

Any person, firm, or corporation, who, with the intent to defraud or, to aid and abet another to defraud any person, firm, or corporation of the lawful charge, in whole or in part, for any goods, wares, or services, shall obtain, or attempt to obtain, or aid and abet another to obtain or attempt to obtain any goods, wares, or services by charging such goods, wares, or services to an existing telephone number, credit card, credit card number, or other credit device, without the authority of the subscriber thereto or the lawful holder thereof, or by charging such goods, wares, or services to a nonexisting, false, fictitious, or counterfeit telephone number, credit card, credit card number, or other credit device, or to a suspended, terminated, expired, canceled, or revoked telephone number, credit card number, or other credit device, or by use of a code, prearranged scheme, or other similar stratagem or device whereby said person, firm, or corporation, in effect, sends or receives information, or by installing, rearranging, or tampering with any facilities or equipment, either physically, inductively, acoustically, or electrically, or by any other trick, stratagem, impersonation, false pretense, false representation, false statement, contrivance, device, or means, is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction, be punished by confinement in the county jail for not more than one year or by fine not to exceed one thousand dollars, or both such fine and confinement.

Directory Accuracy It is the policy of the Telephone Company to publish a telephonedirectory annually. TheTelephoneCompany issues directories to assist in furnishing prompt and efficient service and it does not guarantee to its customers correct listing therein. Every precaution is taken to prevent errors in, and omissions of, directory listings. No liability for damages arising from errors in or omissions of directory listings, or listings obtained from the “Information Operator” shall attach to the Company. In the case of additional or extra listings for which a charge is made, its liability shall be limited to the monthly rate for each such listing for the charge period during which the error or omission continues. The Telephone Company will not be a party to controversies arising between customers or others as a result of listings published in its directories.

Fire Alarm and Other Emergency Calls

The Telephone Company assumes no liability in accepting, handling, or transmitting fire calls or other emergency calls of any nature.

Annoyance Calls Malicious, threatening, and abusive calls, including those in which obscene or profane language is used, are prohibited. The making of such calls over the Company’s lines may constitute cause for disconnecting service and possible criminal prosecution and civil action by the person called. The Telephone Company is concerned about obscene and harassing calls and is trying to help stop them. You don’t have to talk or listen to such calls – just hang up. If the calls persist, call your service representative at the Telephone Company Customer Service Center. If a threat is made at any time, also call the police.

22 Fastwyre.com

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