
General Information

Responsibility For Charges The subscriber assumes responsibility for all charges for telephone service rendered at his telephone, both local and long distance, including charges for collect calls. Incorrect Directory Listings If your listing in the directory is incorrect, it cannot be changed until the next edition of the directory is issued. In themeantime, we canmake sure the listing is correct in Directory Assistance records. To arrange this, call Shentel’s business office at 1-800-743-6835. Your service repre- sentative will be happy to help. Voice Recording Equipment A short high “beep” tone heard on the telephone line about every 15 seconds means that the person with whom you are talking is recording your conversation by means of his electrical recording machine connected to the telephone line. Use of a recorder without this signal is not permitted. If you do not want a recording made of what you are saying, ask the person with whom you are talking to disconnect the recording machine. Policy Shentel furnishes all of its various services subject to published rates, rules, and regula- tions which are on file with the Virginia State Corporation Commission. The tariff is on file and may be seen at the business office in Edinburg. Residential telephone services are installed to be used for normal, social and domestic purposes. A residential service will be changed to a business service if it is used primarily or substantially for business purposes, or if the residential telephone number is advertised in connection with the sale of products or services. Use Of Residential Service For Business Purposes

Complaint Procedure In order to ensure prompt and effective handling of all telephone problems, a complaint procedure is on file with the Virginia State Corporation Commission and may be reviewed at our business office in Edinburg. Should you have a problem or complaint, call our business office at 1-800-743-6835. Written complaints should be addressed to Shentel, P.O. Box 459, Edinburg, VA 22824. National “Do Not Call” List If you wish to have your name and telephone number placed on a list to not receive telemarket- ingcalls, youmay registerbycallingtoll free1-888- 382-1222 or online at Annoying Or Anonymous Calls The laws of the State of Virginia provide that – “any person who, without intent to converse but with intent to annoy any other person, causes any telephone not of his own to ring shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person who per- mits or condones the use of any telephone under his control for such purposes also shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.” The laws of the State of Virginia further provide that – “If any person shall use obscene, vulgar, profane, lewd, lascivious or indecent language, or make any suggestion or proposal of an obscene nature or threaten any illegal or immoral act with the intent to coerce, intimidate, or harass any person over any telephone in this State, he shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.” State law also provides that – “If any person malicious- ly advises or informs another over any telephone in this State of the death of, accident to, injury to, illness of, or disappearance of some third party, knowing the same to be false, he shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.” Federal law also prohibits anyone from making obscene or harassing telephone calls in interstate or foreign communication by means of telephone.


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