


Spillars Jim 28138 Hays Rd Tipton............... 660-433-5962 Spinner Paul 2805 Daryl Dr Sedalia............. 660-826-6489 Spradling Chester 3375 Cedar Springs St Pettis County................. 660-851-0459 Spratley Allen C 30721 S Grand Ave........... 660-826-0304 Spratley John 30670 McCormick Rd............ 660-826-2996 Sprigg V ......................................................... 660-886-9467 Springer Merlyn ........................................ 660-433-2454 Springston Jim & Phyllis 24554 Highway AC Slater.................................. 660-784-2663 Springwater Greenhouse & Landscape 1340 N Highway O............................................ 660-886-3700 Sprinkle Donald 23597 Anderson School Rd Sedalia................... 660-827-1724 Sprinkle Tommy & Tara 21934 Palmer Rd.............................................. 660-826-8732 Spry Lisa 901 Olsen Dr Sedalia...................... 660-851-0777 Stacey Janice 1505 W Kay St Marshall........ 660-886-5506 Stackhouse Wayne W 1615 S Quincy Ave Sedalia................................ 660-826-6860 Stafford Chas 33273 Highway F................... 660-529-2732 Stafford George L Atty 206 W Maple St Slater...................................... 660-529-2266 Staley Coby 800 E Keg St.............................. 660-831-5268 Stalker Wena ............................................... 660-826-0554 Stallings Tom & Susan 209 E Meadow Crest Ct..................................... 660-886-6189 Stallman Dale 620 Saline Glasgow.............. 660-338-2870 Stanley Black & Decker 1500 Waterloo Dr............................................. 660-826-4206 Stanley Pamela 120 Highway 187............... 660-848-2154 Stanley Phil 745 Main St Slater.................... 660-529-3188 Stan's Mfa 18833 Highway 87 Boonville......... 660-882-7660 Staples Print & Marketing 3601 W Broadway Blvd Sedalia......................... 660-851-7446 Stapleton Amy ............................................ 660-248-3512 Stark Robt C 32125 185th Trl....................... 660-886-6051 Starke Steven D & Nopawan 705 Prestwick Farms Rd................................... 660-829-1203 Starline 1300 W Henry St Sedalia................... 660-827-6640 Starr Pines 21298 Pleasant Hill Rd............... 660-882-6858 Starrett Betty 3701 10th St Sedalia.............. 660-851-5179 State Beauty Supply 903 Royal Blvd Sedalia...................................... 660-827-4051 State Fair Community College Academic Records & Registrar.......................... 660-530-5829 Admissions....................................................... 660-530-5833 Adult Education & Literacy................................ 660-530-5815 Business Office................................................. 660-530-5826 Campus Store................................................... 660-530-5840 Career & Technology Center Ctc....................... 660-530-5806 Daum Museum Of Contemporary Art................. 660-530-5888 Disability Access Services................................. 660-530-5832 Donald C Proctor Library................................... 660-530-5842 Financial Aid..................................................... 660-530-5834 Foundation Office............................................. 660-530-5811 Fred E Davis Multipurpose Center..................... 660-530-5808 Human Resources............................................. 660-530-5825 Learningforce................................................... 660-530-5822 President's Office............................................. 660-530-5835 Stauffacher Box Office...................................... 660-530-5814 Student Services............................................... 660-530-5830 (Continued on next column)

Communities Listed Below Are On Page 1 Of This Section.

State Fair Community College Cont'd Student Success Center.................................... 660-530-5831 Switchboard 3201 W 16th St Sedalia................. 660-530-5800 TDD.................................................................. 660-530-5812 Testing & Career Services................................ 660-530-5818 Residence Hall.................................................. 660-530-5854 1694 W Ashley Boonville................................. 660-672-7014 The Kemper Campus 701 3rd St Boonville......... 660-882-3090 State Fair Floral 520 S Ohio Ave Sedalia.... 660-826-1700 State Fair Moving 118 N Lamine Ave Sedalia................................. 660-826-1946 State Fair Shopping Center 1010-1/2 Thompson Blvd Sedalia...................... 660-826-8600 State Fair Spirits 1419 S Limit Sedalia....... 660-826-1232 State Farm Agent Zank Dale 103 S Miami Ave..................... 660-886-9626 State Farm Insurance Companies Agent Ward Margaret 1710 W Main St............. 660-827-1151 State School For Severely Handicapped 945 N Miami..................................................... 660-886-7419 Staten Kenneth Gen & Carol 163 Highway 5.................................................. 660-248-2764 Staton Erica 715 3 St Glasgow..................... 660-338-4000 Staus Fred & Sheila 21806 Hwy O............ 660-827-3379 Staus Gerald & Marcia 25525 Hwy V...... 660-827-3299 Staus Kevin 2302 E 15th St Sedalia............... 660-827-0298 Staus Lynn 2673 S Marshall Ave Sedalia....... 660-829-0672 Stay True Tattoo 2123 Broadway Sedalia.... 660-826-4646 Steakly Julie 18961 Highway 98 Boonville... 660-882-7183 Steck Greg DVM 1229 Murphy Ford Rd Centertown..................... 573-584-3368 Steck Greg & Teddi 1229 Murphy Ford Rd Centertown..................... 573-584-3368 Steding Bruce & Janis 37728 E Highway 41 Nelson.............................. 660-837-6188 Steding Edward 32077 133rd Trl Nelson.... 660-859-2434 Steed JF ........................................................ 660-886-2185 Steele Dennis 30057 Garrison Rd................ 660-827-3795 Steele James & Susan 319 Corprew....... 660-248-1082 Steele Jan 36197 190th Rd Nelson................ 660-837-3325 Stees Michael Jr ....................................... 660-826-0469 Stegner Jeff & Ruth 9050 Blue Bird Rd Pilot Grove........................... 660-834-4404 Stegner Virgil 10999 Hwy 135 Pilot Grove. . . 660-834-4333 Steinbacher William 19437 Stacey Ct...... 660-882-5710 Steinhardt Brandy 530 N Euclid Ave.......... 660-529-2402 Steinmetz Eric & Jennifer 609 Route T Jefferson City................................ 573-584-9854 Stella's 307 Main St Boonville......................... 660-882-5341 Stemmons Carolyn 107 Louisiana............. 660-248-2965 Stemmons Chrissy 1002 Weyland Rd Boonville............................... 660-672-0100 State Fair Community College Boonslick Technical Education Center


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