

Adrian ..................... 816 Advance ................. 573 Anderson ................ 417 Appleton City ......... 660 Arnold ..................... 636 Arrow Rock............. 660 Ash Grove............... 417 Aurora..................... 417 Auxvasse ................ 573 Ava ......................... 417 Bell City .................. 573 Belle........................ 573 Belleview ................ 573 Belton ..................... 816 Benton.................... 573 Bernie ..................... 573 Bethany .................. 660 Billings .................... 417 Bismarck ................ 573 Blackburn ............... 660 Blackwater.............. 660 Blairstown............... 660 Bland ...................... 573 Bloomfield .............. 573 Blue Eye ................. 417 Blue Springs........... 816 Bolivar .................... 417 Bonne Terre............ 573 Boonville................. 660 Bourbon.................. 573 Branson .................. 417 Braymer .................. 816 Brazito .................... 573 Breckenridge .......... 660 Breckenridge Hills .. 314 Brentwood.............. 314 Bridgeton................ 314 Brookfield ............... 660 Buckner .................. 816 Buffalo .................... 417 Bunceton ................ 660 Bunker .................... 573 Butler ...................... 660 Calhoun .................. 660 California ................ 573 Camden Point ........ 816 Camdenton............. 573 Cameron................. 816

Campbell ................ 573 Cape Girardeau...... 573 Cardwell ................. 573 Carl Junction .......... 417 Carthage................. 417 Cassville ................. 417 Centertown............. 573 Centerview ............. 660 Centralia ................. 573 Chaffee ................... 573 Chamois ................. 573 Charleston .............. 573 Chesterfield ............ 636 Chilhowee............... 660 Chillicothe............... 660 Clark ....................... 573 Clarksburg.............. 573 Clarksville ............... 573 Clever ..................... 417 Climax Springs ....... 573 Clinton .................... 660 Cole Camp ............. 660 Columbia ................ 573 Concordia............... 660 Conway .................. 417 Corder .................... 660 Craig....................... 660 Crane...................... 417 Creve Coeur ........... 314 Crocker................... 573 Cuba....................... 573 Dearborn ................ 816 Deepwater .............. 660 De Kalb................... 816 De Soto .................. 636 Delta ....................... 573 Dexter ..................... 573 Diamond................. 417 Dixon ...................... 573 Edgerton................. 816 Edina ...................... 660 El Dorado Springs .. 417 Eldon ...................... 573 Ellington.................. 573 Elsberry .................. 573 Eminence................ 573 Eugene ................... 573 Eureka .................... 636 Excelsior Springs ... 816 Fair Grove............... 417

Fairfax..................... 660 Fairview .................. 417 Farber ..................... 573 Farmington ............. 573 Fayette.................... 660 Fenton .................... 636 Ferguson ................ 314 Festus..................... 636 Fillmore................... 816 Fletcher................... 573 Florissant ................ 314 Fordland ................. 417 Forsyth ................... 417 Fort Leonard Wood.. 573 Frankford ................ 573 Fredericktown ........ 573 Freeburg ................. 573 Fulton ..................... 573 Gainesville .............. 417 Galena .................... 417 Gallatin ................... 660 Garden City ............ 816 Gideon.................... 573 Gilliam..................... 660 Gilman City............. 660 Gladstone ............... 816 Glasgow ................. 660 Golden City ............ 417 Goodman ............... 417 Gower..................... 816 Graham................... 660 Grain Valley ............ 816 Granby.................... 417 Grant City ............... 660 Gravois Mills........... 573 Gray Summit .......... 636 Green Ridge ........... 660 Hannibal ................. 573 Hardin..................... 660 Harrisonville............ 816 Hartville................... 417 Henrietta................. 816 Herculaneum.......... 636 Hermann................. 573 Hermitage............... 417 Higbee .................... 660 Higginsville ............. 660 High Ridge.............. 636 Hillsboro ................. 636 Holden .................... 816 Holt ......................... 816 Holts Summit.......... 573

Hopkins .................. 660 Hornersville............. 573 House Springs........ 636 Houston.................. 417 Houstonia ............... 660 Humansville ............ 417 Huntsville................ 660 Hurdland................. 660 Iberia....................... 573 Imperial................... 636 Independence ........ 816 Ionia........................ 660 Irondale................... 573 Jackson .................. 573 Jamesport .............. 660 Jasper..................... 417 Jefferson City ......... 573 Joplin...................... 417 Kansas City ............ 816 Kearney .................. 816 Kennett ................... 573 King City................. 660 Kingsville ................ 816 Kirksville ................. 660 Kirkwood ................ 314 Knob Noster ........... 660 La Belle................... 660 La Grange............... 573 La Plata .................. 660 Lake Ozark ............. 573 Lamar ..................... 417 Lancaster................ 660 Latour ..................... 816 Lawson ................... 816 Lebanon ................. 417 Lees Summit .......... 816 Leeton .................... 660 Lexington................ 660 Liberal..................... 417 Liberty..................... 816 Lilbourn .................. 573 Lincoln.................... 660 Linn......................... 573 Linneus ................... 660 Lockwood............... 417 Lone Jack............... 816 Louisiana ................ 573 Lowry City .............. 417 Macks Creek .......... 573 Macon .................... 660 Madison.................. 660 Maitland.................. 660


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