General Information
Network Interface Installation Private line residence and business service cus tomers can now take advantage of considerable savings in monthly rates by having Oneida Coun ty Telephone install a Network Interface on the ex terior of their dwelling or office building. After the installation of the Network Interface, customers can provide all their own internal premises wiring and telephones, thus avoiding all monthly wire charges from the telephone company, except for the access line charge (dial tone). This Network Interface has a modular outlet built in for test ing purposes so customers can check their own equipment before calling the telephone company for any “out of service” conditions. This Network Interface can be installed on existing service and/ or new service requests. Contact your local busi ness office representative for details. New York Relay Service This service relays calls between a person using a Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) and any other telephone user within the state. The service also works in reverse, allowing a person with a telephone to call a TDD user. Spe cially trained personnel are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to relay calls. There is no extra charge to use the service. Toll free 800 numbers are available to use the service or obtain additional information. All users dial 711 or If you have a TDD, dial: 1-800-662-1220 If you have a telephone, dial: 1-800-421-1220 Long distance or locally charged calls placed through the New York Relay Service will be billed at AT&T or local telephone company rates. A copy of the tariff for Oneida County Telephone Company is available in the business office for review by the public. New Relay Information All users dial 711 or TTY Users (Hearing and Speech Impaired only)-1-800-662-1220 Voice (Non-TTY) Users - 1-800-421-1220 Voice Carry-Over Users (VCO) - 1-877-826-6977 ASCII Users - 1-800-584-2849 General Inquiries: TTY Users (Hearing and Speech Impaired only) - 1-800-835-5515 Voice (Non-TTY) Users - 1-800-664-6349
Connections of Customer Provided Terminal Equipment and Communications Systems Highlights of Rules for Residence Customers The following is a brief outline of the highlights of the rules relating to the connection by residence customers of customer-owned telephones. 1. Customer provided telephones may be connected through a jack furnished by the subscriber. 2. The customer is responsible for installation, maintenance and repair of his own telephones. If the telephone causes trouble to any telephone users except the customer and people who call the customer, it must be disconnected until the trouble is fixed. 3. If a Telephone Company repairman visits a customer’s premises because of a service difficulty or trouble report, caused by the customer’s equipment, or facilities, there is a maintenance service charge per visit. 4. Before any repair visit to a premises where customer-provided equipment or wiring are connected in accordance with tariff regulations, the customer shall be advised that if trouble is found to be in the customer’s equipment or wiring, the maintenance service charge will apply. 5. If any rules relating to the connection of customer-owned telephones are not observed, telephone service may be suspended or, if necessary to prevent harm to persons or facilities, service may be immediately disconnected. 6. Customers providing their own telephones will continue to pay a monthly charge for access to and use of the telephone network as well as a charge for other facilities related to extension service. 7. Customers with party-line service or those with complex wiring arrangements will not be able to buy their inside wire. Call a Service Representative for details.
Recording Telephone Conversations It is a crime under federal and N.Y. State laws for any person, including a telephone subscrib er on his own phone, to wiretap or mechanically, electronically or otherwise intercept a phone call, unless that person has first obtained consent of one of the parties actually participating in the call. Properly-authorized law enforcement officers can engage in interceptions without consent of either party when proceeding under court orders issued pursuant to applicable provisions of federal or state laws. The penalty for illegal recording can be imprisonment and/or a fine. When you hear a “beep” tone A short “beep” tone heard on your telephone line about every 15 seconds means that the person with whom you are talking is recording your con versation. This signal is required by the telephone company for your protection. Use of a recorder without a recorder-connector containing a tone warning device is contrary to the Company’s tar iffs and not permitted. Telephone safety The telephone is one of the safest appliances in your home or office, but there are a few situations where a telephone user should be cautious. • Do not use the telephone while you are in the bathtub, shower, or swimming pool. Putting the telephone in water could cause a shock. • Avoid using the telephone during electrical storms in your immediate area. Urgent calls should be brief. Oneida County Rural Telephone Co. uses protective measures to limit electrical surges from entering your home, but absolute protection is impossible. • If you suspect a gas leak, report it immediately, but use a telephone away from the area in question. The telephone’s electrical contacts could create a tiny spark when you dial. While unlikely, it is possible that this spark could ignite heavy concentrations of gas.
Holland Patent, NY
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