Millington, TN-2020 Overlay
Radio Stations & Broadcasting Companies
Real Estate All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, whichmakes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national ori- gin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation,ordiscrimination."Wewillnotknow- ingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Baskin S J Enterprises 989 Highway 51 N ................................. 476–2647 Century One LLC 29 Robbins Rd.............. 296–8019 Crye-Leike Realtors 13690 Highway 51 S.............................. 840–1181 Or............................................................. 872–1181 Exit Realty Blues City 11124 Highway 51 S.............................. 837–1343 Franklin Square Apartments 61 Franklin Square Dr ........................... 840–3460 Green Meadows Development 1506 Munford Av.................................... 840–4358 Home Town Realty 10620 Highway 51 S Atoka................... 837–7355 Continued Next Listing Page As if we could kill time without injuring eternity! ~Henry David Thoreau~
Jones Orchard 7170 N Highway 51......... 873–3150 Propane > SeeGas-Propane Property Management Rusty Gilbreath Properties 130 E Liberty Av Covington ................... 475–6261 Quality Control Consultants > SeeBusinessConsultants;ManagementConsultants Radio Communication Equipment & Systems
CPT & T Radio Station Inc 6960 Bucknell Rd.................................... 872–8863 C P T & T Radio Station Inc 6960 Bucknell Rd.................................... 872–1380 Radiotelephone Communications Equipment & Systems > SeeMobileTelephoneEquipment& Service Ranches Tennessee Baptist Boys Ranch Family House 9292 Quito Rd................. 873–2610 Memorial House 9272 Quito Rd............ 872–4094 Piper House 9278 Quito Rd................... 873–2809 Sutton House 9260 Quito Rd................. 873–2960 Vacation House 9248 Quito Rd ............. 872–2421 Volunteer House 9266 Quito Rd ........... 872–0670 Rape Crisis Centers
C B Shop .................................................... 594–5565
Use a strand of uncooked spaghetti to test a cake for doneness when a toothpick isn’t long enough, or if you don’t have any toothpicks in the house.
> SeeCrisisInterventionService Rape & Sexual Abuse > SeeCrisisInterventionService
To remove candle wax from woodwork...soften the wax with a hair dryer, then wipe up with an absorbent cloth. Finish up by washing the woodwork with a mild vinegar solution to remove any traces of the wax.
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