Local & Long Distance Dialing Local Calls • For Local Calls, Dial 10 Digits - Area Code and Number.
Long Distance Calls • Remember, dial 1 + the area code when making all long distance calls.
Type of Call
Calls within the
Calls outside the
South Central Bell Calling Zone
other carriers’ Calling Zone
Within the 256 area code
1 + 256 +
1 (or long distance service access code + 1) + 256 + the telephone number
the telephone number
Outside the 256 area code
1 + the area code + the telephone number
1 (or long distance
service access code + 1) + the area code + telephone number
“800” Service telephone numbers
1 + 800 + the telephone
1 + 800 + the telephone
OPERATOR - ASSISTED CALLS (collect, third number, person-to-person, etc.) Within the 256 area code
0 + 256 +
0 + 256 + the telephone number
the telephone number 0 + the area code + the telephone number
Outside the 256 area code
0 + the area code + the
telephone number
Dial 0 twice (00) or follow directions provided by your long distance company
Credit for poor connections, wrong
Dial 0 to reach your Operator
cut-off calls
DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE Telephone numbers, names, and addresses may be obtained from an operator by dialing one of the following numbers: NORTHEAST ALABAMA : 1 + 411 or 411. LONG DISTANCE WITHIN ALABAMA : 1 + area code + 555-1212. OUTSIDE ALABAMA : 1 + area code + 555-1212
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