Newton-McDonald, MO-2018
Telephone Directory
The directory is an important aid in providing good and prompt telephone service. If your directory is no longer serviceable, please call the business office. Every reasonable precaution is taken to avoid errors in and omissions from the telephone directory. Neither the telephone company nor the publishing company guarantees listings therein and shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in or omissions from the directory except as provided for in its filed regulations and tariffs. Directories are the property of the telephone company and are to be returned to the telephone com- pany on request. No binder, holder, or auxiliary cover shall be attached to, or used in connection with, the directories owned by the telephone company, and such other binders, holders or auxiliary covers which contain no advertising and do not impede reference to essential service information or otherwise interfere with service. Local Calling Area If Your Prefix Is You May Call Toll Free To The Following Prefixes 666 364, 436, 475, 762, 775, 776, 822, 854, 985 775 364, 436, 475, 666, 762, 776, 822, 854, 985 776 364, 436, 475, 666, 762, 775, 822, 854, 985 985 364, 436, 475, 666, 762, 775, 776, 822, 854 364 436, 475, 666, 762, 775, 776, 822, 854, 985 436 364, 475, 666, 762, 775, 776, 822, 854, 985 475 364, 436, 666, 762, 775, 776, 822, 854, 985 762 364, 436, 475, 666, 775, 776, 822, 854, 985 822 364, 436, 475, 666, 762, 775, 776, 854, 985 854 364, 436, 475, 666, 762, 775, 776, 822, 985 678 678
Types Of Calls Directory Assistance
Operator-Assisted Calls or Assistance in Dialing
Third number billed call, collect call, conference call, mobile and marine, person to person, time and charges, calling card 0 + area code + 7-digit number. If you need assistance, contact the operator or customer service center of your long- distance company, or dial “0” (operator). Seneca, Goodman, Ozark and Wyandotte Telephone Company Long-Distance Rates
Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 + 411 Long Distance . . . . . .1 + area code + 555-1212 You can obtain the area code of the place you are calling by checking the map on page 7 or the list of major cities on page 6. If you are unable to find the area code you need, call the operator for assistance. Tell the operator the city and the name you want. Hang up and dial the call direct. Or you may have the operator complete the call for a charge. Check with your preferred long-dis- tance company for directory assistance charges and dialing instructions.
Intrastate/IntraLATA 11 cents/min. Interstate/InterLATA 7 cents/min. Credit for Poor Connections or Wrong Numbers
Each long-distance company has different pro- cedures for providing you with credit should you have a poor connection or get cut off. Contact your long-distance company for assistance.
Direct Dial Long-Distance Calls 1 + area code + 7-digit number
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