NW Missouri, MO is published annually by American Broadband , Oregon Farmers Mutual Telephone Company and Rock Port Telephone Company
FEBRUARY 2022 R P Northwest Missouri Regional, Missouri February 2022 411NWMO.com 041593 ock Port R elephone T
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Photo by: Darin Brock
411NWMO.COM Local Search Made Easy ®
Sheriff/Police Atchison County Sheriff (Non-Emergency) .........................................660-744-6271 Holt County Sheriff ................................................................................660-446-3300 Nodaway County-Maryville...................................................................660-582-7451 Oregon Police Department ...................................................................660-446-3668 Rock Port City Police (Non-Emergency) .............................................660-744-2777 Fire Fairfax ......................................................................................................................911 Maitland ...................................................................................................................911 Oregon/Forest City (To Report Fire Only) ............................... 911 or 660-446-3344 Rock Port.................................................................................................................911 Skidmore .................................................................................................................911 (Non-Emergency) .................................................................................660-928-3302 Tarkio .......................................................................................................................911 Watson.....................................................................................................................911 Westboro .................................................................................................................911 Ambulance Atchison Holt Ambulance ......................................................................................911 Nodaway County ....................................................................................................911 State Highway Patrol (Emergency Number) .............................800-525-5555 Toll Call ...................................................................................................816-387-2345 Toll Call ...................................................................................................573-751-3313 FBI Toll Call ...................................................................................................816-221-6100 Hotline Atchison County Local Domestic Violence.........1-877-835-7233 or 660-744-7233 Area Wide Local Domestic Violence ............................................... 1-866-382-7867 Child Abuse and Neglect .................................................................. 1-800-392-3738 Elderly Abuse and Neglect ............................................................... 1-800-392-0210 Mental Health Crisis Line.................................................................. 1-800-811-4760 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline................................................ 1-800-273-8255 Poison Control ................................................................................... 1-800-392-9111 Write in the telephone numbers you will need in case of an emergency. Police ___________________________________________________
Fire _____________________________________________________
Doctor __________________________________________________
Hospital _________________________________________________
ROCK PORT TELEPHONE COMPANY P.O. Box 147 214 South Main Rock Port, MO 64482 E-mail address: rptel@rptelephone.com www.rpt.coop
Business Hours Office Hours...................... 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Business Transactions Business Office Telephone .................... 744-5311 Rock Port Long Distance Northwest Missouri Cellular, agent Midwest Data Center Trouble Reporting ............... 744-5311 Relay Missouri For communications between hearing, deaf, hard- of-hearing, and speech-impaired persons, the following numbers are available 24 hours a day. Missouri Dual Party Relay Service....... Dial 711 Or TDD User ................................. 1-800-735-2966 Hearing User............................ 1-800-735-2466 Spanish .................................... 1-800-676-4290 Local Directory Assistance Numbers not in the directory ............... Dial 1-411
Long Distance Directory Assistance
Rock Port Telephone Company provides telephone numbers to the telephone company who provides our information service. We cannot guarantee that all companies providing information services will
have access to that information. Dial 1 + area code + 555-1212
To complete all local calls you will now need to dial area code + telephone number. This applies to all calls within your area code that are currently dialed with seven digits. To complete long distance calls, you must dial 1 + area code + telephone number.
IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING 10-DIGIT DIALING The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted 988 as a new three-digit number to be used nationwide to reach the National Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Crisis Lifeline , starting July 16, 2022 . Customers must continue to dial 1-800-273-TALK to reach the Lifeline until July 16, 2022 . In order for 988 to work in the 660 area code, 10-digit local dialing must first be implemented. Beginning October 24, 2021, you must dial 10 digits (area code + telephone number) for all local calls. For more information, please visit https://www.fcc.gov/ consumers/guides/ten-digit-dialing .
We Are Rock Port Telephone Company
We are you!! Rock Port Telephone Company is a cooperative — owned by you, the subscriber. Each customer is entitled to buy one share of stock in the company and may hold that stock as long as they have service. Each shareholder may be entitled to patronage credits. Rock Port Telephone Company was formed because the subscribers of Rock Port Mutual Telephone Company wanted to modernize their system and install dial telephones. They were incorporated in 1965, which enabled them to obtain a loan from the Rural Electric Administration (REA) to install new central office equipment. We were the first REA borrower in Missouri to give our customers a private line. And we remain on the “cutting edge,” striving to give our customers the most modern service available. Thanks to excellent management, devoted employees, and prudent investments by the Board of Directors, we have been able to keep our company one of the leaders in this industry. …All for you, the Owner!!!
Rock Port Telephone Company’s Mission Statement
Rock Port Telephone Company will provide efficient communication technology solutions for its existing and potential customers by bundling its services and products, while maintaining the goals and objectives set by its board of directors. Through its commitment to excellence, it will aggressively pursue customers within its current markets and continue to contribute to the economic growth of the communities in which it serves.
Notice to All Customers of Rock Port Telephone Company On December 4, 1997, the Public Service Commission of Missouri designated Rock Port Telephone Company the “Eligible Telecommunications Carrier” for its service area for universal service purposes. The goal of universal service is to provide all citizens access to essential telecommunications services. Rock Port Telephone Company provides single party residence (with unlimited local usage) and business service for rates which range from $16.50 for residential customers to $20.00 per month for business customers. This includes access to: • Long Distance (Rates Vary) • Emergency Services • Telecommunications Relay Services • Other services designed for persons with disabilities Use of these services may result in added charges. In addition, Rock Port Telephone Company provides one copy of its annual local directory without charge. • Operator Services • Directory Services
Rock Port Telephone Company offers qualified customers Lifeline Service. If you are a low-income customer, you may qualify for Rock Port Telephone Company’s Lifeline Program. This means you may receive a monthly discount for your basic phone charges. This service offers free toll blocking for qualifying customers. Please contact Rock Port Telephone if you have questions: P.O. Box 147 Rock Port, MO 64482 Telephone: 660-744-5311 Fax: 660-744-2120 Email: rptel@rptelephone.com
Rainbow Dr
Ruby St
Industrial Rd
W 4th St
College Sq
N C o
W 3rd St
W 3rd St
E 3rd St
Warner St
u n t r
M i l d r e d S t
C l u b
N Nebraska St
W 2nd St
2nd St
D r
Green Hill Cemetery
Colvin Ave
N Market St
N Water St
N K a ns a s S t
Sickler Ave
N Washington St
S Main St N Main St
Country Club Rd
1st St
W 1st St
N Bluff St
E Mill St
W Mill St
E Mill St
E Ridge Ct
Hillside Dr
Boney Branch
E Opp St
W Opp St
Opp St
Manor Cir
S Bluff St
Fairlane Ct
W Cass St
S Country Club Dr
Washington St
Scamman Dr
E Cass St
E Clay St
Clay St
W Clay St
S Kansas St
SWashington St
Park East Dr
Perry Pky
Rose Ln
Rock Port High School
W Calhoun St
E Calhoun St
Parkview Dr
220 St
Washington St
Rolf Rd
Warren Ave
Grant St
Deatz Rd
Stanton Dr
S Market St
W College St
Rock Port Elementary School
Rock Port Golf and Country Club
S Water St
William St
S Nebraska St
Center St
Burke Cir
C Ave
Snowden Dr
Rock Creek
Summit Dr
Underwood Dr
Charles St
Skyline Dr
Depot Rd
L n
W h i s p e r i n g W o o d
Clemens Dr
Whispering Dr
230 St
map data © 1984-2009 Tele Atlas
Adrian .................... 816 Advance ................ 573 Anderson ............... 417 Appleton City ........ 660 Arnold .................... 636 Arrow Rock............ 660 Ash Grove.............. 417 Aurora.................... 417 Auxvasse ............... 573 Ava ........................ 417 Bell City ................. 573 Belle....................... 573 Belleview ............... 573 Belton .................... 816 Benton................... 573 Bernie .................... 573 Bethany ................. 660 Billings ................... 417 Bismarck ............... 573 Blackburn .............. 660 Blackwater............. 660 Blairstown.............. 660 Bland ..................... 573 Bloomfield ............. 573 Blue Eye ................ 417 Blue Springs.......... 816 Bolivar ................... 417 Bonne Terre........... 573 Boonville................ 660 Bourbon................. 573 Branson ................. 417 Braymer ................. 816 Brazito ................... 573 Breckenridge ......... 660 Breckenridge Hills . 314 Brentwood............. 314 Bridgeton............... 314 Brookfield .............. 660 Buckner ................. 816 Buffalo ................... 417 Bunceton ............... 660 Bunker ................... 573 Butler ..................... 660 Calhoun ................. 660 California ............... 573 Camden Point ....... 816 Camdenton............ 573 Cameron................ 816
Campbell ............... 573 Cape Girardeau..... 573 Cardwell ................ 573 Carl Junction ......... 417 Carthage................ 417 Cassville ................ 417 Centertown............ 573 Centerview ............ 660 Centralia ................ 573 Chaffee .................. 573 Chamois ................ 573 Charleston ............. 573 Chesterfield ........... 636 Chilhowee.............. 660 Chillicothe.............. 660 Clark ...................... 573 Clarksburg............. 573 Clarksville .............. 573 Clever .................... 417 Climax Springs ...... 573 Clinton ................... 660 Cole Camp ............ 660 Columbia ............... 573 Concordia.............. 660 Conway ................. 417 Corder ................... 660 Craig...................... 660 Crane..................... 417 Creve Coeur .......... 314 Crocker.................. 573 Cuba...................... 573 Dearborn ............... 816 Deepwater ............. 660 De Kalb.................. 816 De Soto ................. 636 Delta ...................... 573 Dexter .................... 573 Diamond................ 417 Dixon ..................... 573 Edgerton................ 816 Edina ..................... 660 El Dorado Springs . 417 Eldon ..................... 573 Ellington................. 573 Elsberry ................. 573 Eminence............... 573 Eugene .................. 573 Eureka ................... 636 Excelsior Springs .. 816 Fair Grove.............. 417
Fairfax.................... 660 Fairview ................. 417 Farber .................... 573 Farmington ............ 573 Fayette................... 660 Fenton ................... 636 Ferguson ............... 314 Festus.................... 636 Fillmore.................. 816 Fletcher.................. 573 Florissant ............... 314 Fordland ................ 417 Forsyth .................. 417 Fort Leonard Wood 573 Frankford ............... 573 Fredericktown ....... 573 Freeburg ................ 573 Fulton .................... 573 Gainesville ............. 417 Galena ................... 417 Gallatin .................. 660 Garden City ........... 816 Gideon................... 573 Gilliam.................... 660 Gilman City............ 660 Gladstone .............. 816 Glasgow ................ 660 Golden City ........... 417 Goodman .............. 417 Gower.................... 816 Graham.................. 660 Grain Valley ........... 816 Granby................... 417 Grant City .............. 660 Gravois Mills.......... 573 Gray Summit ......... 636 Green Ridge .......... 660 Hannibal ................ 573 Hardin.................... 660 Harrisonville........... 816 Hartville.................. 417 Henrietta................ 816 Herculaneum......... 636 Hermann................ 573 Hermitage.............. 417 Higbee ................... 660 Higginsville ............ 660 High Ridge............. 636 Hillsboro ................ 636 Holden ................... 816 Holt ........................ 816 Holts Summit......... 573
Hopkins ................. 660 Hornersville............ 573 House Springs....... 636 Houston................. 417 Houstonia .............. 660 Humansville ........... 417 Huntsville............... 660 Hurdland................ 660 Iberia...................... 573 Imperial.................. 636 Independence ....... 816 Ionia....................... 660 Irondale.................. 573 Jackson ................. 573 Jamesport ............. 660 Jasper.................... 417 Jefferson City ........ 573 Joplin..................... 417 Kansas City ........... 816 Kearney ................. 816 Kennett .................. 573 King City................ 660 Kingsville ............... 816 Kirksville ................ 660 Kirkwood ............... 314 Knob Noster .......... 660 La Belle.................. 660 La Grange.............. 573 La Plata ................. 660 Lake Ozark ............ 573 Lamar .................... 417 Lancaster............... 660 Latour .................... 816 Lawson .................. 816 Lebanon ................ 417 Lees Summit .. 660/816 Leeton ................... 660 Lexington............... 660 Liberal.................... 417 Liberty.................... 816 Lilbourn ................. 573 Lincoln................... 660 Linn........................ 573 Linneus .................. 660 Lockwood.............. 417 Lone Jack.............. 816 Louisiana ............... 573 Lowry City ............. 417 Macks Creek ......... 573 Macon ................... 660 Madison................. 660 Maitland................. 660
Malden................... 573 Malta Bend............ 660 Manchester ........... 636 Mansfield............... 417 Marble Hill ............. 573 Marceline............... 660 Marionville ............. 417 Marshall ................. 660 Marshall Junction .. 660 Marshfield.............. 417 Marston ................. 573 Maryville ................ 660 Maysville................ 816 Mehlville................. 314 Memphis................ 660 Meta ...................... 573 Mexico................... 573 Miami..................... 660 Miller ...................... 417 Missouri City ......... 816 Moberly ................. 660 Mokane.................. 573 Monett ................... 417 Monroe City........... 573 Montgomery City... 573 Montrose ............... 660 Mooresville ............ 660 Morehouse ............ 573 Morrison ................ 573 Morrisville .............. 417 Moscow Mills ........ 636 Mound City............ 660 Mount Moriah........ 660 Mount Sterling....... 573 Neosho .................. 417 Nevada .................. 417 New Bloomfield..... 573 New Florence ........ 573 New Haven............ 573 New London.......... 573 New Madrid........... 573 Newburg................ 573 Niangua ................. 417 Noel ....................... 417 Norborne ............... 660 Novinger ................ 660 Oak Grove ............. 816 Oak Ridge ............. 573 Odessa .................. 816 O’Fallon ................. 636
Old Appleton ......... 573 Old Monroe ........... 636 Olney ..................... 573 Oran....................... 573 Oregon .................. 660 Orrick..................... 816 Osage Beach......... 573 Osborn................... 816 Osceola ................. 417 Otterville ................ 660 Overland................ 314 Owensville ............. 573 Ozark ..................... 417 Pacific.................... 636 Pattonsburg........... 660 Peculiar.................. 816 Pickering................ 660 Pierce City ............. 417 Pilot Grove............. 660 Platte City.............. 816 Pleasant Hill........... 816 Pleasant Hope....... 417 Polo ....................... 660 Poplar Bluff............ 573 Portage des Sioux. 636 Portageville............ 573 Potosi .................... 573 Prairie Home ......... 660 Princeton ............... 660 Purdy ..................... 417 Puxico.................... 573 Queen City ............ 660 Qulin ...................... 573 Rea ........................ 816 Republic ................ 417 Richland ................ 573 Richmond .............. 816 Ridgeway............... 660 Rockaway Beach .. 417 Rock Port .............. 660 Rogersville............. 417 Rolla ...................... 573 Russellville............. 573 Saint Charles......... 636 Saint Clair .............. 636 Saint James........... 573 Saint Joseph ......... 816 Saint Louis...... 314/636 Saint Mary ............. 573 Saint Peters........... 636
Saint Thomas ........ 573 Sainte Genevieve .. 573 Salem .................... 573 Salisbury................ 660 Sappington............ 314 Sarcoxie ................ 417 Savannah............... 816 Sedalia................... 660 Seligman................ 417 Senath ................... 573 Seneca .................. 417 Shell Knob............. 417 Sikeston................. 573 Skidmore ............... 660 Slagle..................... 417 Smithton ................ 660 Smithville ............... 816 Spanish Lake......... 314 Springfield ............. 417 Stanberry............... 660 Steele .................... 573 Steelville ................ 573 Stewartsville .......... 816 Stover .................... 573 Strafford ................ 417 Strasburg............... 816 Sturgeon................ 573 Sweet Springs ....... 660 Syracuse................ 660 Tarkio..................... 660 Tipton .................... 660 Trenton .................. 660 Trimble .................. 816 Troy ....................... 636
Tuscumbia............. 573 Union ..................... 636 Urich ...................... 660 Valley Park............. 314 Van Buren.............. 573 Vandalia................. 573 Verona ................... 417 Versailles ............... 573 Vichy...................... 573 Vienna.................... 573 Walnut Grove ........ 417 Warrensburg.......... 660 Warrenton.............. 636 Warsaw.................. 660 Washington ........... 636 Waverly.................. 660 Waynesville............ 573 Weaubleau ............ 417 Webb City.............. 417 Webster Groves .... 314 Wellington.............. 816 Wellsville................ 573 Wentzville .............. 636 Weston .................. 816 Westphalia............. 573 Wheatland ............. 417 Wheaton ................ 417 Willard.................... 417 Windsor ................. 660 Winfield.................. 636 Winona .................. 573 Winston ................. 660 Wright City............. 636 Wyatt ..................... 573
LONG DISTANCE CALLS (Area Codes for Some Cities)
IOWA (IA) Ames ..........................515 Cedar Rapids .............319 Council Bluffs.............712 Des Moines*...............515 Dubuque.....................563 Fairfield.......................641 Iowa City ....................319 Sioux City...................712 KANSAS (KS) Dodge City .................620 Kansas City ................913 Lawrence....................785 Topeka .......................785 Wichita .......................316 KENTUCKY (KY) Ashland ......................606 Bowling Green ...........270 Frankfort*....................502 Lexington ...................859 Louisville.....................502 Owensboro.................270 Richmond...................859 Somerset....................606 LOUISIANA (LA) Alexandria ..................318 Baton Rouge*.............225 Hammond ..................985 Lafayette ....................337 Lake Charles ..............337 New Orleans ..............504 Ponchatoula ...............985 Shreveport..................318 MAINE (ME) Augusta*.....................207 All Locations...............207 MARYLAND (MD) Annapolis* ..................410 Baltimore....................410 Clinton ........................301 Frederick ....................301 Rockville.....................301 MASSACHUSETTS (MA) Boston*.......................617 Cambridge .................617 Fitchburg ....................978 Lowell .........................978 Needham............ 617/781 New Bedford..............508 Pittsfield .....................413 Springfield ..................413 Worcester...................508 MICHIGAN (MI) Adrian .........................517 Ann Arbor ...................734 Dearborn ....................313 Detroit.......... 248/313/734 Flint.............................810 Grand Rapids.............616 Kalamazoo .................269 Lansing* .....................517 Marquette...................906 Midland ......................989 Muskegon ..................231
Cocoa Beach .............321 Fort Lauderdale..........954 Fort Myers..................239 Gainesville ..................352 Jacksonville................904 Lake City ....................386 Lakeland.....................863 Miami..........................305 Naples ........................239 Ocala ..........................352 Orlando .............. 321/407 Pensacola...................850 St. Petersburg............727 Sarasota .....................941 Tallahassee* ...............850 Tampa ........................813 Vero Beach ................772 West Palm Beach ......561 GEORGIA (GA) Albany ........................229 Atlanta*............... 404/770 Augusta ......................706 Columbus...................706 Macon ........................478 Marietta ......................770 Perry ...........................478 Rome..........................706 Savannah ...................912 Smyrna .......................770 Vidalia.........................912 HAWAII (HI) Honolulu*....................808 All Locations...............808 IDAHO (ID) Boise* ................. 208/986 All Locations....... 208/986 ILLINOIS (IL) Alton ...........................618 Aurora.........................630 Belleville .....................618 Bloomington...............309 Champaign-Urbana ...217 Chicago....... 312/708/773 Cicero.........................708 Collinsville ..................618 Geneva .......................630 Joliet................... 708/815 Mount Vernon ............618 Peoria .........................309 Rockford.....................815 Springfield*.................217 Tinley Park .................708 Waukegan ..................847 INDIANA (IN) Elkhart ........................574 Evansville ...................812 Fort Wayne.................260 Gary............................219 Greenwood ................317 Indianapolis*...............317 Lafayette ....................765 Marion ........................765 South Bend ................574 Terre Haute ................812
Petoskey ....................231 Saginaw......................989 St. Joseph..................269 Southfield ...................248 Troy ............................248 Warren........................586 Ypsilanti......................734 MINNESOTA (MN) Alexandria ..................320 Bemidji .......................218 Clara City ...................320 Cold Spring ................320 Duluth.........................218 Fairmont .....................507 Lake City ....................651 Mankato .....................507 Minneapolis. 612/763/952 Rochester...................507 St. Cloud ....................320 St. Paul* ...... 612/651/952 MISSISSIPPI (MS) Biloxi...........................228 Greenville ...................662 Jackson*.....................601 MISSOURI (MO) Chesterfield........ 314/636 Columbia....................573 Florissant....................314 Jefferson City*............573 Kansas City ................816 Lebanon .....................417 Moberly ......................660 St. Joseph..................816 St. Louis .....................314 Sedalia........................660 Springfield ..................417 Troy ............................636 MONTANA (MT) Helena* .......................406 All Locations...............406 NEBRASKA (NE) Grand Island...............308 Lincoln*............... 402/531 North Platte................308 Omaha................ 402/531 NEVADA (NV) Carson City* ...............775 Las Vegas........... 702/725 Reno...........................775 NEW HAMPSHIRE (NH) Concord* ....................603 All Locations...............603 NEW JERSEY (NJ) Asbury ........................908 Atlantic City................609 Camden......................856 Elizabeth.....................908 Hackensack ...............201 Jersey City .................201 Laurel Springs............856 Newark .......................973 New Brunswick..........732 Passaic.......................973
ALABAMA (AL) Birmingham................205 Huntsville....................256 Mobile.........................251 Montgomery* .............334 ALASKA (AK) Juneau* ......................907 All Locations...............907 ARIZONA (AZ) Buckeye .....................623 Chandler.....................480 Flagstaff......................928 Glendale .....................623 Phoenix* ............. 480/602 Scottsdale ..................480 Tucson .......................520 ARKANSAS (AR) Fort Smith ..................479 Jonesboro ..................870 Little Rock*.................501 Texarkana...................870 CALIFORNIA (CA) Anaheim ............. 657/714 Bakersfield .................661 Burbank......................747 Chula Vista .................619 Concord .....................925 Coronado ...................619 Fairfield.......................707 Fremont......................510 Fresno ........................559 Glendale ............. 747/818 Inglewood........... 310/424 La Jolla.......................858 La Mesa .....................619 Long Beach. 310/424/562 Los Angeles ...... 213/310/ ................. 323/424/818 Modesto .....................209
Monterey ....................831 Newport Beach..........949 Oakland......................510 Ontario........................909 Palm Springs..............760 Pasadena ........... 626/747 Riverside ....................951 Sacramento* ..............916 Salinas........................831 San Bernardino ..........909 San Diego........... 619/858 San Francisco ...........415/ ................. 510/628/650 San Jose ............ 408/510 San Mateo..................650 Santa Ana........... 657/714 Santa Barbara............805 Santa Maria................805 Santa Monica.............310 Van Nuys............ 747/818 Whittier .......................562 COLORADO (CO) Aspen .........................970 Boulder.......................303 Colorado Springs.......719 Denver*.......................303 Grand Junction ..........970 Pueblo ........................719 CONNECTICUT (CT) Bridgeport ..................203 Fairfield.......................203 Hartford*.....................860 DELAWARE (DE) Dover*.........................302 All Locations...............302 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (DC) Washington, D.C........202 FLORIDA (FL) Boca Raton ................561 Clearwater ..................727
LONG DISTANCE CALLS (Area Codes for Some Cities)
OREGON (OR) Ashland ......................458 Eugene ............... 458/541 Portland......................503 Salem* ........................503 PENNSYLVANIA (PA) Allentown....................610 Clarks Summit ...........570 Erie .............................814 Harrisburg* .................717 Lancaster ...................717 New Castle.................724 Philadelphia........ 215/610 Pittsburgh........... 412/724 Reading ......................610 Scranton.....................570 Valley Forge ...............610 Washington ................724 York ............................717 RHODE ISLAND (RI) Providence*................401 All Locations...............401 SOUTH CAROLINA (SC) Charleston..................843 Columbia*...................803 Greenville ...................864 McClellanville .............843 Spartanburg ...............864 SOUTH DAKOTA (SD) Pierre*.........................605 All Locations...............605 TENNESSEE (TN) Chattanooga ..............423 Clarksville ...................931 Columbia....................931 Dickson .............. 615/629 Dyersburg...................731 Jackson......................731 Knoxville.....................865 Memphis ....................901 Nashville*............ 615/629 Oak Ridge ..................865 Sweetwater ................423 TEXAS (TX) Amarillo ......................806 Arlington.....................817 Austin* ........................512 Baytown ............. 281/832 Beaumont...................409 Brownsville.................956 Bryan ..........................979 Conroe .......................936 Corpus Christi ............361 Dallas..........................214 Denton........................940 El Paso .......................915 Fort Worth ..................817 Freeport......................979 Galveston ...................409 Houston.....................281/ ................. 346/713/832 Irving................... 214/940 Lackland.....................210 Longview....................903 Lubbock .....................806
SASKATCHEWAN All areas............306/639
Paterson.....................973 Plainfield.....................908 Trenton.......................609 NEW MEXICO (NM) Santa Fe*....................505 All other locations...505/575 NEW YORK (NY) Albany* .......................518 Binghamton................607 Bronx........... 347/718/917 Brooklyn ............. 347/718 Buffalo ........................716 Elmira .........................607 Hicksville ....................516 Huntington .................631 Newburgh...................845 New York .......... 212/347/ ..........646/718/917/929 Niagara Falls ..............716 Poughkeepsie ............845 Rochester...................585 Staten Island ...... 347/718 Syracuse ....................315 Utica ...........................315 Watertown..................315 White Plains ...............914 Yonkers ......................914 NORTH CAROLINA (NC) Asheville .....................828 Brevard.......................828 Charlotte............. 704/910 Durham.......................919 Fayetteville .................910 Greensboro ........ 336/704 Kinston .......................252 Raleigh* ......................919 Rocky Mount..............252 Wilmington .................910 Winston Salem...........336 NORTH DAKOTA (ND) Bismarck* ...................701 All Locations...............701 OHIO (OH) Akron..........................330 Cincinnati ...................513 Cleveland ........... 216/440 Columbus*..................614 Dayton........................937 Lima............................419 Lorain .........................440 Miamisburg ................937 Middletown ................513 Springfield ..................937 Toledo ........................419 Warren........................330 Youngstown ...............330 Zanesville ...................220 OKLAHOMA (OK) Edmond......................405 Enid ............................580 Lawton .......................580 Muskogee ..................539 Oklahoma City* ..........405 Tulsa................... 539/918
Lufkin..........................936 Mason ........................325 Midland ......................432 Nacogdoches.............936 Odessa .......................432 Paris ...........................903 San Antonio ....... 210/830 Texarkana...................903 Tyler............................903 Victoria .......................361 Waco ..........................254 Wharton......................979 Wichita Falls...............940 UTAH (UT) Fillmore.......................435 Moab ..........................435 Richfield .....................435 Salt Lake City*............801 VERMONT (VT) Montpelier* .................802 All Locations...............802 VIRGINIA (VA) Alexandria ..................703 Arlington.....................703 Charlottesville.............434 Danville.......................434 Harrisonburg ..............540 Norfolk........................757 Richmond*..................804 Roanoke.....................540 Waynesboro...............540 Winchester .................540 WASHINGTON (WA) Bellingham .................360 Longview....................360 Olympia*.....................360 Seattle ........................206 Spokane .....................509 Tacoma ......................253 Yakima .......................509 WEST VIRGINIA (WV) Charleston*......... 304/681 All Locations....... 304/681 WISCONSIN (WI) Eau Claire........... 534/715 Fond Du Lac ..............920 Green Bay ..................920 Janesville....................608 La Crosse...................608 Madison* ....................608 Menomonee Falls ......262 Milwaukee ..................414 Racine ........................262 Sheboygan.................920 WYOMING (WY) Cheyenne*..................307 All Locations...............307 WIDE AREA TEL. SERVICE (WATS) 800 833 844 855 866 877 888
ALBERTA Calgary ......403/587/825 Edmonton..587/780/825 BRITISH COLUMBIA Vancouver..236/604/778 Victoria.......236/250/778
YUKON All areas................... 867
Caribbean Islands and Other Countries in North American Number Plan Anguilla.................... 264 Antigua & Barbuda .. 268 Bahamas ................. 242 Barbados................. 246 Bermuda.................. 441 British Virgin Islands 284 Cayman Islands....... 345 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.... 670 Dominica ................. 767 Dominican Republic 809 Grenada................... 473 Guam....................... 671 Jamaica ................... 876 Montserrat ............... 664 St. Vincent & Grenadines .............. 784 St. Lucia .................. 758 St. Kitts & Nevis ...... 869 Trinidad & Tobago... 868 Turks and Caicos Islands ................... 649
MANITOBA All areas............204/431
NEW BRUNSWICK All areas................... 506
NEWFOUNDLAND All areas................... 709
NORTHWEST TERRITORY All areas................... 867
NOVA SCOTIA All areas............782/902
NUNAVUT All areas................... 867
ONTARIO London ......226/519/548 Ottawa ..............343/613 Sault Ste. Marie 249/705 Thunder Bay ............ 807 Toronto ......416/437/647 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND All areas............782/902 QUEBEC Montreal ...........438/514 Quebec City . 367/418/581
PUERTO RICO (PR) All Locations.....787/939
VIRGIN ISLANDS (VI) All Locations............ 340
* Capitals
INTERNATIONAL CALLING INSTRUCTIONS Operator-Assisted Calls Person-to-person,* calling card, or billed to third number calls require operator assistance. Use the International Access Code “01” instead of “011.” *Certain countries will not accept collect calls. Additional Assistance or Information Contact your long distance carrier if you need assistance: • to call countries that cannot be dialed. • to get telephone numbers. • for help on completing a call. • to get credit if you reach a wrong number. • to get City Codes that are not listed. Calls to Canada, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and most dial points in the Caribbean can be dialed the same as long distance calls within the continental United States.
Dialing Instructions International calls are handled by some long distance companies. Please contact your company for dialing instructions. If you are pre-subscribed to a long distance company which provides international calling, you may use the following dialing instructions: • dial the International Access Code 011; • the Country Code; • the City Code; • the Local Number; • and the “#” button if you have touch-tone services. This will speed your call along. For Example: To place a direct-dial call to Paris, France, here’s what you would dial: International Country City Access Code Code Code 011 + 33 + 1 + the Local Number After dialing any international call, allow at least 45 seconds for the ringing to start. Some areas do not have the capability to dial international calls direct without operator assistance. Call your service representative to find out if direct-dial international calling is available.
To Make Direct-Dial Calls Use the Chart Below and Dial:
City Code If none, omit this step
Country Code
Example: La Paz, Bolivia: 011 + 591 + 2 + Number
To Make Operator-Assisted Calls Use the Chart Below and Dial: (Or Call Your Long Distance Company)
An Operator Will Come on the Line
1+City Code If none, omit this step
Country Code
No City Code Omit This Step
An Operator
Will Come on the Line
Legend: Number following
Syria 963............ +8 Taiwan 886 ...... +14 Tajikistan 992.. +12 Tanzania 255 ..... +9 Thailand 66...... +13 Togo 228............ +6 Tonga 676........ +19 Trinidad & Tobago 1-868................ +1 Tunisia 216 ........ +7 Turkey 90........... +8 Turkmenistan 993 ................. +11 Turks & Caicos Islands 1-649................ +1 Tuvalu* 688...... +18 Uganda 256 ....... +9 Ukraine 380 ....... +8 United Arab Emirates 971 ................. +10 United Kingdom 44 ..................... +6 United States 1 Alaska ............... -3 Central................ 0 Eastern ............. +1 Hawaii ............... -4 Mountain ........... -1 Pacific ............... -2 Uruguay 598 ...... +3 Uzbekistan 998 +11 Vanuatu 678 .... +17 Vatican* 379 ...... +7 Venezuela 58..... +2 Vietnam 84 ...... +13 Wallis & Futuna 681 .... +18 Western Sahara 212 ................... +5 Yemen 967......... +9 Zambia 260........ +8 Zimbabwe 263 .. +8
French Polynesia* 689 .................... -4 Gabon* 241........ +7 Gambia 220 ....... +6 Georgia 995..... +10 Germany 49 ....... +7 Ghana 233 ......... +6 Gibraltar 350 ..... +7 Greece 30 .......... +8 Greenland 299... +3 Grenada 1-473 .. +1 Guam 1-671....... +3 Guatemala 502.... 0 Guinea 224 ........ +6 Guinea-Bissau 245 ................... +6 Guyana 592 ....... +3 Haiti 509............. +1 Honduras 504...... 0 Hong Kong 852 ................. +14 Hungary 36 ........ +7 Iceland 354 ........ +6 India 91 ......... +11.5 Indonesia 62 Central............ +14 East ................ +15 West ............... +13 Iran 98............. +9.5 Iraq 964.............. +9 Ireland 353......... +6 Israel 972 ........... +8 Italy 39 ............... +7 Japan 81 .......... +15 Jordan 962 ........ +8 Kazakhstan 7 .. +12 Kenya 254.......... +9 Kiribati 686 ...... +18 Korea (North) 850 ................. +15 Korea (South) 82 ................... +15 Kuwait 965......... +9 Kyrgyzstan 996 ................. +11 Laos 856 .......... +13 Latvia 371 .......... +8 Lebanon 961...... +8
Panama 507 ...... +1 Papua New Guinea 675 ................. +16 Paraguay 595 .... +2 Peru 51 .............. +1 Philippines 63 ................... +14 Poland 48........... +7 Portugal 351...... +7 Qatar* 974 ......... +9 Reunion* 262 ................. +10 Romania 40 ....... +8 Russia 7 Central 1 ........ +10 Central 2 ........ +13 East ................ +17 West ................. +8 Rwanda* 250 ..... +8 St. Kitts & Nevis 1-869................ +1 St. Pierre et Miquelon* 508 ................... +3 San Marino 378 ................... +7 Sao Tome * 239.. +6 Saudi Arabia 966 ................... +9 Senegal 221 ................... +6 Seychelles* 248 ................. +10 Sierra Leone 232 ................... +6 Singapore 65 ... +14 Slovakia 421 ...... +7 Slovenia 386 ...... +7 Solomon Islands* 677 ................. +17 Somalia 252....... +9 South Africa 27 ..................... +8 Spain 34............. +7 Sri Lanka 94 . +11.5 Sudan 249.......... +8 Suriname 597 .... +3 Swaziland 268 ... +8 Sweden 46......... +7 Switzerland 41 .. +7
Lesotho* 266 ..... +8 Liberia* 231 ....... +6 Libya 218 ........... +8 Liechtenstein 423 ................... +7 Lithuania 370..... +8 Luxembourg* 352 ................... +7 Macedonia 389 . +7 Madagascar 261 ................... +9 Malawi 265 ........ +8 Malaysia 60 ..... +14 Maldives 960 ... +11 Mali* 223............ +6 Malta 356........... +7 Marshall Islands 692 ................. +18 Mauritania 222 .. +6 Mauritius* 230 . +10 Mayotte* 262 ..... +9 Mexico 52 Central................ 0 East .................. +1 West .................. -1 Moldova 373...... +8 Monaco 377....... +7 Mongolia 976... +14 Morocco 212 ..... +6 Mozambique 258 ................... +8 Myanmar 95 . +12.5 Namibia 264 ...... +7 Nauru* 674....... +18 Nepal 977...... +11.5 Netherlands 31.. +7 Netherlands Antilles 599 ..... +2 New Caledonia 687 ................. +17 New Zealand 64 ................... +18 Nicaragua 505..... 0 Niger* 227.......... +7 Nigeria 234 ........ +7 Norway 47 ......... +7 Oman 968 ........ +10 Pakistan 92...... +11 Palau* 680 ....... +15
Country Name .....Country Code TD ........................ Time Difference from Central Standard Time * ..............City Code not required
Cambodia 855 ................. +13 Cameroon 237 .. +7 Cape Verde Islands 238 ................... +5 Central African Republic* 236 ................... +7 Chad 235 ........... +7 Chile 56.............. +2 China 86........... +14 Christmas Island 61 ...................... -4 Colombia 57 ...... +1 Cook Islands 682 .................... -4 Costa Rica* 506 .. 0 Croatia 385........ +7 Cuba 53 ............. +1 Cyprus 357 ........ +8 Czech Republic 420 ................... +7 Denmark* 45 ..... +7 Djibouti* 253...... +9 Ecuador 593 ...... +1 Egypt 20............. +8 El Salvador 503 ..................... 0 Equatorial Guinea 240 ................... +7 Eritrea 291 ......... +9 Estonia 372........ +8 Ethiopia 251 ...... +9 Falkland Islands* 500 ................... +2 Faroe Islands* 298 ................... +6 Fiji 679 ............. +18 Finland 358 ........ +8 France 33........... +7
Afghanistan 93 ................ +10.5 Albania 355........ +7 Algeria 213 ........ +7 American Samoa* 1-684................. -5 Andorra 376....... +7 Angola 244 ........ +7 Antarctica 672... +4 Argentina 54...... +3 Armenia 374 .... +10 Aruba* 297......... +6 Australia 61 East ................ +16 North ........... +15.5 South.............. +16 West ............... +14 Austria 43 .......... +7 Azerbaijan 994 .. +9 Bahamas* 1-242 .+1 Bahrain* 973...... +9 Bangladesh 880 ................. +12 Belarus 375 ....... +8 Belgium 32 ........ +7 Belize 501 ............ 0 Benin 229........... +7 Bhutan 975 ...... +12 Bolivia 591 ......... +2 Bosnia & Herzegovina 387 ................... +7 Botswana 267 ... +8 Brazil 55 East .................. +3 West ................. +2 Brunei 673 ....... +14 Bulgaria 359 ...... +8 Burkina Faso 226 ................... +6 Burundi* 257...... +8
To find a City Code or for more information on international dialing, please visit one of the following websites: http://www.the-acr.com/codes/cntrycd.htm - or - http://countrycode.org
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Skidmore ................................................... 64487 Stanberry................................................... 64489 Tarkio......................................................... 64491 Watson ...................................................... 64496 Westboro................................................... 64498
Missouri Albany ....................................................... 64402 Amazonia................................................... 64421 Barnard...................................................... 64423 Bethany ..................................................... 64424 Bigelow...................................................... 64437 Burlington Jct ............................................ 64428 Cameron.................................................... 64429 Clearmont.................................................. 64431 Conception................................................ 64433 Conception Jct.......................................... 64434 Corning...................................................... 64437 Cosby ........................................................ 64436 Craig.......................................................... 64437 Dearborn ................................................... 64439 Elmo .......................................................... 64445 Fairfax........................................................ 64446 Faucett ...................................................... 64448 Fillmore...................................................... 64449 Forest City................................................. 64451 Fortescue .................................................. 64437 Graham...................................................... 64455 Grant City .................................................. 64456 Helena ....................................................... 64459 Hopkins ..................................................... 64461 King City.................................................... 64463 Langdon .................................................... 64446 Maitland..................................................... 64466 Maryville .................................................... 64468 Maysville.................................................... 64469 Mound City................................................ 64470 Oregon ...................................................... 64473 Quitman..................................................... 64487 Rock Port .................................................. 64482 Rosendale ................................................. 64483 Savannah................................................... 64485
Iowa Clarinda ..................................................... 51632 Hamburg ................................................... 51640 Red Oak .................................................... 51566 Shenandoah .............................................. 51601 Sidney ....................................................... 51652
Nebraska Auburn....................................................... 68305 Brownville.................................................. 68321 Falls City.................................................... 68355 Nebraska City............................................ 68410 Peru ........................................................... 68421 Hospitals Bergan Mercy............................................ 68124 Bryan Memorial ......................................... 68506 Children’s .................................................. 68114 Clarkson .................................................... 68105 Fairfax Community .................................... 64446 Heartland East........................................... 64506 KC Research ............................................. 64132 NKC Memorial ........................................... 64116 Neb. Methodist.......................................... 68114 St. Joseph ................................................. 68131 St. Luke’s .................................................. 64111 Univ. of NE Med........................................ 68198
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