Customer Information
Credit for Loss of Service If you have already reported that you are unable to make or receive calls and your telephone has been out of service 24 hours or more, you are entitled to a prorated credit on your next bill for the local service charges. Customers are advised to call our office at 901-872-7000 to report telephone equipment problems. DO NOT CALL “0”.
Inside Wire Maintenance With wire maintenance, Ritter Communications will be responsible for all existing wiring repairs and jacks inside your home or business for a flat fee each month. Directory Accuracy Even though every effort is made to compile this directory accurately, errors sometimes occur. Ritter Communications or its publisher, DPS Media, assumes no liability for damages arising from errors or omissions in publishing this directory. Please report incorrect listings promptly so that we may change our records and do whatever we can to protect your service in the meantime. Telephone Set Deregulation All telephone equipment (customer premises equipment) in your home or business is owned by the customer. This includes telephones, extension bells, chimes, key equipment, inside wiring, etc. Equipment excluded are coin telephones and network terminations (data modems, terminal sets, amplifiers, etc.). The telephone company continues to maintain the lines up to the house, but the customer will be responsible for the repairs or replacement for all inside equipment. This is in compliance with Federal Communications Commission and Tennessee Public Service Commission 1987 directives.
Disconnecting Service If you are moving or leaving the area, please call your service representative and give the date for disconnection of service and your forwarding address. New Installations With a satisfactory credit, your installation charges can be billed to you. The person responsible for the bill must sign the application card and provide proper identification.
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