Research and gather information. You can search for a contractor’s Business Profile at to get free information on their history of complaints, read verified Customer Reviews, and see if they are an Accredited Business. BBB Accredited Businesses make a commitment to uphold BBB's accreditation standards: build trust, advertise honestly, tell the truth, be transparent, honor their promises, be responsive to their customers, safeguard privacy, and embody integrity. You can also search for the name of the company online along with "Complaint", "Review", or "Scam" to Hiring the right contractor is one of the most important steps for your project. Hire the right one, and you can relax knowing that your project is in good hands. Hire the wrong one, and you could be facing a wide range of problems – from unfinished work to lawsuits if workers aren’t paid. Consider these tips when hiring anybody to work in your home: WHETHER YOU ARE DOING REPAIRS, ADDING ON TO YOUR HOME, OR RENOVATING A ROOM, YOU MAY DECIDE YOU NEED HELP WITH THE PROJECT YOU ARE TAKING ON. THAT’S WHERE A CONTRACTOR COMES IN. A contractor is anybody you hire to provide materials and labor to complete a job. Some contractors focus on a specific type of project, like plumbing, tiling, or painting, while others will work on any type of project. For larger projects, a general contractor may also serve as a project manager working with other vendors to get all the work done.

find different results. Ask the company if employees and sub-contractors undergo a background check. Are they trained and certified? What identification will they show when they come to your home?


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