Note: Unless otherwise indicated, the follow- ing offices are located in the Jackson County Cou house at 102 E. Laurel St., Sco sboro, AL 35768. 38th Judicial Circuit Judges Circuit Cou Judges Honorable John Graham ............................................... 256-574-9345
Probate Judge Honorable Victor Manning Suite 11................................ 256-574-9290
Jackson County Board of Education Kevin Dukes, Superintendent 46003 Alabama Hwy. 35 Sco sboro, AL 35768 .......256-259-9500 Board Members: Dr. Angela Guess, Chad Gorham, Dr. Angela Guess, Mike Ma hews, Robe King Jr. Sco sboro City Board of Education Amy Childress, Superintendent 305 S. Sco St. Sco sboro, AL 35768 ....... 256-218-2100 Board Members: Patricia Stewa , Lee Benson, Jason Williams, Dr. Gary Speers and Patrick Woosley County A orney John F. Po er, III 102 E. Laurel St., Suite 19 Sco sboro, AL 35768........256-244-0500 County Coroner John David Jordan 409 S. Broad St. Sco sboro, AL 35768........ 256-259-1023
Sheriff Chuck Phillips .....................256-574-2610
Revenue Commissioner Jeff Arnold Suite 12................................ 256-574-9260
Honorable Brent Benson ............................................... 256-574-9350
Mapping and Appraisal ............................................... 256-574-9390
Circuit Clerk Ba Buchanan ...............................256-574-9320 ext. 324 County Commission Bill Nance, Chairman; Danny Rich, Jason Venable, A.J. Buckner and Kevin McBride Suite 47 ............................... 256-574-9280
Prope y Tax Depa ment ............................................... 256-574-9270
Vehicle Tax, Tag and Title Dept. ............................................... 256-574-9260
Public Works Dept. County Engineer Jonathan Campbell 395 Shelby Drive Sco sboro, AL 35768........256-259-6037 Solid Waste 288 Shelby Drive Sco sboro, AL 35768........256-259-2820
District A orney Jason Pierce ....................... 256-574-9240
District Cou Judge Honorable Don Word ......... 256-574-9355
Emergency Management Agency Basement, Room 10 ......... 256-574-9344
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