

Call Trace Disturbing calls can be traced with CALL TRACE. With CALL TRACE, the phone number, time and date of the last call you received are automatically recorded on telephone company equipment. This information is only provided to GoNetspeed security and the appropriate law enforcement agency if you decide to file a complaint. Voice Mail VOICE MAIL is easy to use, private and reliable. With no equipment to buy or clutter your desk, VOICE MAIL answers your call if you are not home, on the phone or online. When you are unable to take the call, callers are forwarded to your VOICE MAIL where they can leave a message for you. Best of all, your VOICE MAIL messages can be retrieved anytime, anywhere, from any touch tone phone. Customize your VOICE MAIL ser vice with a mailbox for each family member or employee. Each message is stored and can be retrieved privately and reliably. Choose the VOICE MAIL package that’s right for you. BASIC VOICE MAIL • Personalized 1 minute greeting. • Played messages retained for 30 days. DELUXE VOICE MAIL • Personalized 1 minute greeting. • Played messages retained for 45 days. • Find Me Follow Me with web portal online management.

• VOICE MAIL to email – receive VOICE MAIL messages in your email. Announcement Only • Record a customized announcement for your callers. Callers may not leave messages, but can receive valuable infor mation. Great for schools, athletic asso ciations and churches. To retrieve your VOICE MAIL messages: From your own touch-tone phone: 1. Enter *99 . 2. Enter your 4-digit PIN when prompted. 2. Enter your 10-digit telephone number. 3. Enter your 4-digit PIN when prompted. 4. Follow the voice instructions. Toll Restriction See unwanted long distance calls on your bill? Do you have visitors, roommates or children you do not want making long distance calls? Then you need TOLL RESTRICTION. This service allows you to restrict long distance calls from being made on your line. TOLL RESTRICTION options: Basic Restriction • No 1 + long distance calls can be made. • Caller is able to make 911 emergency calls. Basic Restriction with PIN • All 1 + long distance calls are restricted. • User may enter 4-digit PIN code to bypass restriction and make 1 + long distance calls. • Caller is able to make 911 emergency calls. To use BASIC RESTRICTION with PIN: 1. Enter *94 . 2. Enter 4-digit PIN code. 3. Listen for dial tone. 4. Enter the 1 + long distance telephone number. 3. Follow the voice instructions. From any other touch-tone phone: 1. Call 660-834-6246 .


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