





352, 357, 373, 376, 864 = Wasilla 495 = Willow

622, 689, 694, 696 = Eagle River

733 = Talkeetna • Mountain Creek • Skwentna • Trapper Creek

582 = Anderson • Clear 583 = Tyonek • Beluga 683 = Healy • Denali National Park 688 = Chugiak • Peters Creek

745, 746, 761, 861 = Palmer • Butte • Chickaloon • Glacier View • Sutton

768 = Cantwell 892 = Big Lake • Houston

Also Including Anchorage Listings

The publisher cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy of the information appearing in this directory or the complete absence of errors or omissions. Please note that advertisers under certain headings (e.g., electrical contractors, lawyers, physicians, plumbers) may be subject to licensing requirements, and the publisher does not and cannot guarantee that each advertiser has complied with those requirements. For more information, contact the advertiser or the appropriate trade organization or regulatory agency. The publisher does not assume any liability for inaccurate information appearing in advertisements, errors or omissions, or the failure of an advertiser to comply with applicable licensing requirements.


ANCSA Native Corporations

Abdominal Supports

Accountants-Certified Public

An Affordable & Personalized Service TAX PREPARATION COMPUTERIZED BOOKKEEPING PAYROLL SERVICES ELECTRONIC FILING HATCHER VIEW BUSINESS PARK 4900 Palmer-Wasilla Hwy Ste 5 Wasilla .................. 907 376-5376 Count On LLC 165 E Parks Hwy Wasilla ................... 357–7707 422 Inc 401 W Int Arpt Rd Suite 31............... 563–1620 Fax Line................................................ 563–1628 Fowler's Tax Accounting & Consulting Inc 11127 Old Eagle River Rd Eagle River....................................... 696–2900 Hahn Cathleen S CPA Fax Line .............. 644–1423 Herr Joyce A CPA LLC Eagle River ........ 622–0800 K Street Accounting Inc ......................... 277–3317 Lacombe Bookkeeping Service 3450 Spinnaker Dr .............................. 345–0865 Molitor Doremus & Co............................ 279–7447 Namtvedt & Co CPAs Inc 851 E Westpoint Dr Ste 206 Wasilla. 376–3576 Payroll Connection .................................. 562–6677 Peters John P CPA 511 W 9th Ave ....... 279–4531 Robub Corporation 1231 Gambell St Ste 200 ................... 258–4743 Scottax & Accounting ............................................................. 344–2205 L LaVonne Scott EA Fax Line................................................ 563–1500 Sramek-Hightower CPA's 2525 C St Suite 100............................ 563–6722 Stevens & Reppel APC 3900 Arctic Blvd Suite 202................. 569–6060 Tax Associates 1107 E 72nd Ave ........... 258–3650 Walsh Laura CPA 511 W 9th Ave .......... 279–4531 To keep batteries fresh during long term storage... place them in a plastic bag and store them in the refrigerator.

Aleut Corporation 4000 Old Seward Hwy Suite 300....... 561–4300 Aleut Enterprise Corporation 4000 Old Seward Hwy Ste 300.......... 277–7500 Aleut Foundation The 703 W Tudor Rd Ste 102.................... 646–1929 Arctic Slope Regional Corporation 3900 C St............................................. 339–6000 Bering Straits Native Corporation 4600 DeBarr Rd .................................. 563–3788 Calista Corp 301 Calista Ct .................... 279–5516 Chugach Government Services Inc 3800 Centerpoint Dr Ste 1200 ........... 563–8866 Fax Line................................................ 563–8402 Cook Inlet Region Inc 2525 C St........... 274–8638 Far West Ventures Inc 4000 Old Seward Hwy Ste 201.......... 276–2580 Fax Line................................................ 272–2581 Gana A'Yoo Ltd 1205 E Int Arpt Rd Ste 100 ............... 569–9599 Fax Line................................................ 569–9699 Kijik Corporation 4155 Tudor Centre Dr......................... 561–4487 Koniag Inc 3800 Centerpoint Dr Ste 502 ............. 561–2668 Old Harbor Native Corp 2702 Denali St..................................... 278–6100 Red Mountain Solutions.......................... 865–8600 St George Tanaq Corporation 701 Sesame St Ste 200 ...................... 272–9886 Fax Line................................................ 272–9855 Seldovia Native Association Inc 700 E Dimond Blvd.............................. 868–8006 Fax Line................................................ 868–8042 White Mountain Native Corporation ...... 622–5003 ATV Repair > See All-Terrain Vehicles-Repairing & Service To clean artificial flowers, pour some salt into a paper bag and add the flowers. Shake vigorously and the salt will absorb all the dust and dirt and leave your artificial flowers looking like new! Works like a charm!

Wiki Wiki Onolicious LLC........................ 865–5980 Abortion Alternatives Organizations listed at this heading pro- vide assistance, counseling, and/or in- formation onabortion alternatives. They DO NOT provide counseling or informa- tion on the attainment of abortions. CPC Community Pregnancy Center 4231 Lake Otis Pkwy Anch................. 337–9292 Heart To Heart Pregnancy Resource Center 12110 Business Blvd Eagle River....... 694–1747 HeartReach Center 865 S Seward Meridian Pkwy Wasilla ................................................. 373–3456 TSR Incorporated 620 E 10th Ave ......... 278–1160 Abuse Information & Treatment Centers > See Alcoholism Information & Treatment Centers;Crisis Intervention Service;Drug Abuse & Addiction-Information & Treatment Accountants ACC-Sys Consulting LLC 634 K St .......... 277–2325 ATH FAB Group LLC ................................ 677–2624 Accounting Support And Consulting Services 951 E Bogard Rd Wasilla ................... 373–2727 Accountx Professional Service ............... 332–3600 Adams Nancy J CPA 4925 E 43rd Ave.................................. 338–1456 Fax Line................................................ 338–7874 Alaska Society Of Certified Public Accountants 2600 Cordova St Ste 211 ................... 562–4334 Bowles & Associates LLC 911 W 8th Ave Suite 202 ................... 274–9720 If your cellphone lands in the toilet, bathtub, or sink you may be able to save the phone. Pull the battery out ASAP. Then dry the inside of the phone with a hair dryer. Put the battery back in to see if it works. You probably will have to get a new battery. Take the phone to a service center to have it checked out.

Aasand & Glore LLC 1400 W Benson Blvd Ste 100 ............ 279–9430 Accounting & Forensic Services PC 305 Eagle St ........................................ 334–9501 Alban & Company CPA's 3150 C St Ste 250............................... 522–3222 Fax Line................................................ 349–4960 Altman Rogers & Co 425 G St............................................... 274–2992 Soldotna ............................................... 262–7478 Juneau ................................................. 586–3993 Fax Line................................................ 274–2993 Arnold & Coulter CPA 4341 B St............................................. 563–0106 Fax Line................................................ 563–0167 Bailey Teresa M CPA 1407 W 31st Ave................................. 562–0884 Bassler Carla CPA PC 801 W Fireweed Ln............................. 272–2041 Fax Line................................................ 272–6241 Beltrami & Associates PC Fax Line................................................ 345–9700 Blank & Smith CPA's ............................... 562–7170 Brandon Skinner Group PC 3201 C St Suite 601............................ 563–4425 CFO Growth Solutions............................. 770–3772 Carmen Jackson CPA LLC 375 S Old Meridian Cir Wasilla ......... 357–2671 Centinel Pacific Accounting LLC 5050 E Dunbar Dr Wasilla.................. 373–4100 Consulting Professionals Of Alaska....... 694–0105 Daro Andrea CPA .................................... 563–4522 Devore Billie CPA 203 W 15th Ave Suite 201 ................. 272–3727 Fax Line................................................ 272–3722 FOSSELMAN & ASSOCIATES CPAS INC 610 S Bailey St Palmer...... 745–0135 Foster And Company LLC Wasilla .......... 376–6901 Fowler & Hunsaker CPAs 726 K St ....... 279–6535 Frederick M Strand CPA ......................... 563–1041 GD Morris Inc 4141 B St ....................... 279–5179 Hanrahan Michael R CPA CFP PO Box 92843 Anch ............................ 276–0457 Hanson Douglas E CPA 3400 Spenard Rd................................. 276–1710 Continued Next Listing Page “Reflect upon your present blessings

of which every man has many – not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” ~ Charles Dickens ~

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