
Calling Features

Voice Mail Main Menu 1 Play Messages 2 Send Messages

Voice Mail Save unlimited two-minute messages for up to 14 days; you may check or delete your messages from any phone. How It Works: The Voice Mail system is menu driven. Listen to the voice prompts and then press the keys on your phone to select which option you would like. First Time Sign-in The first time you access your Voice Mail, you will be asked to set up your mailbox by creating a PIN and recording your name and greeting. You can only initialize your Voice Mail using your primary phone. At this time you will be required to create your own 6- to 20-digit PIN. The PIN number has restrictions as follows: 1. Dial *99 (listen to voice prompts). 2. Must create PIN. a. PIN code must be between 6 and 20 digits. b. PIN code must not have a single digit repeated more than 2 times in a row. c. PIN code must not be in numeric sequence, such as 1234. d. PIN code must not include part of your telephone number. 3. Record your recorded name. 4. Record your greeting. When you have unheard messages, you will be notified by a stutter dial tone when picking up the receiver or by a message waiting indicator light if your telephone has one. The greeting and recorded name are played each time a caller accesses your mailbox to leave a message. Accessing Voice Mail: From Your Own Phone: 1. Press the Messages button or dial *99 . 2. Enter your Voice Mail PIN followed by the # key. 3. If you have new messages, the messages will be identified. 4. After hearing any new messages, you will be presented with the Voice Mail Main Menu. From Another Phone: 1. From an external phone, dial 256-638-9005 to access Voice Mail. 2. When prompted, enter your 10-digit number. 3. When prompted, enter your Voice Mail PIN followed by the # key. 4. If you have new messages, the messages will be identified. 5. After hearing any new messages, you will be pre sented with the Voice Mail Main Menu.

3 Work With Greetings 4 Mailbox Settings

6 Access Deleted Messages 7 Log On As A Different User 0 Help * Exit Voice Mail System Changing Your Voice Mail PIN 1. From your landline phone, dial *99 and enter your old PIN. 2. From the Main Menu, press 4 to change your settings. 3. Press 3 for security options. 4. Press 1 to change the PIN (see PIN restrictions under First Time Sign-In). Message Playback Options While listening to your Voice Mail messages, the following

options are available: Listen To Message

1 Repeat Message 2 Save as New 3 Delete 4 Reply to Message

5 Send a Copy

8 Pause/Resume * Return to Main Menu # Next Message

Work with Greetings Menu 1 Personal Greeting

2 Extended Absence Greeting 3 System Generated Greeting and Name Recording Greeting 5 Busy Greeting 6 Out-of-Office Hours Greeting 9 Forward All Calls to Voice Mail Greeting 0 Help * Exit and Return to Main Menu # To Hear Again Recording Your Personal Greeting 1. Access your Voice Mail by dialing *99 and enter your PIN. 2. From the Main Menu, press 3. 3. To set up a personal greeting, press 1. 4. To set up a system generated greeting or to change the recording of your name, press 3. 5. To change the greeting that callers hear when you’re busy, press 5. 6. If you don’t record a personal greeting, a generic greeting will be played.


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