
Calling Features & Voice Mail System User Guide

Forwarding A Message While listening to messages, you can send a copy of a message to another recipient. 1. Press 5 to forward the current message. 2. Enter the telephone number of the recipient you are forwarding the message to, and then press # . 3. You will be prompted to record an introduction message and press # to send your message. You can also press # to send your message without changing any options. 4. Once the message has been sent, you automatically return to the original message.

Replying To A Message - Dialing The Originator • While listening to a message, you can call the person back by pressing 4 and selecting option 1. • This capability will not work if the Voice Mail system was not able to identify the Caller ID information when the original Voice Mail was received, or if your phone is configured with call restrictions which prevent you from calling the originator’s number. Delivery Options Menu 1 Review the Message

2 Mark Message as Urgent 3 Mark Message as Private # Send the Message “As Is” * Exit or Cancel

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