INTERNATIONAL CALLING INSTRUCTIONS Operator-Assisted Calls Person-to-person,* calling card, or billed to third number calls require operator assistance. Use the International Access Code “01” instead of “011.” *Certain countries will not accept collect calls. Additional Assistance or Information Contact your long distance carrier if you need assistance: • to call countries that cannot be dialed. • to get telephone numbers. • for help on completing a call. • to get credit if you reach a wrong number. • to get City Codes that are not listed. Calls to Canada, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and most dial points in the Caribbean can be dialed the same as long distance calls within the continental United States.
Dialing Instructions International calls are handled by some long distance companies. Please contact your company for dialing instructions. If you are pre-subscribed to a long distance company which provides international calling, you may use the following dialing instructions: • dial the International Access Code 011; • the Country Code; • the City Code; • the Local Number; • and the “#” button if you have touch-tone services. This will speed your call along. For Example: To place a direct-dial call to Paris, France, here’s what you would dial: International Country City Access Code Code Code 011 + 33 + 1 + the Local Number After dialing any international call, allow at least 45 seconds for the ringing to start. Some areas do not have the capability to dial international calls direct without operator assistance. Call your service representative to find out if direct-dial international calling is available.
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