huge selection of kites to choose from. Extra volunteers were on hand to help with parking and all the other amenities that make it an enjoyable day for everyone. Little did we know it would be the last large gathering in the area before our lives would never be “normal” again. As of print time, we are hoping for a Kite Fest 2021, which will mark the 20th anniversary of the Cane Hill Kite Festival and are trying to create some special way to celebrate the milestone. An even larger selection of kites has been ordered, priced at $1-$16. Thanks to our generous sponsors and donations, the event has con- tinued to remain a truly wallet-friendly venue for families. It’s free to park (there is a handicap preferred parking area closer to the hospitality tent), $1 for kids and $2 for adults to fly and free to watch. Military (active or retired) and their families fly for free. In addition to kites, you can also buy extra string, rewinders and bubbles.
Yummy grub is provided as a fund-raising effort by the Friends of Prairie Grove Pound. Their food has drawn rave reviews (5 kites) and goes fast, so plan on earing early. Guests are also welcome to bring picnic lunches. The fun starts at noon and goes until the last kite comes down, usually about 5:00. The Cane Hill Kite Festival is held on the spacious pastures of Springfield Ranch in Downtown Cane Hill. The driveway is across from the Cane Hill Post Office, but you can’t miss all the flags. Kite Fest 2021 will be March 6. In case of rain, snow or other detrimental Arkansas weather, the fall back date is March 13. For more information call 479-824-8109 (there will be an event day recording here in case of iffy weather), email , or like us on Facebook where you will find updates and numerous photos.
• hometown magazine •
Community Happenings People We Know
Young Entrepreneurs Hadleigh Mays and Kinley Ault had an idea, put together a business plan, and saw it through. They raised $160.00 in three weeks by selling homemade dog treats at the Prairie Grove Farmer’s Market. All money was donated to Friends of the Prairie Grove Pound. Photo courtesy of Lynn Kutter, NWADG
Farmington Lights Up Sky at Freedom Fest Farmington skies showcased an aerial display of patriotism as the community celebrated Freedom Fest with a traditional fireworks show on the Fourth of July. Photo courtesy of Lynn Kutter, NWADG
The Price of Progress The old high school gym is rubble after a demolition crew tore down the building. Farmington will replace this building with a new 23,000 sq ft classroom facility. Demolition of the old gym at the former Farmington High School campus, now Farmington Junior High, started on Tuesday, May 5, 2020 and continued throughout the week. The old gym was built in 1945, according to school records. Demolition also included office space and some locker rooms. Photo courtesy of Lynn Kutter, NWADG
Quarantine Time Katie Young, Prairie Grove High School choir teacher, and her son, Michael, 30, enjoy a beautiful sunset from their home in Hogeye while they are on quarantine because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Young, like all other teachers in the state, was teaching her students virtually for the rest of the school semester. Photo courtesy of Joe Young
• hometown magazine •
Local Attractions Something For Everyone
Historical Attractions: Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park - Civil War Battlefield featuring historic buildings, Hindman Hall Museum and Visitor’s Center, informative markers throughout and a walking trail. Hosts the annual Clothesline Fair and biennial reenactment. For more information, call 846-2990 . Natural Attractions: Bob Kidd Lake - Located between Prairie Grove and Lincoln, this lake offers year- round fishing, fishing docks, boat launches and a picnic area.
Farmington Historical Attractions:
Veterans Memorial - Dedicated in 2009, this monument honors veterans past, present and future. For more information, call 267-5709 .
Prairie Grove Antiques & Flea Markets: Antique Emporium 107 E Buchanan Daisies & Olives 129 E Buchanan Keep It Country Antiques 15746 Prairie View Rd Redfeather Trading Co 122 E Buchanan The Local’s 128 E Buchanan Summit Hill Cottage 124 E Buchanan Entertainment: Prairie Grove Aquatic Park - Family facility featuring a large main pool, water slides and a kiddy pool. Open daily in the summer, the park is also available for group rental. For more information, call 846-2961 .
Fayetteville Entertainment:
Walton Arts Center - The largest performing arts center in the region, WAC features an exhibition gallery, recital studio, amphitheater, learning center, 1,000-plus- seat auditorium and a full theater. For more information, call 443-5600 . Historical Attractions: Arkansas Air Museum - Located at Drake Field, museum features vintage aircraft, aeronautical memorabilia and a gift shop. For more information, call 521-4947 .
Lincoln Antiques: Four Roses Antiques 415 E Pridemore Dr Back In The Day Antiques 405 W Pridemore Dr Historical Attractions: Arkansas Country Doctor Museum - Museum dedicated to preserving and honoring the unique history of Arkansas’ country doctors. Features lectures, work- shops, special exhibits and historic mem- orabilia. Open Tuesday through Saturday. For more information, call 824-4307 or e-mail .
• hometown magazine •
Local Attractions Something For Everyone
Universityof Arkansas SportsMuseum Museum commemorating the greatest moments in Razorback football, basketball, baseball, track and field, tennis and golf. For more information, call 575-2000 . Natural Attractions: Lake Wedington - Located between Fayetteville and Siloam Springs, this national forest lake offers camping, fishing, swimming and picnic areas just 15miles west of Fayetteville.
Natural Attractions: Beaver Lake State Park - (Benton County) Part of the Hobbs State Management Area, Beaver Lake offers boating, swimming, water-skiing and fishing with limited rec- reational camping, nature study, 11 miles of walking trails and a public shooting range nearby. For more information, call 789-2380 . Devil’s Den State Park - (Winslow, AR) Scenic state park offering camping, swimming, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, pedal boats and canoes, visitor’s center and a restaurant. For more information, call 761-3325 or 1-800-264-2417 .
Surrounding Areas Entertainment:
The Great Passion Play - (Eureka Springs, AR) Theatrical reproduction of the life of Jesus Christ, featuring over 200 actors, live animals and life-sized Biblical exhibits. For more information, call 1-800-882-PLAY . Terra Studios - (Durham, AR) Art studio showcasing handmade glass and stone- ware pottery, fine art and the famous Bluebird of Happiness. For more information, call 643-3185 . Historical Attractions: Pea Ridge National Military Park - (Pea Ridge, AR) Site of the largest Civil War battle west of the Mississippi, the park offers a museum and visitor’s center, bicycle, horse and walking trails and a self-guided auto tour. For more information, call 451-8122 .
Springdale Entertainment:
Arts Center of the Ozarks - Local performing arts center offering community theater productions and classes in theater, visual arts, dancing and combined arts. For more information, call 751-5441 . Jones Center for Families - A 220,000- sq-ft facility housing classrooms, a TV studio, conference center, chapel, ice skating rink, swimming pools, gym and more. For more information, call 756-8090 . Historical Attractions: Shiloh Museum - Museum exhibiting collections from the Ozarks region, including photographs, pioneer artifacts and more. For more information, call 750-8165 .
Ozark National Forest - Nationally preserved and maintained forest featuring miles of hiking trails, including the Ozark Highlands Trail, campgrounds, picnic areas and cabins. For more information, call 968-2354 . War Eagle Cavern - (War Eagle, AR) Cave on the shores of Beaver Lake offering 60 minute walking tours, Lost in the Woods Maze, gem panning, hiking and picnic areas. For more information, call 789-2909 or 756-0913 .
• hometown magazine •
Annual Happenings Join The Fun
Clothesline Fair The Clothesline Fair, held on the Labor Day weekend, has grown from decorative sewing displayed on clotheslines strung from tree to tree, to a three day high quality arts and crafts fair at the Battlefield Park in Prairie Grove. The Prairie Grove Battlefield Park has drawn national attention and is a historical and scenic attraction for any traveler in Northwest Arkansas. The early years of the park featured an annual reunion of Confederate Veterans rounded out with parades, speeches, musical entertainment and community entertainment and contests. The Clothesline Fair hosts some of the most renowned craftsmen in the area. There are selections from almost all mediums. There is wood sculpture, sewing, embroidery, quilting, candles, soaps, pottery, painting and more. In the late 1950s, local residents began to make plans to reflect life in the Arkansas Ozarks. The Battlefield Park Commission moved historic structures into the park and restored them to the condition when families lived and worked in them. Among the features on display are the historic Borden House, school buildings, cabins, a walking trail and several historic markers that describe the events of the battle. Festivities begin Saturday morning with a parade through downtown Prairie Grove and the opening of the arts and crafts show. Entertainment for the weekend includes square dancing competitions plus gospel and country music in the afternoons. The Clothesline Fair is one of the oldest and most respected of the arts and crafts fairs in the state. It is hosted by the Arts Center of the Ozarks, the Prairie Grove Lions Club, and the Arkansas State Parks System. Concession stands operated by local non-profit organ- izations include the Prairie Grove Lions Club, Band Boosters, PTA, Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts, which offer a variety of food and drink. For more information, contact Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park, PO Box 306, Prairie Grove, AR 72753; or call (479) 846-2990 ; e-mail
June 2021 Lincoln Rodeo Lincoln, AR
September 2021 Clothesline Fair Prairie Grove, AR
The Lincoln Riding club will host the annu- al rodeo in early June 2021. The ACRA/ CRRA event will attract top-notch cowboys and cowgirls from around the region for a chance to qualify for the finals. Bareback, saddle bronc, calf roping, team roping, steer wrestling, barrel racing, and bull riding are featured nightly. 1-800-639-9002 or (479) 824-4114 .
Crowds estimated at more than 50,000 are attracted to the arts and crafts, entertainment and food offered each Labor Day Weekend at the historic Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park. Little Miss Clothespin will be crowned, foot-stompin’ good music is expect- ed, the square dancing contests are a delight, more than 150 artists and crafters will set up shop on the park grounds, loads of food, gospel singing andmore will make for a great weekend.
Junk Ranch Prairie Grove, AR Country Barn Sale featuring re-purposed, vin- tage, jewelry, salvage, boutique, handmade and more. July 2021 Rodeo of the Ozarks Springdale, AR Top rodeo circuit competitors descend upon Parsons Stadium in Springdale for one of the largest rodeos in the state during the Independence Day weekend. Calf rop- ing, steer wrestling, women’s barrel racing, bareback riding, saddle bronc riding and bull riding; live music, barbecues, rodeo queens, pancake breakfasts. (479) 751-4694 or 1-800-972-7261 . August 2021 Tontitown Grape Festival Tontitown, AR This Italian settlement west of Springdale celebrates the grape harvest each year. Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social Fayetteville, AR Period costumes and the latest gossip mingle at Fayetteville’s Headquarters House over bowl after bowl of homemade ice cream. Washington County Fair Fayetteville, AR Fayetteville’s fairgrounds spring to life for a week long old fashioned county fair.
Cane Hill Harvest Festival Cane Hill, AR Let your nose lead the way to the sorghum molasses making! Cane Hill comes alive with music, arts and crafts and tours of historic homes in celebration of Cane Hill College, the first college west of the Mississippi River. October 2021 Arkansas Apple Festival Lincoln, AR First Weekend in October. Lincoln, AR. Apples of every kind: sliced, diced, pared and whole, apple pie, apple cobbler, apple dumplings or apple cider. There’ll be singing, dancing, clog- ging and country music, gospel, parades and fun activities. Contact Arkansas Apple Festival Committee Director Luedell Kley. 824-3402 . Autumnfest Fayetteville, AR Great food and fun in the fall foliage in Fayetteville; three days of festivities with parades, games, livemusic and entertainment, crafts, triathlon competition and more. Call 1-800-766-4626 for more information. Junk Ranch Prairie Grove, AR Country Barn Sale featuring re-purposed, vintage, jewelry, salvage, boutique, hand- made and more.
• hometown magazine •
Annual Happenings Join The Fun
apples with them to England when they conquered the country. Apple growing became common in England and other parts of Europe. Both seeds of apples and the trees were brought to America from England probably in 1629. John Endicott, one of the early governors of Massachusetts Bay Colony, is said to have brought the first trees to America. The cultivated varieties gradually spread westward from the Atlantic Coast with the help of legendary figures such as Johnny Appleseed. Visitors can taste a variety of sliced apples, caramel apples, and delicious apple dump- lings – with ice cream of course! The festival has also grown to include a number of craft booths on the Downtown Square as well as carnival rides for children. The craft’s fair, held on the downtown Lincoln Square, has everything from woven rugs, pottery, soaps and jewelry to pepper jams and dips. Free parking areas are available within easy walking distance of the Apple Festival, freeing the Lincoln Square for pedestrian only traffic on both Saturday and Sunday. A special parking area is set aside on the west side of the square for the physically challenged. And if you get hungry, we also host concessions and old-fashioned confections from across the country to tempt your taste buds. There’s always a variety for everyone’s musical enjoyment, including square dancing, clogging, and country music on Saturday. This contest has drawn national attention. For more information, call the Apple
Cane Hill Harvest Festival The Cane Hill Festival held in mid-September each year continues to draw crowds that enjoy a glance back in history. The festival, which began as a means to support and maintain the Cane Hill College building and campus, has grown to
two days of enjoyment for young and old in the West Washington County area. The Cane Hill Harvest Festival, produced by volunteers in the community and those who were one-time students in the Cane Hill public school, draws a picture of life in the 1800s when everything was produced at home by family members. Soap was made by the women of the household from lye, lard and water. Even the lye had to be home produced. Long hours of stirring with a wooden paddle finally produced soap for the family. Apple butter was a delicacy that also required long hours of slow cooking. But probably the most labor intensive was the production of sorghum molasses. All three processes will be on demonstration during the two-day festival. The products will be for sale in the country store in the college building. Also for sale will be post cards and Cane Hill History Booklets. The two-day trip into history is fun for those taking part in the demonstrations but it is also a sobering thought to realize that in the 1800s it was a deadly serious business for a family to produce the necessities of life. Keeping with the spirit of the era, the participants will all wear period dress. The Cane Hill Museum, on the second floor of the college building, will be open both days. It features a good deal of memorabilia including clothing and documents dating from 1828.
Lincoln Apple Festival The City of Lincoln is approximately six miles west of Prairie Grove on U.S. 62. Parades, carnivals, arts and crafts, beauty pageants, food and apples – every kind of apple – are what visitors will encounter the first weekend of October each year in Lincoln. The town, 18 miles west of Fayetteville on U.S. Hwy 62, has played host to the popular event ever since 1976. Begun as a celebration of the American Bicentennial, the festival has grown every year. The festival is first and foremost a celebration of the apple and its impact on the region. Apple trees were grown and prized for their fruit by the people of ancient Rome. It is believed that the Romans took cultivated
Festival office in Lincoln at (479) 824-FEST or e-mail .
• hometown magazine •
Numbers To Know Community At A Glance
Your Local Government Farmington City Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267-3865 242 Rheas Mill Road City Council meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the City Hall. Lincoln City Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824-3321 106 Arthur City Council meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the City Hall. Prairie Grove City Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846-2961 151 East Buchanan City Council meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at City Hall. Washington County Court House. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479-444-1700 Quorum Court meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Quorum Court Room. County Assessor’s Office. . . . . . . . . . . 479-444-1500 The assessment date is January 1st to May 31st.
Your Schools Farmington Public Schools Information Line/News/Calendar/ School Closings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266-1800 Lincoln Public Schools Information Line/News/Calendar/ School Closings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824-7300 Prairie Grove Public Schools Administration Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846-4213
These are the locations for assessing: Washington County Court House Revenue Department in Lincoln Revenue Department on Watson Street in Springdale
County Collector’s Office. . . . . . . . . . . 479-444-1526 Taxes may be paid without penalty from February 3 to October 10.
Your Libraries Lincoln Public Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824-3294 Prairie Grove Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846-3782 Farmington Public Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267-2674 Your Chambers of Commerce Prairie Grove Chamber Of Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846-2197 Farmington Chamber Of Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267-2368
• hometown magazine •
Focused On Progress PGTELCO History
The front of Prairie Grove Telephone Company’s office
PGTELCO is family-owned and operated and has been since its incorporation in 1906. Since its inception, PGTELCO has always been committed to making the satisfaction of its customers its top priority. It began in 1888 when Dr. E.G. McCormick strung telephone lines between his medical office and his brother’s pharmacy. At first the telephone line was a novelty, but soon Dr. McCormick discovered that there was a big demand for telephone service. Later that year, Dr. McCormick, with the help of Dr. Gladson and Jim McIlroy, established a line that ran from Fayetteville to Prairie Grove. This telephone line was reportedly one of the longest in the state of Arkansas at the time. In 1906 Dr. McCormick and M.M. Collier began the Prairie Grove Telephone Company and bought a switchboard to handle all of the calls. The company has grown steadily ever since, keeping up with the growth of West Washington County.
The first central office was located in a small room on the second floor of a main street building where a bundle of telephone wires came in through the wall. In the early 1950’s the office was moved to its present location on Mock Street in Prairie Grove. James C. Parks, Dr. McCormick’s son-in-law, began working first as a switchboard operator then became General Manager and later President of the Prairie Grove Telephone Company. He operated the Telephone Company until his death in 1958. Thecompanycontinuedtogrow,butduringtheDepressionthegrowth began to decline when many of the customers returned their magneto (crank-style wall phones). Mr. Parks never disconnected a phone for non-payment, even after the Depression years had ended. Phone bills were often paid with eggs, vegetables, and an occasional cow.
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• hometown magazine •
Focused On Progress PGTELCO History
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During World War II, telephone service remained limited to a few hundred customers as people concentrated on the important issues of rationing and supporting their families. Yet after the war, demand for service began to increase. At this time, Jim Parks’ twin sons, Barry and Donald, joined the Telephone Company. They installed telephones, dug postholes, and strung wire. Jim Parks’ youngest son, Joe, also worked for the Telephone Company from 1947 to 1951, when he accepted a position at the Prairie Grove Post Office. One of the first major problems the Telephone Company encountered was an ice storm in January 1949. After three days of freezing rain, sleet, and snow, practically all the pole lines in the company’s service area were on the ground. And of the 2,000 telephones in service, only about 85 were still working once the storm was over. There were only three employees who worked outside the plant. The Telephone Company began hiring anyone they could find. Customers also helped by working for nothing, and some even made an advance payment on their bills to finance repairs. It took six weeks to bring everything back to working order. In the late 1960’s plans were made to upgrade all multiple-party lines to single-line service. This project was completed in 1977, making Prairie Grove the first Telephone Company in the state to provide all private lines to their customers in a multi-exchange company. In 1979, the Prairie Grove Telephone Company converted its central office switch to the Northern Telecom DMS-10 digital equipment. This allowed customers the convenience of touch-tone and the benefits of call-waiting, call forwarding, three-way calling, etc.
Beginning in 1958, Barry Parks served as President of the company, and Donald Parks served as the Secretary and General Manager. Donald Parks’ son, David, began working for the company in 1980. He is now President. Today, the company is the second largest family-owned and operated Telephone Company in the state of Arkansas. In the early 2000’s the Prairie Grove Telephone Company officially became PGTELCO, a name change that reflects the wide variety of services the company now provides. No longer just a POTS company—literally Plain Old Telephone Service company—PGTELCO has evolved into a Broadband company. It provides high-speed Internet access, DirecTV, and various other services and possesses the capability through Fiber to the Home technology to provide its customers with seemingly unlimited bandwidth. Though many things have changed throughout PGTELCO’s history, one thing has not: the customers’ well-being was and still is the first priority of the company.
Helping Connect Families for Over 100 Years
• hometown magazine •
Troubleshooting Repair Service
Once you call our repair service, we will see to it that your repairs are made as quickly as possible. Some will be made at no charge to you. Other repairs may require a fee, depending upon the source of the trouble. If The Trouble Is In Your Telephone Set Fees will apply if you ask us to make a repair visit and the trouble is found in your telephone set(s) or other phone equipment and you do not have our Service Plus Maintenance Plan . Our Service Plus Maintenance Plan does not cover the repair of your telephone set(s) or equipment, they should be made by the manufacturer or any other source you choose. If you have our Service Plus Maintenance Plan , we will provide you with a free loaner phone for up to 30 days while yours is being repaired or replaced. For your convenience, we will also give you the opportunity to lease or purchase this phone. If The Trouble Is In Your Inside Wiring Fees will apply if you ask us to make a repair visit and the trouble is found in the telephone wiring inside your home or place of business. To repair the damage, your options are to hire us, do it yourself, or seek outside assistance. If you already have our Service Plus Maintenance Plan , we can repair the inside wiring and jacks at no extra cost. Certain restrictions may apply. Service Plus does not cover wiring or jacks installed by the customer. If The Trouble Is In Our Outside Lines There are absolutely no charges for any repairs in our telephone lines, which are located outside your home or place of business. Service Plus Maintenance Plan –A worry free option to inside wiring repairs. You can avoid unexpected charges for telephone inside wire repair by subscribing in advance to our Service Plus Maintenance Plan . With the Service Plus Maintenance Plan , a small monthly fee pro- tects you from normal repair charges on the telephone wiring and jacks inside your home or business. Plus, we will loan you a phone for up to 30 days if your repair personnel find your phone itself is in need of repair. For your convenience, we will also give you the
We do everything possible to make sure your phone service remains the best, and we try just as hard to fix any problems that do occur as quickly as possible. We make repairs to the phone lines outside your home or busi- ness at no charge to you. Unless you have our Service Plus Maintenance Plan , any repairs to your inside phone lines require an additional charge. (See the Service Plus Maintenance Plan information on this page.) Because some of your repair assistance requires a fee, we work with you to help determine the source of the problem, whenever possible. Listed below are a few things to do before you call our repair service. • Look for symptoms on your telephone set(s) like cracked plastic housing or broken or frayed cord. • If you have just one phone, unplug it and plug in a borrowed phone. If the borrowed one works, the problem is in the phone set and not the phone line. • If you have more than one phone, make sure each phone’s receiver is on the hook. If none of them are off the hook, unplug every phone. Then plug each phone back into any wall jack one at a time, checking each phone for a dial tone as you go. The telephone set that causes the line to go dead is the one needing repair. • If your phone or phones appear to be working, take a working phone to your telephone network interface box. This box is usually located on the outside wall of your home or business. It is located where our outside lines and your inside telephone wiring connect, or “interface.” Open the network interface box and locate the “test jack” inside. Remove the modular plug from the test jack and insert the phone jack from your phone. If the same problem occurs when you plug your phone into the test jack, the problem is in our outside telephone lines. Call our Repair Service. The number is 846-4161 . If the problem disappears when you use the test jack, the problem is in your inside telephone wiring. If You Need To Call Our Repair Service Please be prepared to answer these questions when you call: 1. What is the telephone number of the line in trouble? 2. Does the problem occur on all your phones? 3. Do you have a dial tone? 4. Is noise the problem on the line? 5. Can you call out? 6. Can you receive calls? 7. How often does the problem occur? 8. Is the problem on local and/or long distance calls? 9. What number can we call to reach you during the repair?
opportunity to lease this phone or purchase it. For more information, call our business office.
• general information •
ZING Internet Access Yes, We Have Internet Access!
ZING Unlimited Internet Access High Speed Internet Access provides the bandwidth needed for web surfing, online gaming, video conferencing, and Virtual Private Networking (VPN). You can talk on your phone and be online at the same time. ZING service is always on so there is no more waiting to connect. Available in most places. Call our business office at 846-7200 for business and residential prices and availability.
Download / Upload
6Mbps / 1Mbps 10Mbps / 1Mbps 15Mbps / 1Mbps
20Mbps / 1Mbps 10Mbps / 5Mbps 15Mbps / 5Mbps
35Mbps / 5Mbps 50Mbps / 10Mbps
Home Networking Let the technicians at PGTELCO install your own personal network. With a home network you can have multiple computers throughout your home using High Speed Internet Service at the same time. Our home network includes all the equipment necessary for blazing fast, secure, and reliable wired network. Wired network installations will be billed on time and materials. Wireless network installations will be a one time charge of $49.95. We have a price schedule that will fit your individual needs, and we even have service contracts to cover any questions or problems you have in the future. Call us today at 846-7200 to set up your Home Network!
Configurations There are several common ways to configure your home or office network to access the Internet over ZING. PGTELCO provides up to 2 dynamic IP addresses for each standard ZING account. Therefore, only two computers can directly connect to the Internet at the same time. However, if you would like to access the Internet with more than two computers, you may purchase a third party router that is capable of doing Network Address Translation (NAT) or purchase Static IP Addresses. A NAT router is a cheap and easy way to enable hundreds of your computers to access the same ZING service. Static IP Static IP addresses are available at an additional $10 per IP address. ZING High Speed Internet Access is required. ZING Fiber To The Home We offer Fiber to the Home service in certain areas of West Washington County. Fiber to the Home, or FTTH, refers to the installation and use of fiber optic cable directly to the home. Connecting fiber all the way to your home provides the most bandwidth opportunity to your household. Fiber is unquestionably the fastest, most versatile high- speed internet connection. Better video experience—see higher quality streaming video across all your devices. Virtually unlimited bandwidth: Download/Upload for Fiber 150Mbps/150Mbps 1Gbps/1Gbps
• general information •
Types Of Long Distance Calls Long Distance Calls
Types Of Operator-Assisted Calls Collect Call: A long distance call in which the person or firm answering the call agrees to pay the charges associated with that call. Conference Call: A call that lets you talk with several different places, either local or A long distance call placed away from your home or office but still billed to that phone number, or any other phone number if the party at the number agrees to pay for the call. (The Operator may verify the third number charge before placing the call.) Person-To-Person Call: Choose this type of long distance call when you want to speak to only one specific person or extension number. Calling Card Call: By providing your calling card number to the Operator, you can charge a local or long distance call to your home or office number. Coin Calls: From coin telephones, see the instruction card on or near the tele- phone, or dial the Operator. International Calls: To Place A Direct-Dialed International Call: Dial 011 + country code + city code + local number. To Place An Operator-Assisted International Call: Dial 01 + country code + city code + local number. After dialing any international call, please allow at least 45 seconds for the ringing to begin. To Get International Country And City Codes, Phone Numbers, Or To Call Countries That Cannot Be Dialed Direct: Contact your international long distance company. (Charges may apply.) Optional Calling Plans Prairie Grove Telephone Company has Optional Toll Calling Plans that can save you money on your long distance calls within your calling area. One of these plans could save you money if the following applies to you. • Do you make a number of long distance calls each month within your region (LATA)? ( See map on page 18.) • Do you find yourself calling the same long distance location over and over? • Do you use long distance calling to “keep in touch” with friends and relatives? Prairie Grove Telephone Company has Optional Toll calling plans that can save you money on your long distance calls within your local long distance calling area. long distance, at the same time. Third-Number-Billed Call:
Slamming Some long distance carriers are engaging in a practice known as slamming – switching the customers’ long distance service without their knowledge or consent. This is illegal and can be prevented. Call our business office at 846-7200 to find out how you can prevent your long distance service from being slammed. There is no charge for this service. Direct Dialed Long Distance If You Are Placing A Direct Dialed Call: Dial 1 + the Area Code + seven-digit local number. If You Are Placing A PGTELCO Long Distance Card Call: Follow the instructions on the back of your card. Prairie Grove Telephone Company Long Distance Rates Prairie Grove Telephone Company provides Operator assistance for all local and long distance calls placed within the Fort Smith LATA. (See map on page 18.) To Reach A Prairie Grove Telephone Company Operator: Dial 0 To Reach Your Long Distance Company’s Operator: Dial 00 Not all long distance companies will choose to offer Operator services. Contact your long distance company for more information. 411 Service Use 411 for all your directory assistance needs. 411 is the quick and easy way to get local numbers, national numbers, & 800 numbers. Just one number to dial for any number, anytime, anywhere in the United States. Rates are $.75 for in-state and $.95 for out-of-state numbers. Intrastate/IntraLATA 10 cents/min. Intrastate/InterLATA 10 cents/min. Interstate/InterLATA 10 cents/min. Reaching The Right Operator
• general information •
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