Marseilles, IL-2016
Now Includes Listings for: SENECA • OTTAWA
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Copyright 2016 by Directory Publishing Solutions, Inc., Printed in U.S.A.
Abortion Alternatives Organizations listed at this heading provide assis- tance, counseling, and/or information on abortion al- ternatives. They DO NOT provide counseling or infor- mation on the attainment of abortions. Illinois Citizens For Life-Illinois Valley Area Resource Center 301 W Main St Ottawa.................... 434–7223
Accountants-Certified Public
George V Farenzi & Associates 227 W Madison St Ottawa............................................ 433–3746 HIPES LAURA CPA LTD
Specializing in Tax Services Consulting • Accounting • Payroll
Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor Tax Preparation, Planning, E-File IRS & State Tax Representation 1015 LaSalle St Ottawa................................ 815 434-1040 Income Tax Etc Ltd 628 Columbus St Ste 404 Ottawa... 434–2450 Lockas Duane K CPA 610 Clinton Ottawa........................ 433–0464 Peabody Wm W CPA 601 W Norris Dr Ottawa.............. 434–0393 Roenfeldt & Lockas PC 610 Clinton Ottawa.................... 433–0464 Roenfeldt Richard L CPA 610 Clintn Ottawa.................... 433–0464 Wilcoxson & Associates Ltd 628 Columbus Ottawa ....... 433–3700 Adhesives & Glues Hb Fuller Adhesives LLC 7440 W Dupont Rd Morris...... 357–8320 Adjusters Crawford & Company Insurance Adjusters Inc 417 W Madison Ottawa ................................................ 434–3182
Abuse Information & Treatment Centers > SeeAlcoholismInformation& TreatmentCenters;Drug Abuse& Addiction-Information& Treatment Accountants
Carretto & Associates 1507 La Salle Ottawa.................. 433–0077 Hicks Accounting & Tax Service 469 Main St Marseilles................................................. 795–4363 Tax Stohr The 1028 La Salle Ottawa ............................... 434–7279 TRI-COUNTY MANAGEMENT “The Answer To All Your Accounting & Tax Needs.” • James R. Burroughs President - Over 35 Years Experience 118 E Jackson St Morris ........................... 815 942-4147
Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil, and you’re a thousand
miles from the corn field. ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower ~
Put a sheet of fabric softener underneath each seat in the car to make it smell nice.
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